Provision of Pumping Machinery for Productivity Enhancement in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(ADP NO. 8/130043 of 2015-16)
Project Cost
Approved Cost=178.500 m (Govt. share =90.000 m, Farmer’s share =88.500 m)
Revised Cost=577.974 m (Govt .Share=290.000 m, Farmer’s share= Rs 287.974 m)
(Revised July-2015)
Govt. of Pakistan
Planning Commission
PC.1 Form
(Production Sectors)
1. / Name of Project. / Provision of Pumping Machinery for Productivity Enhancement in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.2. / Location / All the Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
3. / Authorities responsible for:
i) / Sponsoring. / Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Agriculture Department, Peshawar.
ii) / Executing. / Directorate of Agricultural Engineering, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Tarnab Peshawar.
iii) / Operation and Maintenance. / Beneficiaries of Solar Pumping Machinery.
iv) / Concerned federal ministry / Not Applicable.
i) / If the project is included in the medium term/five year plan, specify actual allocation. / Included in the ADP 2015-16 at serial No.8/130043 with total Cost of Rs.290.000 Million. (Revised status)
(Rs 278.974 million will be borne by the farmers)
ii) / If not included in the current plan, what warrants its inclusion and how is it now proposed to be acco-mmodated / Not Applicable
iii) / If the Project is propos-ed to be financed out of block provision, indicate. / Not Applicable
Total block
Provision / Amount already committed / Amount proposed for this project / Balance available
N.A N.A 290.000 Million /
b) / Provision in the current year PSDP/ADP. / Rs. 236.312 Million
5. / Project Objectives
· The objectives of the sector/sub sector as indicated in the medium term/five year plan be reproduced. Indicate objectives of the project and a linkage between the proposed project and the sectoral objectives. / The growing population necessitates persistent efforts for increasing agricultural production to meet the food and fiber requirements of the increasing population and also to keep up the pace of economic development of the rural areas in general and of the farming community in particular. The main objective of Agriculture Sector is:
· to make the country self-sufficient in food grains and
· to make available raw material for Agro based industries.
The project will be encouraging the farming community by providing financial assistance in kind for adaption of mechanized farm practices through the provision of Pumping machinery for irrigation, thus expanding the field activities and increasing the productivity / yield per acre of the various crops grown thereof. These activities are aimed at achieving the sectoral goals in collaboration with other wings of Agriculture Department like Agriculture Extension Services, Water Management etc.
The pumping machinery (Solar pumps) proposed for procurement under the project shall be utilized for irrigation purpose in rain-fed / water scarcity areas of the Province. The project shall thus help in increasing the basic medium i.e. water, for increasing per acre yield of crops.
The objectives of the project are as under:
1. The project is aimed at minimizing the adverse effects of drought by maximizing the irrigation water supplies through exploitation of sub-surface water from tube wells and open wells in Barani / irrigated areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The 428 pumping sets to be installed on open wells and tube wells will be providing irrigation water to 10700 Hectares (26429 Acres) @ 10 to 40 Hectares ( average 25 hectares) per pumping set each having 0.25 to 1.0 cusecs capacity.
2. In order to encourage the farming community to replace the primitive/ traditional methods of irrigation including electric or diesel operated pumps and to adopt mechanized water exploitation for increasing the productivity, it is proposed to provide 428 Pumping sets to the interested farmer having minimum land holding of 2.5 Acres (20 kanals) in his ownership, on 50:50 cost sharing basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Out of 428 pumping systems, 102 pumping systems will be provided to the farmers having no sub- surface source of irrigation water and interested to install new Tube well. It is proposed that the Government will also share the cost of Tube well installation @ 50:50 % bases. This incentive would be in addition to provision of the solar pumping system on cost sharing basis. Hence, the interested farmers will bear 50% cost of the tube well installation and solar pumping system installed thereupon, while rest of the 50 % cost will be contributed by the Government under the scheme.
· In case of revised project, indicate objectives of the project if different from original PC-I. / Objectives are same as of original PC-I.
