The Deverills & Crockerton
From Lords Hill towards Longbridge Deverill
by Pat Armstrong
August 2007
Look inside for local information
Not four weddings and a funeral,
but three beginnings and an ending!
The 19th July marked the beginning of the Reverend Harvey Gibbons’ ministry at The Minster and Upton Scudamore. These two parishes will become a new benefice. The remaining parishes of the Cley Hill Team will also see some changes. Current proposals bring the Deverills and Horningsham together as a single parish, which will join the parish of Corsley and Chapmanslade, to become the Benefice of the Cley Hill Villages. It is hoped that the two new benefices will come into being on 1st January 2008. In the meantime, to use education-speak, we will be working towards the inauguration of the new arrangements.
Whatever the area of our lives, changes are not always easy! Hopefully, the good of the past will continue, and there will be opportunities to be innovative in addressing the issues of rural ministry today.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped in any way during the vacancy, but our retired Clergy, Readers, and Church Wardens in particular. Your contribution has made my job easier.
As we look forward to the future, we wish Harvey and Liz and their family much happiness in their new home. We look forward to getting to know them, and working alongside them within the Deanery.
On Saturday 29th September we shall celebrate with Diana Britten, her ordination as a deacon. The service will be held in Salisbury Cathedral at 11.00 am. Please put the date in your diary, look out for information about a coach or car-sharing arrangements if you would like to attend that service.
The Cley Hill Team will formally come to an end probably in December, to allow the formation of the two new benefices mentioned above.
So in this time of continuing change, I offer you this prayer:
May the Maker’s blessing be yours, encircling you round, above you, within you.
May the Son’s blessing be yours, the wine and the water, the bread and the stories, to feed you, to remind you.
May the Spirit’s blessing be yours, the wind, the fire, the still small voice, to comfort and disturb you.
May the angels’ blessing be yours and the joy of the saints to inspire and, to cherish you.
And may my own blessing be yours, a blessing rooted in our common pilgrimage, the blessing of a friend.
Norma Payne - Team Vicar
Education! Education! Education!
Nobody doubts the importance and priority of education. With us, it is a matter of improving what we already have: in the developing world the task is to build sufficient schools in the first place. It is a tragedy when talents and abilities go unused and undeveloped for lack of education.
Thanks to 30 years of civil war, the Sudan has the lowest access to education in the world. Only 2% of the population complete even primary education: secondary schools are rare.
In Juba, the southern capital, the Episcopal Church of Sudan has 10 primary schools but, until this April, owned no secondary school to which children could move on to. In April a miracle happened when a number of opportunities came together: a Salisbury congregation tithed the money they had collected for refurbishing their church and wanted to put it into a project in the Sudan; the Sudanese Archbishop longed to get education on its feet again, to assist in this process a young Englishman taking a year off from his work in the City of London was in Juba (with CMS); and a visitor to Juba from Corsley was in the right place at the right time! Thus, within the space of one year, it has been possible to build, staff and open the first stage of the Juba Diocese Secondary School. There are currently 86 pupils on roll, to rise to the first year total of 120. Further buildings are on course for the next two years’ intake.
A third of these pupils will need financial sponsoring, for the Church has decided that no child shall be debarred through lack of funds. Sponsorship costs £100 a year and includes school fees, simple uniform, text books and school meals - £300 for the entire 3 years’ schooling. A small committee within the Salisbury Diocese has set about finding sponsorship: 30 sponsors have so far come forward. Sponsors could be an individual or a group of up to six. We are inviting volunteers from the Deverill valley to join together to sponsor a child for three years. Could there possibly be a more precious gift?
To learn more about the school or to offer help, contact us on 844581.
Richard and Margaret Askew
Journey to the Dawn of Faith
Once again we hope to lead a pilgrimage next year to explore areas where the Christian faith first took root and blossomed. When Jewish and Roman pressure drove the Christians out of the Holy Land, the centre of gravity moved to what is now Turkey. Our pilgrimage there will help us to encounter Paul travelling on his missionary journeys, John writing his letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation, and the Church’s leaders developing the faith we hold today.
