1.  FGCPS; 2003

  1. FWACS(Oph); April 1998
  2. MRCOphth; 1990
  3. Diploma in Ophthalmology, Glasgow. 1989
  4. MBChb.: University of Ghana Medical School, Legon, Accra.- 1983



  1. Senior Lecturer in Ophthalmology : University of Ghana Medical School, Accra

-May 2003 to date

  1. Lecturer in Ophthalmology : University of Ghana Medical School, Accra –October 1998 to May 2003
  2. Residency : Department of Surgery, Eye Unit, Korle – Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra – April 1994-October 1998
  3. Senior Medical Officer/ Specialist in Ophthalmology:

-Eye Unit, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, - 1990-1994

  1. Medical Officer:

-Eye Unit, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, 1985

Appointment in The Gambia- September, 2002 to August 2005

3 year contract as Technical assistant to the Gambian Government supported by Sight Savers International

1.  Consultant Ophthalmologist, Head, Eye Unit Royal Victoria Hospital

2.  Courses Coordinator, Regional Ophthalmic Training Programme

3.  Technical Coordinator, National Eye Care Programme

4.  Part-time Lecturer: University of The Gambia Medical School


  1. External Examiner: Ophthalmic Nursing School, University of Gambia, Banjul- July,2002
  2. Lecturer: Ophthalmic Nursing School, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, 1992,1997 to 2001, 2006 to date
  3. Examiner: Ophthalmic Nurses School, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital
  4. Lecturer in Ophthalmology : Nurses Training College, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital,1992-1993,
  5. Examiner, West African College of Surgeons, Diploma exams, Parts 1and 2 Fellowship exams
  6. Examiner, Ghana college of physicians and surgeons


  1. Hands on training in Deep lamellar keratoplasty-RVTH Banjul, by Dr. Chad Rostrum, Head of eye bank, St George’s Hospital, London –December 9th -19th 2003
  2. Virginia Eye Institute –November 5th-13th 2003
  3. Doctor RP Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, New Delhi, India: June/July 1992 (6 weeks)
  4. Tennent Institute of Ophthalmology, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland : October 1988-June 1989


  1. Current- Head of eye unit Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital and head of Allied Surgery sub-BMC –October 2013 to date
  2. Head, orbit and oculoplastic sub-unit, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital 2004 t0 date
  3. Tutor for Medical Students, University of Ghana Medical School- January,1999 to September,2002
  4. ICO Co-ordinator for Ophthalmic Residency Training , KBTH
  5. Leader, Ophthalmic Outreach Team, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra – 1993-1997
  6. Surgical duties at La Policlinic/ La General Hospital 2000 to date
  7. Member of the National Prevention of Blindness Committee – 1994-1997
  8. Member of Ghanaian group delegated to develop program for Gender Mainstreaming in the Health Sector, Entebbe, Kenya – June, 2000
  9. Member of Ophthalmology Sub-committee delegated to develop curriculum for Ghana National Post Graduate College – 2000
  10. Organised and participated in several national eye camps
  11. Organised several workshops for training of primary eye care workers
  12. Reviewed MOH manual on eye injuries for general medical practitioners-2000
  13. Reviewed MOH manual on emergency management – section on eye diseases-2000
  14. Reviewer: Ghana Medical Journal,2002 to date
  15. Head/Organizer, ocular ultrasonography services, Eye Unit, KBTH-2000-2002
  16. Organizer, Faculty Practice Services, Eye Unit, KBTH-2001-2002
  17. Chairman, National Eye Care Senior Management Team, The Gambia (Sept. 2002 to 2005)
  18. Member, Medical Advisory Committee, Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (2003 to 2005)
  19. Member, Hospital Supplies committee, RVTH, Banjul (2003 to date)
  20. Member, Faculty Board, University of The Gambia, The Gambia (2003 to 2005)
  21. Member, Health for Peace initiative (Eye Care) Working Group, Banjul the Gambia-(2002 to 2005)
  22. Organized Workshop for Developing a protocol for Assessment of Cataract Surgical needs for the Gambia.- 2nd – 3rd June 2003
  23. Produced document for and implementing Corneal Ulcer Services programme in the Gambia
  24. Chairman, Corneal Ulcer Services co-ordinating body, The Gambia (2003 to 2005)
  25. Treasurer, LOC, WACS 44th Annual General meeting, Banjul 2003-2004
  26. Produced The Regional Ophthalmic Training Programme Handbook- The Gambia, 2002
  27. Organised Training for Eye Workers and Lab Technicians for the Corneal Ulcer Services Programme, Banjul, The Gambia-!5th -19th Sept. 2003.
  28. Chairman, launching ceremony of All Sight Day celebrations, Banjul, 9th Oct. 2003
  29. Member of strategic Planning team for the faculty of Medicine and allied Sciences, university of the Gambia-2005
  30. SSI project review of the ophthalmic Nurses School, Accra -August 1-2, 2006
  31. Member of faculty board, Ghana college of Surgeons
  32. Refresher courses for Optometrist 2008, 2009
  33. Yearly Refresher courses for ophthalmic nurses, 2006 to date
  34. Board Member of Faculty of Ophthalmology WACS- 2011 to date
  35. Board member African Ophthalmology Forum 2009-2013
  36. Head, Eye Unit, Department of Surgery, UGMS
  37. Head, New Allied Surgery Sub-BMC, KBTH
  38. ICO Advocacy representative for ophthalmological society of Ghana
  39. Board member, faculty of ophthalmology, GCPS


