On the Road

A five day program designed to help youth to investigatetheir own encounter/s with Christ more clearly, and ultimately follow through with the call to missionary discipleship. Based on the RCIA model, the program will build on itself with movement from their first call through formation, guidance, and practice to be used in their day to day life. The program will wrap up with practical tips and steps for youth to take what they know, the ways they have grown throughout the program and go out as missionary disciples.

The days will be structured through the following movement:


Who are you? Retracing your journey. Starting with your baptism all the way through today how have you lived out your faith created in the image of God, encountering Christ, and learning more about yourself. See Christ in Adoration.


Who is Jesus? Why does he matter? Spend time talking in small and large groups about the person of Christ. Engage activities as a community of new friends learning about belonging to your own communities. Practicing prayer using intercessions.


What does Jesus ask of YOU? How do you live out your Catholic identity? Make concrete plans for living out your faith with prayer and joy. Work on writing out your own witness story. Pray Liturgy of the Hours.


Do you listen for God’s voice in your life? Do you need some practice? Blending spirituality and discernment, activities that help you to make good decisions and really spend time looking at your life. Use the IgnatianExamen.


After spending the week learning more about Jesus, the Church, yourself and making new friends you will have an opportunity to practice witnessing to your faith by sharing your witness talks, and experiencing a closing liturgy sending you out on your new mission.

Youth will spend time individually reflecting, connecting with a small group, working one on one with adult guides on witness talks and goal setting, and building a community throughout the week. Using the areas of theology, discipleship, human skills building, and spirituality the program will encounter and offer youth guidance that is well rounded and diverse in approach to faith development. The goal is for the youth participants to have the space to grow deeper in faith, challenged to live out that faith in new ways, and encouraged to witness in love to the truth of Jesus.

For more details contact:

Amanda Castonguay

(716) 847-8793