Full details of our pilgrimage are in the brochures in each church porch. The dates are 9th to 23rd April 2008. Please ring us for more information 844581. Join us if you can.
Richard and Margaret Askew
1,000 miles, 80 days, 20 marchers, 1 message:
Cut the Carbon
As I write, the Christian Aid marchers will be preparing to leave Belfast on 14th July at the start of their peaceful protest march to raise awareness on climate change issues. By the time you read this they will have crossed by ferry to Scotland (marking time all the way of course), walked across to Edinburgh, where a big rally will be held, and will be approaching Newcastle on Tyne.
The big date for Warminster, and your chance to hear of their experiences en route and their stories of the effects of climate change in their home countries, is Tuesday 18th September when they make an overnight stop here.
Anyone interested in Climate Change is invited to attend the free evening event in the Minster from 7.30–9.00 pm. Short ‘interviews’ with some of the walkers and a question and answer session will be followed by the chance to chat over light refreshments and pick up information and campaign materials.
For information on Christian Aid’s campaign see
Helen Hemingway 841471 or
Boot-cum-Antiques Sale
I am having a sale (rubbish upwards!) in the garden at Longmead, Brixton Deverill, Wednesday 22nd August, from 11.00 am - 4.00 pm. There will be a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Do come and bring your friends.
The Entrance Charge of £3.00 is in aid of the Deverill Valley Churches Fabric Fund.
Mary Stewart Cox
Women’s Refuge in Salisbury
Thank you to all those who have donated towels for the Women’s Refuge since my appeal last month. There is still a need for more, so if you have any towels, large, medium, or small in good condition you would like to donate, please leave them in the porches of Kingston or Longbridge churches labelled ‘Women’s Refuge’, thank you.
Barbara Beilby 844995
Thursday Group Pre-School Children and Parents
The group will meet during the summer from 10.00-11.30 am in Longbridge Hall except on Thursday 16th August, after the Family Day out to Longleat (see page 2). Any other trips will be announced at the meetings.
Barbara Beilby 844995
Deverill Valley & Crockerton Women's Institute
This month’s meeting is on Monday 13th August at 7.30 pm, in Longbridge Deverill Hall. Richard Gregory, a food chemist, will explain food labelling to us; our competition is to design a food label. Do come and join us, everyone is welcome.
Ann Dufosee (840360)
On the third Monday evening of each month a group of WI members and friends meet to play two friendly games of Scrabble, in Longbridge Deverill or Sutton Veny village halls. More players are most welcome – of any ability! Yes, we do use those 2 letter words but we do use cheat sheets too!
For those who would like play in the afternoon we invite you to a Scrabble tea, at Longbridge village hall on Wednesday 5th September at 2.15 pm. Two games, with afternoon tea between for £2.50.
Whether you like words and haven’t played Scrabble before or are a keen regular player, please ring Ruth 212415 or Jill 840209 if you would like to come or for more information about the evening games.
Crime Scene Investigation
Come to Longbridge Deverill Village Hall on Friday 7th September 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm, when Alf Tucker will give an introductory talk on Crime Scene Investigation in our area, and answerquestions from the audience. A Fish and Chip supper will be served, but please bring your own drinks. Tickets are £6.00 from Sylvia Titt 214825 or Pat Wood 840535.
Jo Nelson
Salisbury Theatre Club Trips
The coach starts from Kingston Church at 6.10 pm and collects through Deverills and Crockerton. The cost is £15.00 which includes the theatre seat £10.00 and coach trip £5.00. The performances begin at 7.30 pm.
Future productions
Monday 17th September ‘Northanger Abbey’ by Jane Austin
Monday 22nd October ‘Alphabetical Order ‘ Michael Frayn
Monday 19th November ‘Othello’ William Shakespeare
To book a seat phone Mary Stewart Cox 840877 (BA12 7EJ)
Longbridge Deverill Garage Recycling
The Longbridge Deverill Village Hall Committee is most grateful to Willem Norlander for his cheque for some £360 raised through the recycling at the Longbridge Deverill garage. Those who live locally are asked to continue to use Willem's recycling facilities as the Hall benefits handsomely thereby.
