This lesson assignment worksheet has two parts. Forpart one, you will complete a Classroom Management Plan for the first days of school. Your plan should havefivesections, with the answers to several questions in each section. Many of the answers can be taken from your work on the Lesson 4 Learning Activities and Check Your Understanding sections or copied from your Best Practices Journal. Part two requires you to reproduce your work on the t-chart that you completed for the Check Your Understanding exercise.
Part 1 of 2–“First Days” Classroom Management Plan:
Plan Section 1 – Classroom Management Plan Rationale
a.Include a brief description of your students, grade level and content.
b.From this lesson, include:
-Research that supports your plan (Marzano readings, research from the online lesson, and from Lesson 2, screen 4, the 8 ways teachers respond to high- and low-achieving students)
-Your learners’ needs and the demands of your content.
-How your rules and procedures support school-wide rules and procedures.
-The relationship you diagrammed between expectations, respect, responsibilities, rules and procedures (include the diagram you developed and a brief description of it)
Plan Section 2 – Your First Day Introduction
In the space below, enter the narrative of what you will say by way of introduction to yourself and the course, either at the door or after all students are assembled in their seats.
Plan Section 3 – Expectations, Rules & Procedures
-Student and teacher expectations (how will you frame “respect and responsibility”?)
-A list of the procedures and rules you will establish (indicate your sources for the procedures and rules, e.g., Marzano, Wong, observed master teachers, etc.)
-The type of consequences you will enforce (will you use individualized consequences, one-sentence interventions, something else? will you use rewards?)
-How, if at all, you will involve your students in the design of classroom rules and procedures
Plan Section 4 –Description of Procedure Practice & Schedule
Describe how and when will you practice the procedures you will use with your students.
Plan Section 5 –Inspiration Drawn From Readings & Videos
You have done a large amount of reading and you watched two videos on the practices of effective and ineffective teachers. What do’s and don’ts would you like to remember from the video clips and readings?
Part 2 of 2 – Scenario T-Chart
Complete the chart below, entering examples of effective and ineffective classroom management actions from the scenarios in the Check Your Understanding exercise for this lesson (Screen ).
Ineffective Classroom Management / Effective Classroom Management- (example) From Scenario A – Cranwell is at his desk ignoring students as they arrive.
Indicate what each teacher was overheard saying in December. Support your answer with points from the characteristics you identified above.
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