April 6, 2015

The Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00 a.m. S. Kiss was excused.


Consent Agenda –Motion was made by K. Skoogto approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded byM. Manus. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda includes today’s Agenda, the corrected minutes of the Board’s March 30, 2015 meeting and the following items:

Investment Earning: $766.40

Payroll Change Notices:

Weed Department: Forest Reeves, Resignation, Effective 04/07/2015

Application for Advance Travel:

Sheriff’s Office:

Grant Sirevog Vancouver WA, 4/14/2015-4/16/2015,First Line Supervision and Performance

Directed Management training, (meals): $165.00

Glenn Blakeslee, Vancouver WA, 4/14/2015-4/16/2015, First Line Supervision and Performance Directed Management training, (meals): $165.00

Setting May 5, 2015, 1:30 p.m. as the meeting date for Board action regarding the Wasatch Future Land Use Map/Rezone and Comprehensive Plan (Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan and Capital Facilities) Update.

Approve Facilities Maintenance Tech II Job Description

Pend Oreille County District Court Collection Services Contract with Valley Empire Collection


Washington State Military Department Grant Agreement Number E15-217 for period of 09-30-2014 through

10-31-2015 – US DOT Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant funds


Silverwood Group Contract – Washington Drug Free Youth Event (Counseling Services)



K. Skoog attended the Legislative Steering Committee meetinglast week and noted there were no additional hearings.

She also discussed the Growth Management Act and the opt-out provision. K. Skoog discussed Real Estate Excise Taxes (REET) coming to the County and her request to the Realtors Association regarding the REET bill. K. Skoog attended the Ecology Guidance For Counties Workgroup. Ecology will be making a determination on the Little Spokane Water Shed and the impact on instream flows and exempt wells.


The Board recessed for lunch.


Public Works –County Engineer Don Ramsey requested Board certification onthe following County Road Administration Board reports: Traffic Law Enforcement; Fish Passage Barrier Removal Certification and Annual Certification. Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the three CRAB reports. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried.

D. Ramsey discussed three requests for proposals regarding the services of a consultant for bridge work as follows: Ione bridge:fracture critical inspection and pin testing; Cedar Creek bridge: scour analysis and damage assessment; and load rating on various bridges. He recommended Board approval for the selection of Nicholls Kovich. Motion was made by K. Skoog to select Nicholls Kovich as the most qualified consultant. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried.

D. Ramsey requested approval of an interagency agreement with Seattle City Light regarding storing traction sand on the Boundary project site, use of Seattle City Light’s loader, and snow and ice control on Boundary Dam Access Road.

Interagency Agreement Between City Of Seattle, City Light Department And Pend Oreille County



Prosecutor Dolly Hunt provided a legal update. Also present was Kelly Driver of the PORT. The status of Diking District No. 1 was discussed, including the statute criteria required for active or inactive determination.

Also discussed was the draft Washington State University contract regarding the 227 Garden Building and WSU Extension.


Motion was made by K. Skoog tocontinue the meeting to April 7, 2015. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried.

April 7, 2015

The meeting resumed. S. Kiss was excused.


Community Development Director Mike Lithgow was present at the Board’s request to discuss water banking.


ITS Director Chad Goodhue discussed the following items: County website update; County logo for the website; Cisco Phone system upgrade; Office 365 Migration; Next Generation E911 Phone System funding has been secured; Telemed quotes have been presented to Counseling Services; and upgrades for New WorldandTrue Automation. Also discussed was the County’s wireless availabilities and creation of a policy.


The Board recessed for lunch.


Public Works Director Sam Castro met with the Board to review the draft WSU Agreement regarding the 227 Garden Building.


Correspondence Sent:

Dan Mueller, Appointment to Planning Commission, District 2, filling remainder of 4-year term ending 12-31-2017


Correspondence Received (Non-electronic):

4.1F. Dana Kelley-First Quarter 2015 Caseload Report

4.2United Stated Environmental Protection Agency-‘Learn About metals in soil and EPA proposed actions’, Northport School Cafeteria, 404 10th Street, Northport, WA 99157, April 14, 2015, 6:30 p.m.

4.3G. Sears, Forest Service, Newport-Sullivan lake Ranger District-Objection period on the draft decision for the West Branch LeClerc Watershed Restoration Project is open.

4.4D. Windom, Northeast Tri County Health District-Board of Health Meeting, April 15, 2015, Camas Center

4.5Pend Oreille County Fair Board- April 7, 2015 Agenda and March 3, 2015 Minutes


As of this date the Board approved vouchers for payment as listed and made available by the Auditor’s Office. The following voucher/warrants/electronic payments are approved for payment:

Salary and Claim

Current Expense$ 47,633.75

Counseling Services$ 13, 906.26

Fair$ 1,268.99

Park$ 1,721.03

Road$ 14,475.57

Veteran’s Assistance$ 148.91

Emergency 911 Communications$ 32,578.59

Low Income Housing/2060$ 759.65

Homeless Program/2163 $ 860.29

Capital Projects$ 490.93

Solid Waste$ 626.55

Risk Management$ 6,700.00

Equipment R&R$ 2,357.21

Sheriff’s Trust$ 417.00


Voucher/warrant numbers146590through 46683 totaling $123,944.73.


Motion to adjourn was made K. Skoog. Motion was seconded byM. Manus. Motion carried.

ATTEST:s/______APPROVED: s/______

Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board

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