American HistoryMrs. Heidmann

Lap 3 ACCSpring 2017

The Cold War and the Early Civil Rights Movement

Foreign and Domestic: At the end of WWII, Europe was in shambles. The war destroyed millions of lives throughout Asia and Europe, but also here in America. Once the war was over, theSoviets assumed control over the countries of eastern Europe and the US developed the policy of containment to prevent communist expansion. The conflict grew between the US and the USSR and the world was changed by the new Cold War. Events of the 1940s and 1950s began to establish American supremacy in the world and the US became a “light for democracy” against the forces of communism. However, fear of WWIII or a nuclear attack began infiltrating into American society. At home, following the surrender of the Axis powers, millions of soldiers returned with memories of war and looked toward a more peaceful time. Now, for the first time since the Great Depression, Americans had money to spend. The middle class grew and suburbia boomed. The US continued to change and develop politically and culturally after WWII. These changes directly contributed to American culture today.

Objectives: Analyze the goals of the US foreign policy of containment and its effectiveness A1/ A2/A3

*Analyze the origins, successes, and failures of the Civil Rights movement in postwar US A4/ OL

*Describe changes in Post-War society and ways the Cold War impacted life in the US A5/ OL

*Analyze historical documents and develop rhetorical skills A2/ A3/ A4

*Discuss the activities of previous leaders in order to learn from their mistakes

Activity 1Class Prep: Go to the class page on and download/ print the Cold War notes.

FLIP: Complete the Crash Course #37 worksheet found on Weebly.

Keywords: Read Ch. 27. In your notebook, describe each situation and explain why it was important: Iron Curtain,Warsaw Pact, U2 Crisis, ICBM, Sputnik, National Defense Education Act. 15 pts Due in class
Making Decisions- Many choices were made by those in powerto avoid WWIII. Complete the Soviet Aggressionswksht to determine your post-war attitudes and actions. Be prepared to discuss in class. 10 pts Due in class

Enrichment: Complete either the UN or NATO packets. 3 pts Due with A1

Activity 2 Class Prep: Go to the class page on and download/ print the Korea notes.

Primary Sources: Complete the analysis for the Korea documents. 10 pts Due in class

Enrichment: Complete the Crash Course #39 USA/ USSR worksheet. 3 pts Due with A2

Quiz Prep: Use the preliminary study guide on Weebly to help you prepare.

Activity 3 Flip: Watch the two Space Race videos on Weeblyand take 10+ notes. 10 pts Due in class

Document Based Question: Using info from the Cold War documents on Weebly(DBQ, p85), answer the following in a well structured (10-12+, ABC) paragraph. Was US foreign policy from 1945- 1963 effective in combating Communist aggression in Europe and Asia? Reminders: Answer the question, Back it up by paraphrasing/ quoting and explaining three or more varied readings, and Comment/ explain how each document supports your position. Be sure to hi-light your analysis (C). 10 pts Turn In

OR DBQ: Describe and explain the functions of at least four pacts, doctrines or organizations that played a role in shaping the Cold War to Agree/ Disagree that the early Cold War was a success.

Scoring Guide for Cold War Successes Paragraph

*Skill: Topic and Conclusion sentences address the question 1 point ______pts

*Skill: ANALYSIS: Explained how the evidence supports the claim 3 points ______pts
*Content: EVIDENCE: Identified three clear points from the Cold

War readings to support your argument 3 points ______pts

*Content: EVIDENCE: Properly used and explained quotes from several

readings to back up claims 3 points ______pts

10 points possible

Activity 4 Primary Sources: Complete the “Civil Rights” packet. 10 pts Turn In

Enrichment: Complete the Crash Course #39 1950s and Civil Rights worksheet. 3 pts Due with A4

Activity 5Flip: Use the link on Weebly and take 20+ notes on polio. 20 pts Due In Class
Flip: Watch the Suburbia video on Weeblyand make a two-column chart (Econ| Society) to take 10+ noteseach.

Enrichment: Get document analysis wkshts for the “American Childhood” readings on Weebly. 3ptsDue with A5

Enrichment: Summarizing-Write a summary of the major movements in art (pop…), literature (beat, dystopia…), and music (Rock and Roll…) in the 1950s. In a paragraph (15- 20+) decide which was most influential on American culture. 3 ptsDue with A5

Enrichment: Describe and explain five major advances that have occurred in the fields of science and technology since the end of WWII. In a paragraph (15- 20+) decide which was most influential on America.3 ptsDue with A5

OL: Student’s Choice- Primary Sources: Use the Photo Documents in C406 to complete the worksheet.

