The Common Council for the City of Faith, South Dakota met in regular session on August 6, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of the Community Center. Mayor Haines called the meeting to order, Brown called roll call, and Mayor Haines led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council members present: Riley, Inghram, Spencer, Berndt, Lightfield and Hellekson.
Others in attendance were: Debbie Brown, Donn and Gloria Dupper, Jon Collins, Bill Hibner and Sandy Rasmussen.
Spencer made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to approve the agenda removing items #12 and #13. Motion carried.
Spencer made a motion, seconded by Berndt to approve the minutes of the July 16, 2013 meeting. Motion carried.
The following claims were presented and read:
Afdahl's Appliance / Library-Condensing Unit / $ 5,100.00Aflac / Cancer & Accident Insurance / $ 997.52
Avesis Third Party Administrators, Inc. / Vision Insurance / $ 126.38
Berndt, Barb / Reimburse for Supplies / $ 36.24
City of Faith / Utilities / $ 8,333.74
Coca Cola Refreshments / Pop / $ 409.92
CWD / Bar Food & Supplies / $ 728.06
Delage Landen Fin. Service / Copier Lease / $ 44.46
Demco / Supplies / $ 59.84
Faith Fitness Center / Full Time Employees Membership / $ 50.00
Golden West Telecommunications / Special Access / $ 1,908.13
Haines, Glen / Mileage to Pierre for Mule / $ 135.60
Hauser, Patty / Reimburse for Supplies / $ 21.16
Heartland Waste Management / Hauling Garbage & Dumpsters / $ 4,165.00
Henschel, Eddie / Ambulance Laundry / $ 103.40
Holloway, JR / Spraying / $ 560.00
Interstate TRS Fund / Annual Assessment / $ 943.72
Jerome Beverage, Inc. / Beer / $ 10,518.50
John Staurulakis, Inc. / Telcordia TRA Charge / $ 159.00
Johnson Western Wholesale / Liquor / $ 4,712.55
M&D Food Shop / Gasoline / $ 1,809.21
Northwest Beverage Inc. / Beer / $ 19,052.30
Reliable Corporation / Office Supplies / $ 74.83
Roy's Pronto Auto Parts / Oil / $ 45.48
S&S Roadrunner / Misc / $ 354.03
SD Assoc of Rural Water System / Leak Detection / $ 400.00
SD Retirement System / Retirement Plan / $ 3,506.12
Schwan's Home Service / Misc / $ 153.14
SD Dept of Transportation / Street Project / $ 573.64
Sodak Distributing Company / Liquor / $ 3,188.50
State Radio Communications / Mobile Data Access / $ 375.00
SD Network / 800 Database Landline / $ 9.70
Sysco North Dakota, Inc. / Supplies / $ 188.53
The Current Connection / Supplies, Troubleshoot Intenet / $ 210.91
Tri County Water / Water / $ 9,351.80
Verizon Wireless / Ambulance & Police Cell Phones / $ 243.21
Vig, Justin / Refund Telephone Deposit / $ 75.00
Visa / Gasoline, Supplies, Other / $ 558.31
Missouri River Energy Services / WAPA Service Chg, Member Dues / $ 17,290.73
First National Bank / Withholding & SS / $ 900.72
First National Bank / Withholding & SS / $ 4,365.09
First National Bank / Paypal-Telephone Bridge Clips / $ 12.95
Express / Intra/Inter Access Expense / $ 942.84
First National Bank / 911 Surcharge / $ 355.00
MMI Entertainment / Karaoke / $ 350.00
Division of Motor Vehicles / Title, Plate & Mailing Fee for Mule / $ 14.00
Tyler Fisher & Carrie Collins / Mowing / $ 765.00
Companion Life / Dental Insurance / $ 603.95
Dearborn National Life Insurance Co. / Life Insurance / $ 34.65
Wellmark BlueCross & Blue Shield / Health Insurance / $ 7,993.18
Berndt made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to approve all claims as presented. Inghram – no. Five yes votes. Motion carried.
7:15 PM – Open Bids for Street Sweeper:
The following bid was received for “Street Sweeper”:
Sanitation Products, Sioux Falls, SD $45,000.00
Riley made a motion, seconded by Inghram to accept the bid for the 1995 Elgin Pelican Street Sweeper with the money coming out of the budget for street improvement and not doing as much chip sealing. All yes votes. Motion carried.
