Village of Cumberland-1-February 25, 2013
Regular Council Meeting
The Corporation of the Village of Cumberland
Regular Council Meeting
February 25th, 2013 at 5:30 p.m.
Village Council Chambers
Council Present:Staff Present:
Mayor Leslie Baird Sundance Topham, Chief Administrative Officer
Councillor Conner Copeman Michelle Mason, Financial Officer
Councillor Kate Greening Rob Crisfield, Manager of Operations
Councillor Roger KishiRachel Parker, Deputy Corporate Officer
Councillor Gwyn Sproule
The meeting was called to order at 5:33 p.m.
1.Approval of Agenda
1.1Agenda for regular council meeting, February 25th, 2013.
Motion 13-81
THAT Council approve the agenda for the regular council meeting, February 25th, 2013.
Carried Unanimously
2.Adoption of Minutes
2.1Minutes of the village hall meeting held February 4th, 2013.
Motion 13-82
THAT Council approve the minutes of the village hall meeting held February 4th, 2013.
Carried Unanimously
2.2Minutes of the council meeting held February 12th, 2013.
Motion 13-83
THAT Council approve the minutes of the council meeting held February 12th, 2013.
Carried Unanimously
4.Unfinished Business
4.1Meaghan Cursons, Cumberland Museum, 2012 Update, 2013 Overview & Budget Request
Motion 13-84
THAT Council refer the 2012 Update, 2013 Overview & Budget Request from the Cumberland Museum to the 2013 budget process.
Carried Unanimously
4.2Evan Loveless, Chair & Jan Neuspiel, Director, Cumberland Chamber of Commerce, 2012 Business Community Survey results
Motion 13-85
THAT Council receive the 2012 Business Community Survey results from the Cumberland Chamber of Commerce.
Carried Unanimously
Motion 13-86
THAT Council refer the 2012 Business Community Survey results from the Cumberland Chamber of Commerce to the 2013 Official Community Plan Local Citizens Advisory Group.
Carried Unanimously
4.3Nick Ward & Teresa Waddell, Executive Intelligence, Corporate Energy Plan
Motion 13-87
THAT Council refer the implementation of the Corporate Energy Plan to the 2013 budget process.
Carried Unanimously
4.4Edwin Grieve, Chair, Comox Valley Regional District, Approval of the solid waste management plan; Comox Strathcona Waste Management host community agreement
Motion 13-88
THAT Council receive the September 20th, 2012 correspondence from Edwin Grieve, Chair, Comox Valley Regional District re: Approval of the solid waste management plan; and
Carried Unanimously
Motion 13-89
THAT Council provide a letter of support to the Comox Valley Regional District for the 2012 Solid Waste Management Plan as per the Ministry of Environment requirements
Carried Unanimously
5.1Liang Jianyong, Mayor of Putian Municipal People’s Government, Thank you for Douglas fir log; Participation in the North Island / Sunshine Coast Putian Sister City Program
Motion 13-90
THAT Council receive the December 24th, 2012 correspondence from Liang Jianyong, Mayor of Putian Municipal People’s Government re: Thank you for Douglas fir log.
Carried Unanimously
Motion 13-91
THAT Council send a letter of thanks to Lian Jianyong, Mayor of Putian Municipal People’s Government and send a letter to Timberwest acknowledging the company’s efforts and present Timberwest with a special gift.
Carried Unanimously
Motion 13-92
THAT Council send a letter to municipalities that have received delegations on the proposed Putian Sister City program acknowledging that it is not a Village of Cumberland mandated project and invite the group to make a presentation to the Village of Cumberland Council.
Carried Unanimously
5.2Micheal Razberry, Film Producer, The 100th Anniversary of the Great Vancouver Island Coal Miners Strike of 1913
Motion 13-93
THAT Council receive the February 9th & 10th, 2013 correspondence from Micheal Razberry, Film Producer re: The 100th Anniversary of the Great Vancouver Island Coal Miners Strike of 1913.
