Civic Voice Trustee Application Form

Thank you for your interest in Civic Voice. Please refer to the information on the website about the desired skills and experience of our trustees before completing this application form. It should be returned by email to 4 September at the latest.
Date of application: / Date received: (For Civic Voice use)
How did you learn about this vacancy?
Surname / First Name(s)
Address / Postcode
Telephone / Email
Are you a member of a civic societyY
NB A majority of our trustees must be members of a civic society and we expect all members of Civic Voice’s governing body will be civic society members / What is the name of your civic society?
Why are you interested in volunteering for this role?
Which area of Civic Voice’s work particularly interests you and why?
What do you think the main challenges and opportunities faced by Civic Voice and the civic movement will be over the next few years?
What relevant skills and experience would you bring to the role? Please provide information on relevant employment or voluntary experience. Please refer to the desired skills and experience of trustees on the website.
If you are a member of a civic society and applying for one of the six trustee roles from civic societies then please provide a personal statement of no more than 200 words explaining why you should be made a trustee. This will be used online as part of the ballot procedure and it will be the only information made available to civic societies when making their selection. We reserve the right to edit any statement that exceeds 200 words. Applicants for the Chair or Treasurer roles who are members of a civic society are encouraged to complete the personal statement and participate in the ballot.

Do you know of any reasons which would prevent you from becoming a charity trustee or company director (e.g. undischarged bankruptcy, unspent conviction for deception or dishonesty or previous removal as a charity trustee)?

Yes No

If yes, please give details and dates in the space below.

I confirm that all the information given in this application form is to my knowledge true and accurate.

Signed: / Date:8.3.2010

Civic Voice will be working to build and maintain a culture which ensures that equality and diversity are explicit in all that we do.