The Northeast Ohio Brain Injury Foundation (NEOBIF) is an Ohio non-profit corporation with tax-exempt IRS 501c3 status. NEOBIF’s mission is to support survivors of brain injuries and their families through research, education and informational activities to increase public awareness regarding the prevention, care and treatment of brain injuries and to provide advocacy and support for survivors of brain injury and their families.
The Summit County Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Collaborative was formed in 1992 and is comprised of agencies dedicated to supporting people with brain injury and their families as well as educating professionals who provide services to survivors. Our mission is to equip the service network with the expertise and resources necessary to ensure that TBI survivors and their families can live with dignity in their local communities. /


The conference is being held at the Akron General Health and Wellness Center - West

4125 Medina Road
Akron, Ohio 44333
Please see their website for driving directions:

Cost to Attend

Cost to attend is $15 per person and includes attendance at the conference, continental breakfast and lunch. Payment can be made during Registration the day of the conference via cash or check. Sorry, we cannot accept credit or debit cards. Checks should be made payable to NEOBIF. No portion of the registration fee is tax deductible as a charitable contribution.
Call Dr. Frye at 330.688.0800
Email: /
Healthy Living after Brain Injury
The Northeast Ohio Brain Injury Foundation, in partnership with the Summit County Traumatic Brain Injury Collaborative, is pleased to announce the fourth annual conference for survivors of brain injury, their families and friends.
Akron General Health and Wellness
4125 Medina Road
Akron, Ohio 44333
Friday November 6, 2015
Registration at 9:30 am
Conference begins at 10:00 am
Conference ends at 2:45 pm
9:30 am -10:00 am
Registration and Continental breakfast
10:00-10:30 am
Anthony Hayek, DO
Medical Care after Brain Injury
10:30-11:00 am
Rik Wade
HME Coordinator/Physician Liaison
Sleeping Well
11:00-11:30 am
Marianne Fisher, RD, LD
The Importance of Diet
Lunch (provided) and Vendor Fair
1:00 – 1:30 pm
Marc Tima, M.Ed
Exercise Physiologist
Exercise: Staying Physically Active
1:30 – 2:00 pm
Mary Jo McGuire, MS/OTR-L
Occupational Therapist
Cognition: How to Keep Moving Forward
2:00-2:30 pm
DeAnna Frye, Ph.D.
Adjustment: Staying Emotionally Healthy
2:30-2:45 pm Wrap Up / Featured Vendors
Mentis Neuro Rehabilitation
Just Be, LLC
CareStar, Inc.
Summa Rehab Hospital
Edwin Shaw Hospital
Disability Rights Organization
Mercy Medical Center- Regional Rehabilitation Center / Registration Information
Name: ______
Telephone: ______
Email: ______
Mail completed registration form to:
DeAnna Frye, Ph.D.
3869 Darrow Road
Suite 104
Stow, Ohio 44224
Send an email to indicating you want to attend the conference. Be sure to include your first and last name.