6. / Description, justification, technical parameters and technology transfer aspects (enclose feasibility study for projects costing Rs.300 Million & above) / According to the Agricultural Statistics (2011-12) the total reported area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is 8.365 million hectares out of which 1.870 million hectares is cultivated. The total area irrigated by various sources is about 0.967 million hectares while the rest of land is void of irrigation facilities. These statistics indicate that there exists an ample scope for management of water resources by the use of Agricultural equipments and machinery for increasing the productivity of the Province.
The growing population and prevailing food crises in the Province necessitates persistent efforts for increasing Agricultural production to meet the food and fiber requirements of the increasing populace, and also to keep up the pace of economic development of the rural areas in general and of the farming community in particular.
The big investment involved in drilling a tube well and owning a Solar pumping system does not permit a poor farmer to bear at his own. In order to facilitate the interested farmers in tapping irrigation water from the sub-surface reservoirs, appropriate solar pumping sets will be provided to them on cost sharing basis and those interested in installation of new tube well will also be benefited under the project by sharing 50% cost of tube well installation by the Government.
Feasibility Study:
The Agricultural Engineering Department has got vast experience in the installation of Tube wells. Since fifties it has installed over 6000 irrigation Tube wells and 500 pumping sets on open / tube wells in whole Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In most of the Districts, except Chitral, Mansehra, Tor ghar, Batagram, Abbotabad there is ample scope for installation of tube wells and dug wells. There also exists number of open wells/ tube wells which are either deprived of water lifting devices or being operated through electricity or diesel pumps and primitive methods like Persian wheels and buckets.
The results of the various studies conducted in the area shows that the distribution of the private tube wells is greatly influenced by the water table depth. About 80 percent of the diesel-operated tube wells are installed in shallow water table areas (6 to 12 meters), whereas electric-operated tube wells are mainly used in deep water table areas. The irrigation tube wells installed in 1980’s usually have outlived their life and most of them require replacement of machinery, as those wells had functioned more than their maximum life span of 10 years to 15 years. Irrigation tube wells were proved to be economically vital because they served as a lifeline for thousands of farmers in various districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Effectiveness of the irrigation tube wells is evident from the areas including Akora Khattak, Shaidu, Nizampur in Nowshera District, Tangi area in District Charsadda where they brought a large area under irrigation water in the absence of canal system. Besides above, hundreds of thousands of acres of cultivable land in Swabi district, along the motorway, is not covered by the canal water. The installation of tube wells in that area would help to irrigate the land. Like other areas of the Province, the farmers in that area does not have financial resources to install new tube wells or replace electric/diesel pumps by solar pumps on their existing open /tube wells.
Similarly, in other parts of the province including D.I.Khan, Swat, Karak, Bannu, and Kohat, there is acute demand of Pumping machinery for lifting irrigation water but due to high cost of electricity and diesel, farmers are reluctant to install pumping sets on their tube wells. The only alternate source available for pumping irrigation water is Solar energy, which will be utilized for operation of pumps.
Most of the Agricultural land in the province can be classified as fertile, but it does not have optimum moisture for raising crops, especially in the rain-fed / water deficient areas where Agricultural practices are dependent on rainfall. Previous studies, carried out by various Agencies have shown that there exist over 22000 Open-wells / Tube wells in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, including over 6000 tube wells installed by the Agricultural Engineering Department since fifties. Most of these wells are not fitted with appropriate water lifting devices, as a result thousands of hectares of Agriculture Land is void of irrigation facilities. The land being irrigated by using primitive water lifting technique like Persian wheel is much lesser than that would be irrigated if appropriate pumping sets were installed on these wells.
The pumping sets (Solar pumps) proposed under the scheme shall be provided to the needy farmers for coping with the requirement of irrigation water to enhance crop production.
Moreover, due to prevailing electric energy crises in the country and specifically in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa large numbers of open wells and tube wells are deprived of electric power and thus being abandoned. Therefore, to tackle with the situation, solar pumps have been proposed to be installed on these wells to make it operational, instead of Submersible pump and Centrifugal diesel pumps as proposed in the original PC-1.