Anne Honley Longbridge Deverill Village Hall Secretary
Save the Children Fund Cream Teas and Open Garden
Come along to Mill Farm House in Hill Deverill on Sunday 26th August and Sunday 30th September. There will be lots of cakes and plants for sale as well as other interesting items. Please come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon in the barn or garden.
Anne Hurd (840039)
89th Corsley Show Monday 27th August - Bank Holiday
Come along and enjoy all the activities: Terry Grant Car Stunt Show, Three Counties Harness Club Carriage Driving, Frome Dog Training Agility Group Display, Blackhearts/Druids Revival Band in the Beer Tent, Horticulture and Craft Show, Food & Craft Marquee, Dog Show, Kids’ Races, Vintage Vehicles, Fun Fair, Horse & Pony Show, Refreshments, Trade Stands. Please enter produce, arts and crafts in the Horticulture and Craft Tent. Schedules with details available at Longbridge Deverill garage or ring 01373 832700.
Jenny Rutty Corsley Show Secretary
The Fight for Sight
The charity fair 2007 for Fight for Sight will be held on Friday 5th October at the Standerwick Centre at Frome Market. It will open at 10.00 am and close at 3.30 pm. There is a restaurant for snacks or lunch, and parking is easy and free. There will be stalls selling clothes, food, jewellery, children's clothes, leather goods, silks, fashion accessories, presents for all and much more. Ideal for Christmas shopping!
Fight for Sight is the UK's largest eye research charity, specialising in the causes of glaucoma, age-related degeneration, and other eye diseases.
Rose Stocker
Sunday 9th after Trinity
5th August Kingston 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662)
Canon Richard Askew
Longbridge - 10.00 am Morning Worship Rev John Goodden
Sunday 10th after Trinity
12th August Kingston - 9.30 am Patronal - Holy Communion
Rev Richard Askew
Brixton - 6.00 pm Evensong
Rev Norma Payne
Sunday 11th after Trinity
19th August Longbridge - 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662)
Rev Norma Payne
Brixton - 9.30 am Holy Communion Rev Norma Payne
Sunday 12th after Trinity
26th August Longbridge - 9.30 am Holy Communion
Rev Norma Payne
Sunday 13th after Trinity
2nd September Brixton - 8.00 am Holy Communion
Longbridge - 10.00 am Morning Worship
Wednesdays Longbridge - 8.30 am Morning Prayer
& Fridays Rev Norma Payne
Pleases note:
Diana Britten will be licensed in July and ordained as a Deacon at 11.00 am on Saturday 29th September in Salisbury Cathedral.
Deverills and Crockerton Website
Some technical problems are still holding up the re-launch of the website but we are working on it and hope to have it up and running soon, but in the meantime, unfortunately, the site is not up to date.
Judy Munro - Editor
Upper Deverills Village Hall
Management Committee Needs New Members
The Upper Deverills Village Hall plays a key role in the social life of those who live in the Upper Deverills. A range of events, some traditional and some new, are organised for the enjoyment of all. There is always scope for new ideas and projects.To that end the Management Committee would welcome new members to join the Committee. Responsibilities are not onerous and are always fun. Further details from Richard Cousens on 844970.
Upper Deverills Summer Fete Saturday 21st July
Despite unpredictable weather and damp conditions the annual Fete was well attended. The Dog Show, kindly organised by the Davies family, proved a main attraction and many Deverill Doggies competed for the waggiest tale, best fetch, etc. Inside the Village Hall diverse gardening and handicraft talents were reflected, and the various stalls were well supported. As usual the help offered by many individuals in setting up and clearing up the show was hugely appreciated by the Committee. The major results were:
Village Hall Cup (Flowers & Vegetables) Judy Munro, Angela May equal First.
Liz Peters Cup (Handicrafts) Dinah Barnes
Junior Shield Alexander Jalland
Dog of the Day Cup Miller – expertly handled by Evie Godwin
Molly Walker Cup Peter Marsh – for his furniture entry