Water Connection – Bill Hibner:
Bill Hibner approached the Council about connecting to the pasture tap that was at the time put in by J.W. Baxter which is now Fred Hulm’s. J.W. Baxter had an easement with the City of Faith for the water and Hibner was under the assumption that he would have the same rights as J.W. Baxter did. J.W. Baxter’s plan with the land that Hibner purchased was to sell off in 20 acre lots and was going to have water to each portion, but Hibner purchased the rest of the land. Hibner would like to connect a four inch line from Fred Hulm to himself. Hibner would hire licensed plumber, John Frei and felt the City has not had an issue with his work. Hibner would have it dug on the inside of his property line out from the phone and power and Hibner would pay from Hulm’s. Inghram asked Hibner if he would annex into the City of Faith and Hibner stated he would not and didn’t feel the need as it wouldn’t help either side. Hibner stated that the water line was not assessed to the Baxter property which he feels shows that shows that they were abiding by the easement. After much discussion, Riley made a motion, seconded by Inghram to table for more information until the next meeting. Motion carried.
Spraying Quote for Lagoon:
The spraying at the lagoon was missed in the spraying quotes earlier. Holloway submitted a quote for $200 for the lagoon. Hellekson made a motion, seconded by Berndt to defer until spring as the weeds have already went to seed. Motion carried.
Approve Sewer Study:
Debbie Brown met with Ali DeMersseman, Black Hills Council of Local Governments and Dave Lutz with Brosz Engineering to discuss possible grants for the sewer liner project the City would like to do in the near future. We wouldn’t qualify for a grant as our minimum charge for sewer would have to be at least $22 to just qualify but really needs to be up to the thirty’s and we are at $11 right now. DeMersseman suggested doing a sewer study to see where we are at and what we can do which we can apply for a grant as it costs around $12,500 so the City should only have to pay up to $2,500. Lightfield made a motion, seconded by Hellekson to go forward with the sewer study. Motion carried.
Pressure Switch Control for Water System:
Inghram made a motion, seconded by Spencer to approve the pressure switch for the water pump from Dakota Pump and Control, Inc. at $4,620. All yes votes. Motion carried.
Approve use of Gym for Games During Stock Show:
The Faith Special Entertainment Committee would like to use the gym for the blow up games from the National Guards due to weather and other things. Inghram made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to allow the games in the gym at no charge. Motion carried. The insurance for the games and the paintball will be $700. Inghram made a motion, seconded by Riley to approve paying the $700. All yes votes. Motion carried.
Approve Stock Show’s list of workers for the Liquor who are certified:
The following is the list of workers who are certified to sell the liquor under the tent for Stock Show: Jozelle Humble, Jeff and Mandi Brown, Colt and Brianna Haines, Kyle and Amy Kennedy. Lightfield made a motion, seconded by Riley to approve Stock Show’s workers Motion carried.
Executive Session – Personnel:
Lightfield made a motion, seconded by Hellekson to retire into executive session at 7:53 PM to discuss personnel. Motion carried.
Mayor Haines declared the Council out of executive session at 8:28 PM.
Approve Extra Bartender during Stock Show:
Hellekson made a motion, seconded by Riley to have Riley and Lightfield meet with Patty Hauser Wednesday morning to go over the changes on the schedule. Motion carried.
Approve ID Checkers and Salary:
Riley made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to approve the following as ID checkers at $8:
Peggy Riley, Sandy Rasmussen, Pam Antrim, Virginia Gerbracht and LouAnn Steen.
All yes votes. Motion carried.
Close off Main Street in front of the Bank:
Spencer made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to approve closing off the street in front of the bank up to Lonny’s Steakhouse for the tent. Motion carried.
Transfer of Airport Entitlements – 2010:
Lightfield made a motion, seconded by Inghram to approve the transfer of airport entitlements for 2010. All yes votes. Motion carried.
Approve Hiring of Library Assistant:
Lightfield made a motion, seconded by Riley to approve the Library Boards approval of hiring Kathy Schuchhardt at $8.00 an hour. All yes votes. Motion carried.
Approve EMT Driver:
Spencer made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to table upon more certifications and information. Motion carried.
Ice House:
Riley would like an update as to where we are with the project due to the time frame on the grant. Mayor Haines will talk with Henschel’s again.
Swimming Pool:
Inghram made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to pay Tori Afdahl all of the $30 taken in for the swimming lessons and deduct out what we already paid her for hours giving lessons. All yes votes. Motion carried.
Swimming pool will be closing on the 15th and cleaning on the 16th.
Building Permits:
Justin Vig submitted a building permit to replace an existing addition on a trailer house going from 12’X 24’ to a 20’X 24’ on Lots 1&2, Block 17. Spencer made a motion, seconded by Lightfield to approve the building permit for Justin Vig. Motion carried.
Other Items to be Discussed (No Action Taken):
Karen Miller sent a thank you to the City of Faith for the use of the Fairgrounds for Ropes and Goats.
Executive Session - Personnel:
Hellekson made a motion, seconded by Riley to retire into executive session to discuss personnel at 8:54 PM. Motion carried.
Mayor Haines declared the Council out of executive session at 9:15 PM.
Spencer made a motion, seconded by Berndt to adjourn. Motion carried.
Debbie Brown, Finance Officer Glen Haines, Mayor