  1. Acting National Co-ordinator of Eye Care Services, Ghana
  2. Acting Head of Eye Unit, Korle- Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana


  1. President Ophthalmological Society of Ghana, 2009 to 2013
  1. Honorary Treasurer– Ophthalmological Society of Ghana, 2007 -2009
  2. Honorary Treasurer- Ghana Medical Association, 1999– 2002.
  3. Honorary Secretary – Ophthalmological Society of Ghana, 1992-2000
  4. Assistant Honorary Secretary – Ghana Medical Association, 1998-1999
  5. Member – Ethics Committee, Ghana Medical Association, 1998-1999
  6. Council Member, Society of Ghana Women Medical and Dental Practitioners, 1999-2000
  7. Assistant Honorary Secretary, Ophthalmological Society of Ghana, 1990-1992
  8. Vice President , Glaucoma Association of Ghana, 1995-2001
  9. Honorary Secretary, Glaucoma Association of Ghana, 1991-1994


  1. Necrotic melanocytoma associated with polycystic liver disease and cutaneous neurofribomata. E M Ackuaku-Dogbe,G Osei-Kontoh,A M Alford J West Afr Coll Surg 2013 Oct-Dec;3(4):92-8
  2. Breakfast Eating Habits Among Medical Students. E. M. Ackuaku-Dogbe And B. Abaidoo Ghana medical journal June 2014 Volume 48, Number 2
  3. "Self-reported cataracts in older adults in Ghana: sociodemographic and health related factors."Yawson, Alfred E., Edith M. Ackuaku-Dogbe, Nana A. Seneadza, George Mensah, Nadia Minicuci, Nirmala Naidoo, Somnath Chatterji, Paul Kowal, and Richard B. Biritwum. BMC public health14, no. 1 (2014): 949.

4.  Psycho-social challenges of patients following orbital exenteration E. M. Ackuaku-Dogbe, R. B. Biritwum, Z. I. Briamah, East African Medical Journal 89.12 (2014): 385-389

5.  "Histopathological Features of Tumours of the Orbit and Adnexia seen in Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital."Ackuaku-Dogbe, E. West African Journal of Medicine31, no. 1 (2014): 58-62.

  1. "Review of orbital exenterations in Korle-bu teaching hospital."Ackuaku-Dogbe, E. Ghana medical journal45, no. 2 (2011).
  2. Suppurative Keratitis-A guide to the management of microbial KeratitisE. M. Ackuaku, M. Hagan, M. Newman St Francis Press, 2007
  3. Residents’ Companion in Surgical Practice, J N A.Clegg-Lamptey, HK Aduful: Advocate publishing Ltd. 2008 (Chapter on Common Eye Emergencies)

9.  Audit of Web-based telemedicine in ophthalmology.Kennedy, Craig, Richard Bowman, Nor Fariza, Edith Ackuaku, Christine Ntim-Amponsah, and Ian Murdoch. Journal of telemedicine and telecare12, no. 2 (2006): 88-91.

