The Culinary Institute of America


Lorain County JVS

proudly presents

The Third Annual CIA/ProStart Day

Keynote Presenter

Chef Michael Symon

Food Networks Iron Chef, Dinner Impossible, Owner of Lola and Lolita

ProStart Culinary Institute

Joseph C. Crosby Jr.

CEO/President of Coach’s Low Country Brands

Culinary Demonstrations by:

Fritz Sonnenschmidt, CMC

Anton Flory, CMC

Paul Prosperi, CEPC
Arnym Solomon, Chef/CIA Trustee Emeritus

Why you should attend:

·  Receive the latest information on The Culinary Institute of America.

·  Meet our very own Food Networks newest Iron Chef Michael Symon

·  Network with other Ohio culinary teachers and students.

·  Meet two Master Chefs who have influenced culinary education and thousands of talented chefs throughout the world.

·  Meet CIA Alumni chefs in the Cleveland area.

·  Teachers, exciting news on the new ProStart Culinary Institute