ORPolitical Cartoons: Complete the political cartoons packet in a Social Studies OL. 20 pts Due by last test day

Project 3: Evaluating Historical Figures-Who had the greatest impact on America in the 1950s? In a five paragraph essay, compare the actions of any three of the following: Truman, MacArthur, Eisenhower, Joseph McCarthy, Rosa Parks, Jonas Salk, Linda Brown, and Elvis Presley. Intro- Describe the period. Thesis- determine who was most important. Body Paragraphs: Explain their background, describe his / her actions in the 1950s (5 pieces of evidence), and the impact of each. Analysis after each point-explain how the evidence supports the thesis/ why are others not as influential. Depending on the topic, outside research might be necessary. Follow all MLA standards and cite if needed.

ORSecondary Sources Research: Rock n Roll-- Using skills learned from the annotated bibliographies, research three of the following people and their contributions to early rock n roll: Bill Haley, Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, or Johnny Cash. In a five-paragraph essay, determine who was the most important to the future of the music in America. Intro- Describe the period. Thesis: Determine who was the most important. Body Paragraphs: Explain their background, what songs they sang/ their distinct musical “sound”/ their stage “style,” and why they were controversial, and how they each impacted/ revolutionized Rock- n- Roll and society in each paragraph. Analysis after each point- explain how the evidence supports the thesis/ why are others not as influential. Be sure to cite your 9+ sources, use parenthetical notes, and have MLA works cited page! *OL conferences are recommended, but are not required. **Refer to the Writing Guide and attach a Scoring Guide (found on Weebly) to your final paper. 30 pts Due by the last test day

ORNEW Project: Which decade had the greatest influence on life in the United States: the 1930s, the 1940s, or the 1950s? See directions distributed at the beginning of Second Semester. Conference: Bring a significant draft of the paper to a mandatory OL conferenceBEFORE it is due! It is worth 10 points, based on level of preparation.

100 pts Due by the last test day

Enrichment:you may choose to do all, some, or none of theseDue by the last test day

Agree or Disagree: The successful launch of Sputnik positively impacted education and the scientific community in the US (10-12+, academic). Further info can be found on Weebly and in your text. 3 points

Music: Get copies of the lyrics to the Marvalettes’ “Beechwood4-5789” and write a paragraph (10-12+) to compare/ contrast that song with Carly Rae Jepson’s “Call Me Maybe.” Focus on the story of the song. What do these tell you about teen relationships in the last 50 years? 3 points

Journal: As McCarthy, write a letter defending your actions on the Senate Committee (10-12+ sent). 3 points

Primary Sources: Read the two “Cold War- Comparing Points of View” on Weebly. A) 5-8+ sentences- why would you agree with Dulles’ point of view. B) 5-8+ sentences- why would you agree with Kapitsa. C) 5-8+ who is most convincing? D) Make a Venndiagram - How do they propose to achieve international peace / security? 5 pts

First Person Interviews: Interview a person over 60. What does s/he know about polio? Does it reflect or refute info from class? (See reading on Weebly for more info.) What does s/he remember about the vaccine and its introduction to the public? How does it fit with our class discussion? 2+ pages 5 points

Video: Watch The Crucible, again. How does it reflect issues of McCarthyism? Focus on the relationship between Proctor, Paris, and Putnam. 1+ pg summary/ 1+ pg reaction 6 points

Calendar of In Class Objectives and Homework Due Dates

Day 1: Discuss the political, social, and economic impacts of WWII on the US

Explain how WWII affected both the foreign and domestic issues of the 1950’s

Analyze the development of the Cold War and describe the changing role of the US in international affairs

Identify the Cold War, Superpowers, containment, NATO, and the UN

Practice using historical documents

J DayK Day

Day 2: Compare and contrast the Truman Doctrine and the EisenhowerDoctrine

Explain the relationship between containment, the Iron Curtain, and the Marshall Plan
Explain the Berlin Crisis and others in Europe in the 1950s

Practice analyzing maps and using historical documents

Activity 1A DayA Day

Day 3: Explain the causes, course and outcome of the Korean War

Identify key aspects of the Korean War

Practice using historical documents and political cartoons

Activity 2B DayC Day

Day 4: Explain the relation between the arms race and the space race

Practice using historical documents

QuizD DayD Day

Day 5: Describe the McCarthy hearings and explain the causes and consequences of McCarthyism

Contrast the issues in The Crucible with those in the hearings

Activity 3E DayG Day

Day 6: Explain the role of the government in the early Civil Rights Movement

Explain the relation between the Brown decision and stand-off in Little Rock

Explain the role of individuals in the Civil Rights movement

Identify Marshall, King, Parks, SCLC, Freedom Riders, and SNCC

Practice using historical documents

Activity 4F DayJ Day

Day 7: Explain the impact of the polio epidemic

Describe the post-war American society including changing gender roles, suburbanization, +the Baby Boom

Contrast the pre- war and post- war economy

Describe the beginnings of Rock n Roll and the birth of the American teen ager

Contrast the conformity and the rebellion of the 1950s


Activity 5J DayK Day

Test in the Testing Center by C Day,March 7th

Last day to turn in work from Lap 2 is C Day

Last day to complete the Lap 2 REDO is B Day 3/6