  1. "Aetiology of suppurative corneal ulcers in Ghana and south India, and epidemiology of fungal keratitis."Leck, A. K., P. A. Thomas, M. Hagan, J. Kaliamurthy, E. Ackuaku, M. John, M. J. Newman et al. British Journal of Ophthalmology 86, no. 11 (2002): 1211-1215.
  2. Management Outcome Of Suppurative Keratitis in Ghana – E. Ackuaku, M. Hagan, A. Leck, M. Newman. G Johnson: GMJ, 2003
  3. Osteomyelitis of the maxilla presenting as orbital cellulitis in a child

( Case report) G. Parkins, E Ackuaku, GMJ –March, 2002, Volume 36:1

  1. Xerophthalmia in malnourished children- E. Ackuaku, M. Hagan GMJ,2002, June, 35 (2:76-80)
  2. Visual Defects among Professional Drivers in Accra – E. Ackuaku. GMJ- March, 2000,Volume 34:1
  3. "Acanthamoeba keratitis in Ghana."Leck, A. K., M. M. Matheson, M. Hagan, and E. Ackuaku. The British journal of ophthalmology86, no. 10 (2002): 1187.
  4. Barriers to the Management of Chronic Simple Glaucoma- E. Ackuaku, M. Hagan, GMJ- December, 2000, Volume 35:4
  5. Impact of Improved Eye care delivery services on time of diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma-E. Ackuaku, M. Hagan, GMJ-September, 1999
  6. Eye Camp in Sefwi District: Reaching the Undeserved – M. Hagan, E Ackuaku et al GMJ- 1998,Volume 32A


  1. Management outcome of ocular surface conjunctival neoplasia-a pilot study In Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital. E.M Ackuaku-Dogbe, B. Quaye –East African Medical Journal
  2. Eye donation: awareness and willingness among patients attending a tertiary eye center in Ghana. E.M Ackuaku-Dogbe, B. Abaidoo –West African Journal of Medicine
  3. Cataract surgical uptake among older adults in Ghana. E.M Ackuaku-Dogbe, A.E Yawson and R.B Biritwum- Ghana Medical Journal
  4. Practice of oculoplastics in Korle Bu Teaching Hospital. E.M Ackuaku-Dogbe- Reader, University of Ghana



1.  Management of ocular surface squamous neoplasia GCPS annual conference CPD 10/12/14

2.  MelanocytomaNecrotic Melanocytoma Associated With Polycystic Liver And Cutaneous Neurofribomata COASCA 20/11/14

3.  Corneal cross linking OSG CME, 25/6/2011

4.  RECENT ADVANCES IN ORBITAL EMERGENCIES-surgical research meeting-December 2013

5.  Akuaku-Dogbe E, Alford M. "Conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma with orbital involvement in Ghana". Twenty-nineth European Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Annual Meeting, Cernobbio, Italy, 2011.

6.  Thyroid eye disorders Ghana college of Surgeosn CPD 2012

7.  Eye Banking and Eye Donation, Open Lecture, Accra, October 2010

8.  Diagnosis and management of corneal ulcers CPD Ghana College, Kumasi 8/8/08

9.  Orbital and adnexal injuries, WACS scientific Session, Calabar 2010

10.  Teaching Cataract surgical monitoring, the Banjul experience-TOT WORKSHOP, LAGOS, 20/11/06

11.  District Eye Care Delivery-The Gambian Experience Can it be implemented in Ghana? Dodowa, 25th July, 2006

  1. Cataract Surgery, past present and future- University of Ghana Medical School Scientific conference –May 2006
  1. Health For Peace Initiative- Intergovernmental Partnership- The Role Of Training-(Poster presentation-IAPB 7th General Assembly, Dubai, Sept. 20th -24th 2004)
  2. Ocular complications of Diabetes mellitus-Surgical Research Society (WACS, Ghana Chapter)-17/9/03
  3. Setting Up Corneal Ulcer Services, The Gambian Programme, SSI Regional meeting -1/9 03
  4. Difficulties in the Management of Chronic Open Angle Glaucoma (1 Hour Presentation, UGMS Post Graduate Seminar-19/7/2002)
  5. Vitamin A Deficiency among malnourished children in Accra, OSG Conference, Accra- September,2001
  6. Management of Common Eye Injuries – GMA CME –Accra, June 2000
  7. Vision Defects among Professional Drivers in Accra – International Conference on Low Vision- New York – July,1999
  8. Knowledge of Glaucoma in Socio-economic problems affecting glaucoma patients in Accra- 20th African Health Sciences Congress, Accra – April, 1999


  1. Corneal Ulcer Collaborative Multicentre Studies

( Local Research Fellow) ( 1997-2001)

This was a multi-centre project which I coordinated. The study centres were based in three geographical regions in Ghana . The study aim was to determine the epidemiology, aetiology and management outcome of suppurative keratitis. It was coordinated from Morfields. Astrid Leck was the Microbiologist.

