A collaboration between Matt Bunday Events Limited, 103.9 Voice FM Radio and Southampton Solent University.
Booking Form for a concession. Saturday 13th May 2017.
Name: / Business Name:Address:
Post Code:
Telephone: / Mobile:
E Mail address:
Website: (If appropriate).
Agreed price and any conditions:
Description of business / product:
Please describe your stall including layout. Include a diagram if it helps.
Risk assessment of stall.
If a food vendor – which Local Authority are your registered with?
Terms and conditionsfor Entertainment,Food and Drink concessions.
Entertainment, food and drink concessions are available. Prices may vary depending on the exact nature of the concession being offered. There will normally be general product specific exclusivity available with these concessions. i.e. there will be only one burger van, curry stall, or particular type of children’s entertainment. However, there will be different food concessions and entertainments. The organisers will be very happy to discuss this with any interested party and confirm the details of any agreement in writing. Please do get in touch if you have any questions.
Terms and conditions for stalls.
No cars may be parked on the event site without the specific, written, and prior agreement of the organisers. This would only be agreed in very specific product related circumstances.
Traders will be held responsible for any damage to the park from their vehicles or stalls.
All traders must be on site by 11.00am. Traders/ exhibitors may drop off between 09.30am and 11.00am. There will be no access to the site after 11.00am and all must be removed by 11.30am unless agreed in advance. No vehicles will be allowed to return site until after the organisers have declared that such movement is safe and this must be agreed with the organisers as an escort is likely to be required.
Bookings are only confirmed after payment has been received AND a signed and fully completed application has been accepted and confirmed. Any agreed concession will be specific and no other product, service, or food may be sold.
Application forms must be completed in full, including the risk assessment, and be signed.
On arrival on the day of the event, stall holders will be directed to their pitch by a marshal. Stall holders may not occupy any other pitch.
In the event of postponement or abandonment, event lockouts, bad weather, acts of God, third party or other detrimental circumstances, the organisers or their agents shall not be held responsible for any expenditure, loss, damages or liability sustained or incurred during setting up, the period of the event or its breakdown.
If the event is cancelled by the organisers before the day or on the day, and the event does not take place, a full refund will be offered. If a pitch is booked and cancelled within 7 whole days of the event, then a refund will be offered, minus a £10 admin fee. No refund will be payable for cancellations within 7 whole days of the event.
Stall holders must have adequate public liability insurance and must be able to produce evidence of this. An appropriate fire extinguisher must be available if any naked flame or heat is present.
Food vendors must have the appropriate food hygiene certificates and be registered with their local authority.
Stalls/pitches are allocated on the understanding that there is no electricity available to stallholders at this event unless specifically agreed and made part of the agreement and the use of generators is strictly forbidden unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance.
There is water available at the site but it may be up to 50 -100m from your pitch.
Name: / Signature: / Date: