Carry A True Spirit

Dianne Guill Janet Cowell Linda Salyer Jane Foster

Governor Governor-Elect Treasurer Secretary

1104 Lockett Dr 15215 Burnt Mills Lane 11 Iris Lane P O Box 88

Danville VA 24541 Windsor VA 23487 Bristol VA 24201 Axton VA 24054

Pilot International Website:

Volume 1 Issue 6 Executive Committee Representative (ECR) is Mary Sue Stages () December, 2006

Dear Virginia Pilots:

This is the time of year when the true spirit of Pilot shows and grows in each and everyone of us. It is a time when I look around amazed at the generosity, of the giving and caring spirits that everyone possesses. It is when I am most proud of being a Pilot and a member of such a caring organization – which gives not only at Christmas – but also during the year. It is my sincere and true wish that all of you receive many blessings during this holiday season and into the new year. I wish you all health, happiness and the joy of friends and family.

Just a few reminders:

Remember Your New Sister Club! Stay In Touch, Support and Get To Know Each Other!!

·  Please remember to send a copy of your club’s newsletter to me, Pilot Headquarters and a copy to our ECR, Mary Sue Stages. I have not received all of the clubs’ news.

·  Deadline for $250 Club/District contributions to Goals and Grants is December 1 if President Bobbie is to kiss the pig in Norfolk. Remember that she will kiss the pig not only for each district that is $250 by December 1 but also for each individual contribution by December 1.

·  Please send information regarding illnesses, deaths, or congratulations to our District and International Chaplain.

·  Violin Players are needed for the memorial service for International Convention – Please contact PI Chaplain Nancy Rudnick if you can help.

·  Remember to nominate District Officers. Nominating Chair, Mary Frances Conlon.

·  Participation in “Anchor Advisor of the Year” competition. Deadline for entries is January 15.

·  District Convention – Chesapeake, April 13-15, 2007, Holiday Inn, Greenbrier

·  Plans are underway!

·  Future International Convention Sites:

·  2007 Norfolk VA – July 11-14, 2007 – at the Norfolk Marriott Waterside & Sheraton Waterside Hotels.

·  2008 Phoenix, AZ – July 8-11, 2008

·  2009 San Diego, CA – July 7-10, 2009



President Bobbie Hudson is the Point Person for all clubs and Districts for Project LifeSaver and CareTrak issues/problems/concerns. Immediately email Bobbie ()with a cc to me (), Peggy Davidson (), Judy Breaud () ANY problems, issues or concerns you are having with either organization. We also want to hear the good things as well.


In Pilot Love and Friendship, Dianne Guill


Courtney Elliott, Albemarle/Charlottesville, surgery

Teenie Archbell, Chesapeake, has been under the weather

Kay & Howard, Chesapeake

Jane Nagurney, Luncheon Chesapeake, recovering from knee surgery

Barbara Hardee, Luncheon Chesapeake, hurt in a recent fall

Sandra Andrew’s father, Dan River Region, congestive heart failure

Anna Riddle’s father, Danville, father is receiving treatments through the Cancer Research Center in Maryland

Susan Carzoo, Hampton Roads, finished chemotherapy; beginning radiation

Sheila Golden’s father, MAL, cancer –chemotherapy treatments

Shirley Eley, Suffolk, cancer of esophagus and liver – intensive radiation and chemotherapy treatments

Debbie Archer's Mother, PI First Vice President, has had a stroke

De Fluker's husband, PI Director of Communications & Marketing had a stroke while they were on vacation

Nellie Jones’ husband, PI Membership/Convention Associate


Jennifer Owens, Nansemond River, The Suffolk Reading Council has named Jennifer, a Title 1 teacher at Kilby Shores Elementary School as the 2006-07 Reading Teacher of the Year.

Janet Cowell, Nansemond River, promoted to Technical Assistant

Deborah Banks, Nansemond River,promoted to Director of the Presbyterian Home and Family Services at Zuni.

Renee and David Russell, Nansemond River, expecting an addition to the family

At Fall Council an announcement was made that our PI President Bobbie would kiss a pig if $250 contributions for Grants and Scholarships were received in the PIF office by 1 December. As of 11 November 3 clubs and 2 individuals have met this date. Partial contributions have been received from 1 club and 2 individuals. So, it's up to Bobbie how many times she will kiss a pig. The 2006-2007 goal for Grants and Scholarships is $175,000.00. As of 13 November 2006, a total of $41,421.00 had been raised -- remaining $133,579.00.