  1. Vitamin A study among malnourished children in a Children’s Hospital in Accra – June, 1998-December,1999
  2. Study of Web-Based Telemedicine In Ophthalmology


  1. Clinical presentation and management outcome of conjunctival squamous cell carcinomas in Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

2.  Clinical And Pathological Presentation, Causes And Mangement Outcome Of Orbital And Ocular Adnexal Lymphomas IN KBTH-in collaboration with Dept of Haematology

  1. Outcome of Conjunctival autograft for pterygium excision and induced astigmatism
  2. Epidemiology and clinical presentation of thyroid associated orbitopathy


  1. COASCA conference: 20/11/14
  2. 8th Vision 2020 forum for West Africa
  3. World Ophthalmology Congress 2012/2013 (Abu Dhabi, Tokyo)
  4. Hilton Cataract meeting, Abudhabi- February 2012
  5. Workshop for harmonizing curriculum for the training of cataract surgeon in southern Africa- April 2007

6.  African Glaucoma Summit, Coconut Grove Regency Hotel Accra, Ghana ,August 6-7, 2010

7.  UGMS seminar on Teaching Methods, Sogakope 2010

  1. Membership/Fellowship Curriculum Review Meeting. 8 – 12 March 2011
  2. WACS workshop on Assessment April 2010
  3. ICO workshop on training of chairmen of Residency programmes in Africa- Addis Ababa-Nov. 2008
  1. IAPB (International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness) 7th General Assembly, Dubai- September 20th -24th 2004.

Courses attended:

  1. Small incision cataract surgery
  2. Telemed
  3. Glaucoma blindness prevention
  1. Facilitator in Stakeholders’ workshop for National Eye Care programme-Monrovia February 21st -26th 7th-12th 2002

My Presentations

  1. Vision 2020 The Right to Sight.
  2. Human resource development
  3. Comprehensive eye care services
  4. Childhood blindness and refractive errors
  5. Sustainability of eye care services
  6. SSI key performance indicators
  1. WACS Diploma in Ophthalmology Training Skills workshop-Ibadan-11th -12th October, 2004
  2. 18th ISGEO (International society of Geographical and Epidemiological Ophthalmology-Dubai- September 25th -26th
  3. American Academy of Ophthalmologists Annual congress –Nov 13th-18th 2003 (Participant in the Eye care America Programme)

CME Courses attended:

  1. Management of suppurative kerratitis
  2. Management of dysthyroid eye disease
  3. Workshop on computerizing the ophthalmic practice
  4. How to read and write a scientific paper
  5. Clinical features of retinal disease
  6. Management of complicated cararact
  7. Update on IT workshop ,Banjul, Gambia
  8. Review Meeting on the Diploma in Ophthalmology Programme of WACS, Accra,-Sept. 17th-18th 2003
  9. Seminar on Human Rights, Ethics and Legal Responsibilities in the Medical and Dental Profession
  10. Ghana Medical Association Annual Conferences – 1994-2002, 2004
  11. WACS Annual Conferences, Accra*;Nigeria, Benin City – February, 1999;Kumasi, Feb.2000; Banjul, Feb. 2004., Feb. 2005-Cotonou
  12. Ophthalmological Society of Ghana Annual Conferences -1990-2001, 2005, 2006
  13. Workshop on Vision 2020 and Undergraduate Medical Training Programme- Ota, Nigeria, 20th-21st September,2001
  14. Health Writing Workshop by BMJ, Africa edition, Accra- May, 14th, 2001
  15. Workshop on Consensus Building in Quality Assurance in Ghana- Accra, 2000
  16. Workshop on setting MCQ’s*- UGMS, Accra, 2000
  17. Stakeholders Workshop on Gender Management Systems in Ghana, Accra- 26th -28th September, 2000
  18. Workshop on Curriculum Development, Accra- 1999
  19. Workshop on Developing and Presenting Effective Lecture, Accra – 23rd November, 1999
  20. Low Vision Conference, New York- July, 1999
  21. Workshop on Writing Research Proposals*
  22. Community Eye Health Workshop, Ghana,1997
  23. College of Ophthalmologists Annual Conference, London,1989


  1. Preventive Ophthalmology Course, Kaduna-2nd – 26th May,1995
  2. Course in Basic Sciences in Ophthalmology-Stanford University, June-July,1993


  1. Ghana Medical Association merit award for Service to GMA and promoting medical care in Ghana-Cape Coast 10th Nov. 2004
  2. Award for demonstrating humanitarian concern for cured lepers by the Lepers Aid Committee – 11th May, 2001
  3. Service above self: by Rotary Club of Accra, Osu RE, 15th May, 1997
  4. Award for generous participation in Medical Service Team- The Californian African Medical Service Team 1990