February 4, 2008
To:College and University Curriculum Committees
From:Robert A Chin
Subject:Changes to the BS in Design
Request the following with respect to the BS in Design, which appearsin the 2007-08 undergraduate catalogue, page 302-303:
1. Under “Foundations curriculum requirements…”, delete MATH 1066. MATH 1066 is no longer an appropriate course given the courses MATH 1065 supports.
2. Under “Core”, addDESN 4030, 4031. Descriptive Geometry (3,0) (S) (P: DESN 3032; MATH 1074). Graduates have indicated that while it was a tough course and they didn’t see tangible and immediate value while taking the course, once they were employed, they saw the value of solving spatial problems graphically. Course is also an American Design Drafting Association curriculum certification requirement.
3. Under “Core”, delete ITEC 2010. Introduction to Industry and Technology (3) (F,S). Course no longer meets the graduation requirements of BS in Design professionals.
4. Move ALL the courses listed under “Cognates” to the “Core”. All courses currently listed under the two categories form the core of the BS in Design. There’s no value added listing them in two separate locations.
5. Several courses formerly listed under“Cognates”, which are now being recommended for listing under “Core”, are being recommended to be paired with like courses outside the Department of Technology Systems. The purpose is to provide BS in Design majors with additional diversity and the option of receiving and experiencing additional instruction outside the Department of Technology Systems.
6. Request listing IDSN 1281 as a prerequisite for DESN 3030, 3031, page 364, 2007-08 undergraduate catalogue. Purpose is to keep IDSN majors from having to seek special permission to take the course, which is part of their graduation requirements.
The aforementioned changes will not impact the BS in Design’s ability to remain in compliance with the National Association of Industrial Technology accreditation standards.
Thank you for considering this request.
DESN MEMO2Page 1 of 1Feb 2008