Dot Franklin



The holiday season is such a happy time of year for many of us. We are so busy shopping, baking, decorating and entertaining but we still find time to think of others who won’t be enjoying the holiday. Maybe there has been a death or illness or financial problems or homelessness. There are so many who are less fortunate than us. Probably they won’t get everything they need during the holiday but lots of groups and individuals will be trying to help. But what happens after the holiday season? Who is there to help in January and February and March? Well, Pilot is there of course. Start making plans now to carry out a project in one of the too tired/spent too much money/way too busy/weather is too bad months after the celebrations. The problems and sadness that afflict so many people won’t go away just because the holidays end. Continue with your own projects or use one of the ideas that have been shared in the Governors Bulletin. But stay active with those projects. Pilot DOES make a difference Mary Gentry


Pilot Pups...Members visit Roman Eagle every month with the dogs of the members. We distribute magazines to the residents. Members visit rooms of the residents while taking the dogs in for visits. We sponsored the Nov. Birthday Party at Roman Eagle, where all the members made pound cakes for the residents. We had a "hat fashion show" and all the members brought "fun" hats for the residents to share in the occasion. We also provided socks to all those residents with Nov. birthdays. We will be sponsoring the Christmas goody bags for the Christian Training for the Retarded Christmas Party. Members stuff goody bags for Santa to give to all the members of CTR. Pilot Club of Danville also participated in ‘National Night Out’...a community safety awareness program for young people. We provided BrainMinder Buddies coloring books and crayons to a little over 250 children in our community. We also provide the women at DOVES with personal items three times a year and participated in the Alzheimer's Walk


I haven't heard from any of the clubs on what you are doing for your fundraising for this year. Please E-Mail me and let me know what is going on in your club. I would like to pass along information with to the other clubs with what you are doing. The Hampton Roads did a good job on their Innisbrooks sales. Have a great Holiday and see you next month. Pat

Be sure to send club news to PI Headquarters for

PILOT LOG (printed on a first come basis)

News from other Pilot Clubs in Other Districts:

State Police to Participate in C.H.A.D. project

STATEWIDE – The West Virginia State Police has entered into a partnership with the Pilot Club of Greater Kanawha Valley to distribute C.H.A.D. stickers across the state. The C.H.A.D. (Children Have An iDentity) project began as the result of a traffic crash involving a 13-month-old boy named Chad. Chad’s babysitter, who was driving the car, was killed in the crash. Chad was injured, but a problem arose when the rescue workers at the scene did not know the child’s identity. Fortunately, an emergency room nurse recognized Chad and was able to notify his parents. The stickers were developed to better assist rescue workers in identifying child safety seat bound children involved in crashes. It is vital that children who cannot speak for themselves be identified for medical treatment and notification of family. The West Virginia State Police has placed C.H.A.D. stickers in every detachment in the state for dissemination to the public. We encourage everyone who still has a child in a safety seat to pick up a sticker for each child, fill out the pertinent information and place it in the corner under the cushion or center back of the child seat. Visit us on the Web at


“The Joy of Generosity” – “Give lavishly.” – Omari

Only a cat lover like Roger Caras would take kindly to an array of sticks and an occasional gift of horse manure strewn on his porches daily. Orange and white Omari is his feline retriever. “Omari, often looking for all the world like George Burns with his cigar, brings us sticks,” writes Caras, president of the American Society of the Prevention of Cruelty Animals. Omari delivers to the house several dozen one-to six-inch lengths of wooden treasures a day. They must be swept away. Lest they become a stumbling hazard blocking the doorway. Most cats deliver capture mice or birds to their owners, but Caras says sticks are Omari’s “thing.” It is Omari’s generosity that makes any scolding about his stick fetish seem out of the question. What Omari does, he does wholeheartedly. Thought his gifts are an oddity, they are nonetheless gifts offered in abundance. One theory explaining why cats bring rodents and birds to their owners is that they are mimicking how they teach their kittens to catch and eat small prey. Since human companions are regarded as the cat’s family, cats feel compelled to teach humans the skills of the kill. Owners are usually not enamored with gifts of preyed-upon victims. But remembering the “thought behind it” helps humans transcend the barrier between human and feline practice.

Generous giving is a joyful act. Add liberality to every gift. Order an appetizer with your gift of lunch. Tie a token present to the outside of a package. Include a bookmark with a book, a card of earrings with a blouse, a snapshot with a letter, a candy bar with a birthday card, or an extra 10 percent to a donation. The extra can transform a customary gift into an unforgettable delight.