January 2014
As you may be aware Sleaford Tennis Club recently built four splendid new tennis courts on the Boston Road Recreation Ground. They replaced the old ones, which became undermined by tree roots, and unsafe either to use or repair. The Club worked continuously over many years to achieve this, and are grateful for the support and financial help of the Lawn Tennis Association.
The courts are for the benefit of children and adults, members and non members, from the ages 4 to 80 in the Sleaford area, as a sports facility aimed to help promote a healthy lifestyle, in line with the other Sports Clubs in the town.
Planning permission was given for a temporary clubhouse for three years. This ends in June 2014, when the cabin must go, and we are pledged to build a permanent structure on the site. The new “pavilion” will be a very attractive building, which will enhance the courts, and the Recreation Ground itself. A second planning application has now been passed on some minor alterations, and we are almost ready to put spades in the ground.We have enlisted the help of a well known Sleaford businessman to assist us with this project, and have had a surprise donation toward its building, and a grant from Sport England, but as always there will be a shortfall.
So along with other fund raising efforts, we have set up a “Sponsor-a-brick” campaign, (the clubhouse needs 10,000 of them!) and are suggesting £10 for a single brick, with no limit on the numbers bought! The names of our kind donors will be recorded in the new clubhouse.
We understand that there are many appeals for numerous good causes and we live in hard economic times, but if you can help by buying a brick, (or a few!), we would be very grateful, knowing that it will be of benefit to the Sleaford community for years to come.
Yours sincerely
Diana Scott Cross, and Anthea Ashmore (Sponsor-a-brick team)
I would like to sponsor ...... £10 brick/s for Sleaford Tennis Clubhouse
Cheques made payable to “Sleaford Tennis Club” (Sponsor-a-brick)
c/o Mrs A Ashmore, 6 Kingston Terrace, Eastgate, Sleaford NG34 7DY
(contact: 01529 413890 or for any further details)
Gift Aid Declaration;
I being a UK taxpayer wish to make the above donation, (and any successive donation I may make to Sleaford Tennis Club) to be treated for Gift Aid purposes. I understand that the tax reclaimed will be at least the same as, or less than the tax I have paid.
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Full address, (no. or name) and postcode......