Making a Will: Prepare to Visit a Solicitor
Refer if necessary to the Adviceguide “Wills”– available from any Citizens Advice Bureau or
Are you (or any family member) known by other names ? / Y / NDo you own any assets in a different name ? / Y / N
Are you married or in a civil partnership to your partner ? / Y / N
Has either of you been married or in a civil partnership before ? / Y / N
Do you intend to marry/re-marry/ enter a civil partnership in the near future ? / Y / N
Do you have children (including children from a previous marriage or relationship) ? / Y / N
Does your spouse/partner's have children from previous marriages or relationships ? / Y / N
Do you have a Business ? / Y / N
Do you own any Assets abroad ? / Y / N
If answer is yes to any of the above then please give full details in “additional information”
Please note:
· your children and spouse are each legally entitled to one third or one half of your estate, depending on circumstances (excluding your house).
· Illegitimate and adopted children (but not stepchildren) generally have the same rights of inheritance as other children.
· Children excluded from benefit under your Will may have a right to claim a share of your property in certain circumstances.
Please ask a Solicitor for advice, if appropriate.
Your Home
Owned in your name alone ?Owned in joint names with:
Owned in joint names and the survivor with: / Y / N
Y / N
Y / N
Owned by other ? / Y / N
Rented in your name alone ?
Rented in joint names with …………………………………… / Y / N
Y / N
Other e.g. provided by a relative ? / Y / N
Who do you want to be your Executor(s) ?
Name(s) and Address(es)The main part of your estate is called "the residue". Before giving away the residue you may wish to make certain gifts of cash, special items or personal belongings to individual family members and/or friends or charities. These are known as "beneficiaries".
Do you want to make any gifts to family or friends ?
Name(s) and Address(es) / GiftDo you want to make any gifts to charity?
Name(s) and Address(es) / GiftThe Residue
This is all that you own except jointly owned property and the gifts made to beneficiaries above. Please state below who is to receive the residue on your death and who is to receive it if they die before you
Who do you want to inherit “the Residue”
Name(s) and Address(es)Who is to benefit if any of the recipients above dies before you?
Name(s) and Address(es)Gifts to your Children
Do you want to make a provision that if any of your children dies before you, leaving children of his/her own, those children (your grandchildren) will inherit their parent's share ? / Y / NIs there anyone you want to disinherit?
Name(s) and Address(es)What arrangements do you want to make for children or other dependants?
Who will be guardians?Do you wish to make a trust?
Are you making financial provision for children?
At what age will children get anything?
What are your Funeral/ Burial/ Cremation Wishes?
Note details in a separate Letter of Wishes.DOCUMENTS
Check with your solicitor about documents you will need to bring to the appointment.
(1) PROOF OF IDENTITY: This will likely be your current passport, driving licence and recent utilities bill.
(2) LEGAL AID: This will likely be an up-to-date benefit entitlement letter or most recent wage slip.
Additional Information
£Your home (or share in it) / £
Other property or land / £
Cars and other vehicles / £
Home contents including furniture and fittings / £
Items of significant value (eg jewellery or art) / £
Money in banks and building societies / £
Shares/ investments/ National Savings/ Premium Bonds / £
Life Insurance / £
Pensions / £
Business assets / £
Other savings and assets / £
Mortgage / £Loans and overdrafts / £
Credit cards / £
Credit/ HP Agreements / £
Other liabilities / £
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