Carried Unanimously
Motion 13-94
THAT Council refer the February 9th & 10th, 2013 correspondence from Micheal Razberry, Film Producer re: The 100th Anniversary of the Great Vancouver Island Coal Miners Strike of 1913 to the Chamber of Commerce and the Cumberland Museum and Archives.
Carried Unanimously
5.3John Snyder, President, CoalWatch Comox Valley Society, Coalwatch Media Release, Proposed Raven Coal Mine
Motion 13-95
THAT Council receive the February 18th, 2013 correspondence from John Snyder, President, CoalWatch Comox Valley Society re: Coalwatch Media Release.
Carried Unanimously
6.1Village Park Master Plan, Presentation by Tim O’Brien, Outlook Land Designs Ltd.
Motion 13-96
THAT Council receive the Village Park Master Plan report.
Carried Unanimously
Motion 13-97
THAT Council approve the Village Park Master Plan dated February 4, 2013 as presented with the addition of a basketball hoop to be added at a future date.
In favour:Mayor Baird
Councillor Copeman
Councillor Kishi
Councillor Sproule
Opposed: Councillor Greening
6.2Village of Cumberland – Regional Context Statement
Motion 13-98
THAT Council receive the Village of Cumberland – Regional Context Statement report.
In favour:Mayor Baird
Councillor Copeman
Councillor Kishi
Councillor Sproule
Opposed: Councillor Greening
Motion 13-99
THAT Council remain in non-compliance with section 866 of the Local Government Act in regards to including a regional context statement in the Village of Cumberland official community plan and attempt to be in compliance by the end of 2013; and, if appropriate, write to the Lieutenant Governor in Council to request an extension to this requirement due to the current official community plan review.
Carried Unanimously
6.3Travel Expense Policy Amendment
Motion 13-100
THAT Council receive the Travel Expense Policy Amendment report.
Carried Unanimously
Motion 13-101
THAT Council approve the amended Travel Expense Policy to add a daily travel allowance and meal allowance for major cities.
Carried Unanimously
6.4Utility Billing
Motion 13-102
THAT Council receives the Utility Billing Report.
Carried Unanimously
Motion 13-103
THAT Council direct staff to complete a water rate analysis based on a quarterly billing cycle; THAT Council approves the expenditure of up to $17,000 plus tax from the Community Works Funds prior to final adoption of the 2013 budget, to engage a rate specialist to assist staff with analysis of water consumption data and to work with staff and Council on an appropriate water rate structure; THAT Council direct staff to develop a wastewater (sewer) rate structure based on a percentage of the new water rate structure, with consideration for a reduced summer time rate to reflect outside water usage, on the same billing cycle as water; and THAT Council direct staff to include solid waste collection fees on a quarterly basis with the same bill for water and wastewater, beginning in 2014.
Carried Unanimously
6.5Budget Committee of the Whole and Open House
Motion 13-104
THAT Council receive the Budget Committee of the Whole and Open House report.
Carried Unanimously
Motion 13-105
THAT Council hold a Committee of the Whole meeting on March 21, 2013 at 9 a.m.; and THAT Council hold a budget open house on April 15, 2013 at 7 p.m.
Carried Unanimously
6.6Outstanding Action Items Report
Motion 13-106
THAT Council receive the Outstanding Action Items Report for information.
Carried Unanimously
6.7Electronic Funds and Cheque Register Report, February 2013
Motion 13-107
THAT Council receives the Electronic Funds and Cheque Register Report, February 2013 for information.
Carried Unanimously
7.1Council Remuneration amendment Bylaw No. 979, 213
Motion 13-108
THAT Council receive the Council Remuneration Amendment Bylaw No. 979, 2013 report.
Carried Unanimously
Motion 13-109
THAT Council give first, second and third reading to “The Corporation of the Village of Cumberland Council Remuneration Amendment Bylaw No. 979, 2013.”
Carried Unanimously
7.2Development Procedures and Fees Amendment Bylaw No. 980, 2013
Motion 13-110
Sproule/ Greening
THAT Council receive the ‘Corporation of the Village of Cumberland Development Procedures and Fees Amendment Bylaw No. 980, 2013’ report.