Solar pumping sets of appropriate sizes, to be provided to the interested farmers under the project are as under:-
· Solar Pumps 116 Systems
(Shallow wells)
· Solar pumps 210 Systems
(Deep wells)
· Solar pumps 102 Systems
(Deep with Tube
well Installation)
The cost of the Solar pumping system will include the charges of installation of solar panels, foundation, pipes, pumping sets and cost of all the allied accessories. The proposed project shall provide an incentive to the farming community by sharing the capital cost of the pumping unit @ 50:50 (i.e 50% cost will be borne by the farmers while rest of the 50% cost will be covered under the project). In case a farmer is also interested in installation of new tube well, the cost of its installation /drilling would also be shared by the Government with the same 50:50% basis.
The farmers having land holding of 20-100 Kanals (2.5 -12.5 Acres) shall benefit from this scheme. It is estimated that each pump will command an area of about 10 to 40 hectares (average 25 hectares) depending upon capacity of the Tube well / Open well, cropping pattern, soil texture, topographical condition and discharge of well. As such 10700 hectares of land will be irrigated with the provision of pumping machinery / installation of tube wells as proposed under the project.
Under the proposed project, 116 Solar pumping systems for shallow wells and 312 for deep wells shall be procured and installed on tube / open wells where no such facility exists, so that more area is brought under irrigation to increase Agricultural production and uplift the socio-economic status of farming community. As discussed earlier out of 312 solar pumping systems to be installed on deep wells, 102 will be reserved and provided to those interested farmers who intend to install new tube wells on cost sharing basis.
The farmer’s selection criteria includes :-
· First come first serve basis,
· Availability of tube well/open well having sufficient water,
· Full exposure of tube well/open well to the sun radiation,
· Having maximum hydraulic head of 130 to 320 ft.
· Interested in installation of new tube wells
Project activities shall be executed by the existing staff of the Agricultural Engineering Department available in District offices at Peshawar, Kohat, Mardan, Mansehra, Haripur, Swat, Malakand, Bannu and D.I.Khan. Other adjacent districts to the districts mentioned above will also be covered by the above offices. Agricultural Engineers / Assistant Agricultural Engineers and their supervisory staff will help in the implementation of the project activities.
Director Agricultural Engineering will be entrusted with additional assignments and will act as Project in-charge stationed at Agricultural Engineering Head quarter at Tarnab, Peshawar.
Outputs of the Project in quantitative terms are given below:
Procurement of 428 solar pumps. / Irrigation of 10700 hectares of land annually, thus enhance crop production
Training of farmers in adaptation, operation and maintenance of new techniques for pumping sub-surface water to be imparted by the solar pump supplier. / Irrigation water pumping cost will be reduced by adopting solar technology.
Solar pumping system:
As stated above, the department has planned to procure solar pumping units for installation on Tube/Open wells in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The proposed machinery will be installed in collaboration with the individual farmers or group of farmers on cost sharing basis. Out of total expenditure to be incurred on each pumping set, the department will contribute 50 % of the total cost whereas rest of the 50% cost will be borne by the farmer.
However, the recurring expenditure after installation of the solar pumping system shall be borne by the farmer / beneficiaries. Besides above, Solar panels, invertor and submersible pump will be under warranty with the supplier and for certain period. During warranty period the supplier will bear most of the repair and replacement cost to be covered under warranty.
The cost of the pumping sets and share distribution will be as under
Pumping Set / Cost
Rs in Million / Shares @
Solar Pumps
(Shallow wells)
50-130 ft. / 0.895 / 0.448 / 0.448
Solar Pumps
(Deep wells)
130-150 ft. / 0.986 / 0.493 / 0.493
150-200 ft. / 1.179 / 0.590 / 0.590
200-250 ft. / 1.379 / 0.690 / 0.690
250-320 ft. / 1.651 / 0.826 / 0.826
After installation of solar pumping machinery, the operational expenditure, maintenance, repair, construction of water storage tank and all other costs including overhead charges shall be borne by the land owner/beneficiary of the scheme.