In an on-going effort to bring massage therapy to a wider base of the public, MTANS is working on compiling a list of organizations, clinics and massage therapists who offer their services for free, at a reduced cost or on a sliding scale. MTANS is in the process of creating a referral directory for massage therapy services available to those who need massage but cannot afford it. If you, your clinic or organization offer massage therapy at a reduced rate, on a sliding scale or for free and would like to get the word out to those who need treatment and cannot afford treatment, please fill out the form below and return it by April 1st, 2011.

By mail: Evolution Massage Therapy By Fax: 1-902-852-2841

119 Barachois Lake Road

Prospect NS B3T 1W2

By email:

Our goal is to get this information out to our membership and then out to the public in order to better serve our community as a profession. Thank you in advance for your participation in this project.

Therapist name: ____________________________

Clinic/ Location of Service:


Please Check the box that applies:

[ ] Offer treatment for free.

[ ] Offer treatment at reduced rate.



[ ] Offer treatment on a sliding scale.

Details: ______________________________________________________________________


[ ] Other method of payment for those that can not afford treatment.

Details: ______________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ MTANS appreciates you attention to this project. It will provide information to the public on where they can go to get massage therapy, even when they can not afford it.