Template for adolescent users of mental health care (MHC) services

Please fill in:

Country / Country
Region / Region
1.  Objectives of this survey

The current consultation round aims to seek an answer on the following question:

·  To what extent the needs of adolescents are being met by the existing (integrated) care settings in Europe?

We highly appreciate your contribution in this consultation round and we would be very pleased if this template could be sent back to us ultimately the 30th of June via .

The ADOCARE project and research is part of a commonly endorsed action framework on mental health and wellbeing in Europe and responds as such to the objectives of the strategy Europe 2020.

You can find more information about ADOCARE on our website: www.adocare.eu

In case you have any questions regarding this template or the ADOCARE project, don’t hesitate to contact us:

Iona Vermet, MD
Junior Researcher
Evelien Coppens, PhD
Research Coordinator‬‬‬
Prof. Dr. Chantal Van Audenhove
Research Director
+32 16 37 34 31

LUCAS – Centre for Care Research and Consultancy | Kapucijnenvoer 39 - bus 5310 | 3000 Leuven | http://www.kuleuven.be/lucas
2.  Context

In Europe, young people and their environment too often do not find appropriate help when they experience mental health problems. The traditional health care structures often fail to take into account the specific needs of adolescents. This is due to the fact that in many countries, MHC facilities are oriented towards children or towards adults. This is why the specificity of mental health problems for teens and young adults is often overlooked and not well enough addressed. In addition in many countries there is a shortage of MHC facilities in general as well as specifically for adolescents.

In order to enhance the establishment of adapted and integrated care settings for adolescents across the Member States, ADOCARE:

·  provides an overview of good practices of MHC adapted to the needs of the target group of adolescents

·  constructs a network of specialists in MHC for adolescents

·  makes a detailed analysis of existing practices with a focus on their advantages, weaknesses and transferability to other member states.

·  develops guidelines for the European Policy in the field of MHC for adolescents;

Some key definitions that we use in this questionnaire are:

·  Adolescents: young people between 12-24 years old.

·  Integrated care setting: MHC service that not only provides medical and psychological treatment to adolescents, but that supports adolescents to reintegrate as good as possible into society. Hence, integrated care should also take into account other needs, such as the need for education, the need to find good housing or a good job, the need to build trustful relationships with others.... Therefore, it is essential that an integrated care setting collaborates with other organisations within a broader network.

3.  Confidentiality

All your answers in this questionnaire will be kept confidential and will not be shared with your physician or clinic.

In order to make good recommendations for the European policy makers, it is important that we have knowledge of

·  the kind of MHC service that you used in the past 6 months

·  some of your personal characteristics

·  the psychological problem(s) that you have experience

Hence, we would like to ask you the following details:

The name of the MHC service you used in the past 6 months / Name
Website of this MHC service, if available / Website
Your age / Age
Your gender / Website
The diagnosis or problem you sought help for in the past 6 months is best described as followed (please tick the right box):
Depressive disorder
Bipolar disorder
Anxiety disorder
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Autism spectrum disorder
Behavioural problem
Psychosis or schizophrenia
Eating problem
Addiction (alcohol or drug use)
Self-inflicted injury
None of these
I don’t know
4.  Description of the MHC service you used in the past 6 months

We are interested in the profile of the MHC service you have used in the past 6 months. Interesting characteristics are the available treatment and counselling options offered by the service and what type of care setting you used. To map these features, please fill out the following questions.

a)  Can you please tick (in the table below) what kind of care that you received in the past 6 months?

I used
Home based care
Day care
Outpatient ambulatory care
Residential care in hospital
Residential care, non-hospital (unstaffed group homes, nursing homes)
Other (please describe below)

·  If you answered ‘other’, please describe this in the box below:

Answer here

b)  Was the MHC service where you received treatment exclusively for adolescents? (adolescents are aged 12-24 years old)



I do not know:

·  Do you experience being treated in a MHC service where other age groups (such as children or adults) also receive treatment as a shortcoming?



I do not know:

·  Can you please explain why?

Answer here

c)  We are interested in how you felt about the care/treatment that you received in the MHC service you used in the last 6 months. Please tick in the table below to what extent you agree with the following expressions.

Over the past 6 months, when I received care/treatment in the MHC service, I was: / Not at all / Rather not / In between / A lot / Definitely
asked for my ideas
given choices about treatment
satisfied that my care was well organized
asked to talk about my goals
Over the past 6 months, when I received care/treatment in the MHC service, I was: / Not at all / Rather not / In between / A lot / Definitely
sure that my doctor or nurse thought about my values, beliefs and traditions
helped to make a treatment plan that I could carry out
encouraged to attend programs
referred to a specialized treatment that matches my own needs
For the MHC service I used in the last 6 months, I agree that: / Not at all / Rather not / In between / A lot / Definetely
the MHC service supports me to live my life
the MHC service provides the necessary information and/or support to my family
the MHC service offers me opportunities that are meaningful to me
The MHC service I used in the last 6 months, took into account specific needs I might have, such as: / Not at all / Rather not / In between / A lot / Definitely
educational needs
finding good housing
finding a good job
building trustful relationships with others
spending free time in a meaningful way

d)  What are in your opinion important issues that a good MHC service for adolescents should take into account?

Please rate in the table below the listed statements. Feel free to add important issues that are not in the list below.

A good MHC service ... / Not important at all / Rather not important / Neutral / Rather important / Very important
... asks for my ideas
... stimulates me to think about my own treatment
... asks me about my goals
... takes into account my values, beliefs and traditions
... refers me to a specialized treatment that matches my own needs
... helps me to (re)integrate into society as good as possible
... supports my family
A good MHC service ... / Not important at all / Rather not important / Neutral / Rather important / Very important
... offers opportunities (e.g. activities, skills training) that are meaningful to me
... addresses my educational needs
... helps me to find good housing
... helps me to find a good job
... helps me to build trustful relationships with others
... helps me with self-care
... helps me to spend free time in a meaningful way

Are there other important issues that a good MHC service for adolescents should try to fulfil? Please add these in the box below.

Answer here

Are you aware of good initiatives for adolescents with mental health problems? Please add these in the box below.

Answer here