Español iiI


James Clemens High School / Teacher: / Kristin Taylor
11306 County Line Road / Email: /
Madison, AL 35756 / Phone: / 256-216-5313 ext 95216
I. Course Description: / In this course students will continue to develop and enhance acquired skills from levels I & II. The focus will be on self-expression and attaining an acceptable degree of proficiency in communication. Speech, advanced grammar, composition, literary selections, and in-depth cultural studies will be used to increase knowledge in the target language. A greater cultural understanding will allow students to fully participate in the global community.
II. Course Objectives: / 1.  Ability to read and discuss culturally authentic text.
2.  Ability to use speaking and writing skills in order to give presentations on a variety of topics.
3.  Ability to conjugate and understand verbs in the following tenses: imperfect and preterit, subjunctive, future.
4.  Acquisition of cultural information in such areas as history, politics, economy, art, entertainment.
III. Classroom Expectations: / 1.  Please be in your assigned seat with all necessary materials and begin the class warm-up activity when the bell rings.
2.  Be polite and courteous to your teacher and fellow students. Behave in a manner conducive to learning for everyone.
3.  Participate, be attentive, take notes, and ask pertinent questions.
4.  Keep your work area neat.
5.  Choose an “amigo” or “amiga” in class with whom you can study or get notes or assignments after an absence.
6.  You are encouraged to schedule a conference with me if at any time your grade falls or you do not understand a concept introduced in class. Extra help is available! All requests for accommodations for this course or any school event are welcomed from students and parents.
7.  Follow all rules in the JCHS Student/Parent Handbook and Madison City Schools Handbook.
Consequences: warning, conference, phone call home, referral to administration (steps may be skipped due to severity of offense).
Concerning laptop utilization:
1. Under no circumstances are student laptops to be wired to the network or have print capabilities.
2. No discs, flash drives, jump drives, or other USB devices will be allowed.
3. Neither the teacher, nor the school is responsible for broken, stolen, or lost laptops.
4. Laptops will be used at the individual discretion of the teacher.
1. The academic misconduct policy of the school will be followed in this course.
2. The attendance policy of the school will be followed for this course.
3. Any student who receives failing grades during this course is urged to discuss this with the teacher immediately.
IV. JC Grading Policy: / Daily grades will be 30% of your nine week grade. Daily grades include: homework, in class assignments, activities, and participation. Test grades will be 70% of your nine week grade. Test grades consist of: unit tests, quizzes, and projects. The final exam is worth one-fifth of your final average.
V. JC Make-up Test Policy: / TBA
Text / Avancemos III, accompanying workbook
VII. Materials and Supplies Needed: / 1.  A 3-ring binder, dividers, loose-leaf paper, pencil, black or blue pens (all assignments must be written in pencil or blue/black ink) Bring supplies everyday.
2.  Headphones to use with electronics (to use in class ONLY).
18 Week Plan
(This syllabus can change at any time)
Week 1 / Introductions, Rules and expectations, Lección Preliminar, Oral question review
Week 2 / Lección Preliminar – Review
Vocabulario: talking about self, saying what you know how to do, talking about people and places, describing daily routine, making comparisons
Gramática: verbs like gustar, present tense, saber or conocer, ser or estar
Week 3 / Unidad 1 Lección 1
Vocabulario: Camping, Nature
Gramática: preterite verbs, regular and irregular
Cultura: México
Week 4 / Unidad 1 Lección 1- 2,
Vocabulario: Camping-Family Relationships
Gramática: preterite, imperfect Tense, preterite vs. imperfect
Cultura: México
Week 5 / Unidad 1 Lección 2
Vocabulario: Family relationships
Gramática: Preterite vs. Imperfect , Review
Cultura: México
Week 6 / Unidad 2 Lección 1
Vocabulario: Volunteer Activities
Gramática:Tú commands, Usted/Ustedes commands
Cultura: Los Estados Unidos
Week 7 / Unidad 2 Lección 1- 2
Vocabulario: Family relations ,Requests and Recommendations
Gramática: Pronouns with Commands
Cultura: Los Estados Unidos
Week 8 / Unidad 2 Lección 2
Vocabulario: Requests and Recommendations
Gramática: Impersonal expressions + infinitive, Review
Cultura: Los Estados Unidos
Week 9 / Unidad 3 Lección 1
Vocabulario: Environmental Concerns
Gramática: Future Tense, Por and Para
Cultura: Centroamérica
Week 10 / Unidad 3 Lección 2
Vocabulario: Social Awareness, Presenting and supporting opinions
Gramática: Present Subjunctive of Regular Verbs
Cultura: Centroamérica
Week 11 / Unidad 3 Lección 2 Unidad 4 Lección 1
Vocabulario: Presenting and supporting opinions, Describing others, Professions
Gramática: Review, Subjunctive w/ Ojalá and verbs of hope
Cultura: El Caribe
Week 12 / Unidad 4 Lección 1
Vocabulario: Describing others, Professions
Gramática: Subjunctive w/ Ojalá and verbs of hope
Cultura: El Caribe
Week 13 / Unidad 4 Lección 1
Vocabulario: Describing others, Professions
Gramática: Subjunctive w/ Ojalá and verbs of hope
Cultura: El Caribe
Week 14 / Unidad 4 Lección 2
Vocabulario: Expressing positive and negative emotions, more professions, supporting opinions
Gramática: Subjunctive w/ doubt, Review
Cultura: El Caribe
Week 15 / Unidad 4 Lección 2
Vocabulario: Expressing positive and negative emotions, more professions, supporting opinions
Gramática: Subjunctive w/ doubt
Cultura: El Caribe
Week 16 / Unidad 5 Lección 1
Vocabulario:Travel Preparations, Computers, Requirements and Conditions
Gramática: Subjunctive w/ conjunctions
Cultura: Los países andinos
Week 17 / Unidad 5 Lección 1
Vocabulario:Travel Preparations, Computers, Requirements and Conditions, Participating in group discussions
Gramática: Subjunctive w/ conjunctions
Cultura: Los países andinos
Week 18 / Review, Oral Exam, Final Exam

* The syllabus serves as a guide for both the teacher and student; however, during the term it may become necessary to make additions, deletions, or substitutions. Adequate notice will be provided to students of any necessary changes.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I am so excited to have the opportunity to teach your student in my class this semester! I look forward to helping your student gain a more in depth understanding and appreciation for the Spanish language. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have concerns about the progress of your student or any other part of my class. Please read the attached policies with your student, then sign and date this signature page and have your student bring the form back to class. Also, please provide a current email address and phone number where I can contact you should the need arise. Please email me or call me at the school with any questions or concerns! I look forward to a great year!

Thank you,

Kristin Taylor

James Clemens High School

Spanish Teacher

My child and I have read and discussed the classroom syllabus.

Student Name (Print) ______Date______

Student Signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian Name (Print)______Date______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

Email address______(w) ______(h)

Phone number______(w) ______(h) ______(c)

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