The Crucible Test Review
- What kind of government doesSalemhave inThe Crucible?
- What is Parris’ position inSalem?
- Before the play begins, what did Parris catch his daughter and other girls doing?
- Why did Elizabeth Proctor fire Abigail?
- As the play opens, whom has Parris asked to come toSalem?
- What is John Proctor’s chief complaint against Parris’s sermons?
- What does Mrs. Putnam blame on witchcraft?
- Who is the first person that Abigail claims practiced witchcraft?
- In Act II, what does Mary Warren give to Elizabeth Proctor when she returns from the trials?
- What news does Mary Warren bring fromSalem?
- Which commandment does John Proctor forget when Reverend Hale quizzes him?
- Whom do Ezekiel Cheever and Herrick, the marshal, come to the Proctor house to arrest?
- To what does John Proctor convince Mary Warren to testify?
- Who is in charge of the court?
- Why willElizabethnot be hanged if she is found guilty?
- On what charge is Giles Corey arrested?
- When Mary Warren testifies against them, what do Abigail and her troop of girls do?
- What does John Proctor do, in a desperate attempt to foil Abigail?
- Who is brought in to corroborate John Proctor’s claims about Abigail?
- What doesElizabethdo when called upon to testify?
- What does the court do with John Proctor?
- What is Giles’ fate?
- When John Proctor is facing death, what does Hale urge him to do?
- Why does Proctor retract his confession?
- What does Abigail do at the end of the play?
- What ultimately happens to John Proctor?
- Who is one of the judges?
- Who lead the girls in the forest with their dancing?
- Who did Abigail drink a blood charm for?
- What is the significance of the golden candlesticks?
- Why did Giles Coreyneither admit ordeny being a witch?
- What were Giles Corey’s last words?
- What did John Proctor tear up?
- Why does Abigail Williams live with Reverend Parris?
- In the end, why does Reverend Parris wish to spare Proctor?
- Why do many of the accused admit to witchcraft?
- Which character in the play is compared to Pontius Pilate?
- What is the significance aboutDanforth’ssupport for Proctor’s confession?
- Why is Mrs. Putnam jealous of Rebecca Nurse?
- What doesElizabethlie about to the court?
- In Act I,Titubamost likely confessed to meeting with the devil because she
- In Act III, Giles Corey is arrested because he refuses to
- In Act IV, one can infer that Abigail and Mercy have leftSalembecause they
- In Act IV, what can be concluded from the references made aboutAndover?
- By the end of Act II, Reverend Hale has begun to worry that
- In Act IV, why doesDanforthrefuse to postpone the hangings?
- Reverend Parris is most concerned with
- At first, in Act II, Mary Warren enjoys her role in court because she
- In Act I, one can infer that the citizens ofSalemthought dancing was
- Parris fears the villagers will be against the court as he tellsDanforthandHathorneabout: