Grant Reporting Guidelines– 2016
Grant Period: May 19, 2016to May 19, 2017
Final Report Due: June30, 2017
Final reports for 2016 grants from The Community Fund for Women & Girls must be submitted by email to Kara Straunat y 5pm on June 30, 2017. Additionally, in order to apply for a 2017 grant from the Fund, youmust submit an interim report or your final report by the 2017 application deadline. Reports must include your actual program budget using the form on the last page of this document.
As you enter your responses, please remember that there are no right or wrong answers. The Fund views these reports not only as a valuable learning tool for assessing its overallimpact, but as a reflection tool for grantees who strive to promote the social and economic advancement of Greater New Haven’s women and girls.
Do not alter the layout or formatting of this documentin any way. The outlined boxes will expand to fit your text.
Grant Number:Organization Name:
Program Name:
Grant Amount:
Contact Person for This Report:
Phone Number/Email Address:
Which report are you submitting? (mark with an ‘X’)
Interim Report with Actual Program Budget- You may submit an interim report if you plan to apply for a 2017 grant but your program will not be finished by the 2017 application deadline. Once your program has concluded,please submit a final report by June 30, 2017.
- In addition to the ‘Interim Report Questions’, answer the ‘Interim Report and Final Report Questions’ to the best of your ability. The Fund is interested in how your program is progressing.
Final Report with Actual Program Budget
Organizations with an operating budget of $600,000 or more are required to create or update their® profiles by January 6, 2017. Please contact Stephanie Chung at or 203-777-7077 if you have questions about your® profile. If applicable, have you created or updated your® profile and submitted it for Foundation review?
Yes / NoInterim Report Questions
- When do you plan to submit your final report?
- Briefly explainwhy your final report is not yet available.
Interim Report and Final Report Questions
- Briefly summarize your program and your original request to the Fund.
- Please list the specific outcomes your program sought to achieve and how many women and/or girls you projected would be impacted.
- How many women/girls directly participated in your program?
- If applicable, how many women/girls were indirectly impacted?
- Please describe the actual activities and outcomes achieved by your program as listed in Question 2.
- Usingboth quantitative and qualitative data, describe how those women and/or girls impacted directly by your program are better off as a result.
- If your program had a broader reach, please share how your outcomes advanced systemic changes which promote equity and the social and economic well-being of women and/or girls. Please include any gains made as far as program replication or expansion and impact on policy and practice.
- Did your evaluation/data collection process include input from the population served? If yes, how is this utilized in assessing success in achievement of outcomes?
- Please describe any challenges that your program encountered during the grant period or is currently facing? What lessons did you learn regarding program design or implementation?
- Did the grant leverage other support (in various forms, not just financial) for your program or organization? Please explain.
- Is there a story you would like to share that illustrates the impact of receiving this grant?
* Please attach copies of communications that mention/acknowledge the support of The Fund for Women and Girls
If you have any questions or a need for clarity on answering the reporting questions please call or email Kara Straun at (203) 777-7-7079 or .
Actual Program Budget – 2016
Grant Period: May 19, 2016 to May 19, 2017
Final Report Due: June 30, 2017
Itemized Program Expenses / Dollars From the Fund / Dollars From Other Sources / TotalEquipment
Labor and Contracted Services
Printing, Copying and Postage
Additional Details
e.g., sources of other dollars or in-kind donations, discrepancies between the budget submitted with your application and this budget, etc.
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