Cincinnati, OH

(513) 254-6703

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Contract Software Engineer; Proctor & GambleNov 2016-Present

Lead technology consultant for P&G Ventures group. Oversaw development of, and, as well as consulting for Pepper & Wits and Opte Skin products. Responsible for development of ecommerce sites on Shopify platform as well as management of 3rd party technologies and resources.

Contract Software Engineer; EAP, IncJan 2017-Jan 2018

Architected, designed and developed for local seller of commercial industrial HVAC systems. Site features online store, custom inventory search, integration with Dynamics GP to enable automated accounting for online orders, as well as synchronization of inventory, taxes, and customer information. Custom checkout integrates with Heartland Payment systems. SMTP for automatic emails, tracking updates, and event notifications. Fully custom CMS allows editing of all site content while maintaining responsive design for phones and tablets.

Contract Software Engineer; Speedway, LLCOct 2015-June 2016

Designed the application that predicts sales of fuel products for all Marathon (MPC) corporate stores (T-SQL, ASP.NET MVC). Built custom tools for data analysis and produced core algorithm. Web interfacescreated with Kendo UI to be used by business analysts. Responsive UI featuring custom cloud-connected spreadsheets to enable live editing of database parameters and smooth integration with excel. Data inputs and outputs dynamically populated with AJAX for rapid and seamless navigation.

Contract Software Engineer; Clifton LabsJune 2014-April 2015

Responsible for production of CQM reports (T-SQL) and renovation of Bradoc EHR software which then received ONC certification. Produced client and interfaceto support secure messaging, DOPU, and CDA transport between medical providers and their patients. Worked primarily in VB.NET, C#, TSQL, creating user interfaces, windows services, and database reports.

Contract Web Developer; PossibleApril 2013-Feb 2014

Responsible for maintenance, promotions, and enhancements on over twentySmucker’s brand sites. Big names include Folgers, Pillsbury, Crisco, Jif, and Dunkin Donuts. Produced code forall application layers (ASP.NET webforms + MVC 3/4), database (T-SQL), in addition to a number of Facebook promotions and responsive mobile layouts (HTML5, CSS, Javascript/jQuery).

Contract Application, Web, & DatabaseDeveloper; Curiosity 360Sept 2012-March 2013

Introduced as lead developer, responsible for creation of multi-user concurrent web application for large corporate client. Designed and implemented entire application architecture from start to finish. Developeddatabase (TSQL), User Interface (Silverlight, XAML), and communication (ASP.NET, WCF) layers, in addition to establishing secure integration withexisting Active Directory system.