Carried Unanimously
Motion 13-111
THAT Council give giving first, second and third readings to The “Corporation of the Village of Cumberland Development Procedures and Fees Amendment Bylaw No. 980, 2013”.
Carried Unanimously
7.3Water Improvements Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 981, 2013 and Water Improvements Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 982, 2013.
Motion 13-112
THAT Council receive the Water Improvements Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 981, 2013 and Water Improvement Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 982, 2013 report.
Carried Unanimously
Motion 13-113
THAT Council give first and second reading of “The Corporation of the Village of Cumberland Water Improvements Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 981, 2013”; THAT Council give first and second reading of “The Corporation of the Village of Cumberland Water Improvements Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 982, 2013”; and THAT Council direct staff to proceed with an alternative approval process once the bylaw has been approved by the Inspector of Municipalities.
Carried Unanimously
8.Consent Calendar
All matters listed here are considered to be routine and non-controversial
and will be received by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered immediately after the adoption of the Consent Calendar.
8.1Mayor Mary Sjostrom, UBCM President re: UBCM Membership;
8.2Lisa Matthaus, Co-Chair & Darryl Walker, Co-Chair, Green Jobs BC re: Bold Green Jobs Plan;
Motion 13-114
THAT the Consent Calendar be received.
Carried Unanimously
9.New Business
9.1Proposed Raven Underground Coal Mine, Resolution
Motion 13-115
THAT Council adopt the following resolution and send it to the premier.
WHEREAS THE OPERATIONS OF THE PROPOSED Raven Underground Coal Mine could impact the aquifers used by the surrounding communities for their potable water;
AND whereas the operation of this mine could impact the fin fish, shellfish, and other fisheries in Baynes Sound and the considerable economic value derived from these fisheries;
AND WHEREAS the Village of Cumberland previously passed a resolution requesting the Province of British Columbia conduct a comprehensive mapping of the aquifers in the areas that could be affected by the Raven Underground Coal Mine Project proposed by Compliance Coal Corporation and such mapping has not been completed as a requirement of the Environmental Review process;
AND WHEREAS THE Comox Valley Regional District supported a letter sent to the BC Ministry of Environment requesting a baseline study of the Baynes Sound intertidal and subtidal benthic infauna community adjacent to the proposed mine;
AND WHEREAS OUR ADDITIONAL RQUESTS THAT THE Federal Government conduct an independent Environmental Assessment of the project has gone unheeded;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Village of Cumberland advise the elected representatives and the appropriate agencies of the Federal and Provincial governments that it is opposed to the further processing of this application until the Province of British Columbia conduct a comprehensive aquifer mapping of the aquifers that could be affected by the Raven Underground Coal Mine Project; and
THAT THE Province of British Columbia conduct an independent baseline study of the Baynes Sound intertidal and subtidal benthic infauna community adjacent to the proposed Raven Underground Coal Mine Project; and
THAT the Federal Minister of the Environment refer the environment assessment of the Raven Underground Coal Mine Project to an independent review panel with public hearings.
Carried Unanimously
9.2Youth Program
Members requested the Councillor Copeman discuss youth programs with the Cumberland Community Schools Society.
10.Notices, Motions and Amendments
Matters considered here may include notices or motions to hold a meeting of the Committee of the Whole, a Village Hall meeting, a public hearing, and notices of motion introduced by a council member.
- Tuesday, March 19th, 2013 Official Community Dialogues, 5:00 to 8:00pm at the Seniors Centre;
- Budget Committee of the Whole Workshop, March 21, 2013 at 9 a.m.
11.Question Period
Question were received from the public regarding the Village Park Master Plan, the Putian friendship agreement, the cost of the utility billing review, and the proposed cost of the moving of the dog park fence.
12.Closed Portion
There was no closed portion.
Motion 13-116
THAT Council adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m.
Carried Unanimously
Certified Correct:
MayorCorporate Officer