Fleming County High School SBDM Policy 2.1
Middle College Program
The Fleming County High School Middle College Program is designed to meet the needs of students who excel academically and who possess the personal characteristics needed to successfully attend college earlier than the traditional age. Middle College students will enjoy the best of both worlds as they’ll be earning college credit and attending classes on a college campus (Maysville Community and Technical College/MCTC) while still participating in all the extra-curricular activities at their “home” high school. This handbook outlines specific requirements, criteria, and guidelines that will answer most, if not all, of your questions. If you need additional information please contact Libby Cannon at or Julie Moore at
GPA/ACT Requirements
Student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and be College Ready in all 3 Content Areas.
Subject / ACT Benchmark / Compass Benchmark*English / 18 or higher / 74 or higher
Math / 19 or higher / 36 or higher
Reading / 20 or higher / 85 or higher
*Compass testing must be scheduled by student at MCTC.
Attendance Requirement
Students must have at least a 93% Attendance Rate for the previous year to be eligible to leave FCHS to take a college class on campus at MCTC. Students must check in/out with the attendance clerk each day they attend classes at MCTC.
Transportation Requirement
Students must provide their own transportation to and from class. Transportation forms must be completed and signed by students and parents/guardians.
Fleming County High School will provide student meals prior to attending classes at MCTC or upon their return.
MCTC Schedule
Students must follow the MCTC schedule, and are expected to attend class at MCTS on the days that FC schools are not in session (i.e. snow days, fall break, etc.)
Tuition/Payment Requirement
Tuition at MCTC for the 2013-14 year was $432 per three hour class.
FCHS Students receive a 50% reduction in tuition, $216 per class.
Class tuition for next year is not set yet, but if there is an increase, it shouldn’t be more than $5 or $10 per class. Students taking MCTC classes will be expected to pay at the beginning of the semester, and will be
responsible for paying online or in person at the business office located on campus.
Mary Jo Young Scholarship
Students may apply for the Mary Jo Young Scholarship, which will help with the tuition for one class. More information can be found at https://www.kheaa.com/website/kheaa/mjyoung?main=2
Class Credit/Grades
Each MCTC class will count for 0.5 FCHS credit. Students who take English, Math, Social Studies or Science MCTC classes will earn weighted grades.
Midterm and Final Grades
Students must hand in a midterm grade report and a final grade transcript to the FCHS Counselor office for each MCTC class.
Dropped Classes
Students must notify FCHs Counselors immediately if he/she drops a class.
Failing to notify a counselor will result in student receiving a failing grade at FCHS if student is scheduled into a class period for independent work at FCHS.
Online Classes
1. Students may take as many online classes as they would like, but will be limited to no more than 2 class periods at FCHS to complete independent work. Students taking 1 online class will be provided only 1 period at FCHS.
2. Students must take one 16 week course or two consecutive 8 week courses for each scheduled FCHS period.
3. Student’s class load must match FCHS students during each trimester.
6 period FCHS day = 6 total classes (4 FCHS & 2 MCTC on campus)
Classes on MCTC campus
1. Students must take a minimum of two morning or two afternoon classes on campus.
Classes on campus may be on alternate days or the same day. Students taking classes on the same day must also take online classes and be scheduled for independent class work during the corresponding class time at FCHS.
2. Students must take one 16 week MCTC class or two consecutive 8 week MCTC classes for each semester on campus. Students will not be permitted to take one 8 week class on campus at MCTC.
3. Departure and arrival times will be specified in student’s contract once student’s schedules are set.
4. Student’s class load must match FCHS students during each trimester.
6 period FCHS day = 6 total classes (4 FCHS & 2 MCTC on campus)
Date Policy Adopted by Council: August, 2013