The Clifford Newsletter

Issue 2December 2002

Welcome BACK!

We were so proud of our first newsletter that we had to write another one. Actually, we are going to try to send this out 3 or 4 times a year to let the community aware of what is going on around them. It is our hope that you enjoyed the first newsletter and learning new things about your community. Unfortunately, our first annual ‘Clifford Township Residence Appreciation Day’ didn’t turn into the big hit that we had hoped. Of course, it had to be the rain & cold that made everyone want to stay indoors or the fact that it was one of the first weeks of the NFL. But, we did have members of the community come & show us their support & we hope that next year, more members of the community will attend. I don’t know who had more fun on the big Air Filled Slide - the adults or Dennis Knowlton, oops, I mean the kids. We really had a blast that day despite the rain. We want to take this opportunity to thank all of our sponsors:

Adams Cable TVIdlewild Ski Shop

Anke EnterprisesJim Lynch Tours & Travel

Barber SupplyJohn Regan Auctioneer

Bella PizzaJohnson Motors

Clifford AutoKilmer Logging

Clifford BeverageKnowlton Construction

CliffordHotelKochmer Graphics

Clifford IGALapera’s

Clifford Family ChiropracticLenox Propane

Clifford SupplyLunkerzs Deli

Community Bank & TrustLynch Bus Service

Crystal PinesMaines Paper & Food

Dollar StoreMunley Catering

Doug KilmerNational Auto

DunniersNEP Telephone Company

E. Kozlowski Trucking Northeast Equipment

Elk Trails Vet ClinicPass Realty

Endless Mtns. PharmacyRoyal Rides

Gerber AssociatesRussell Swetter, DDS

Grecco’s SupplySmoke Shop

H.L. StephensThe Shoppe

Hair ZooUS Food Service

Fairway Restaurant @ Panorama Golf Course

Four Seasons Tree Service & Landscaping

Mountain View Restaurant & Hotel

CliffordTownship Emergency Services Committee (CTESC) Mission Statement:

Protection of life and property, providing public service and improving the quality of life in the immediate and adjacent area. Changing economics and static membership, reduced revenues, and rising costs have led to this self-evaluation. As a joint effort, we have agreed in principle to investigate and explore all possibilities that could arise from this committee. It is our intent to pursue this effort with aid and assistance from community members, businesses, EMS, fire, law enforcement, and local governments in our primary service area. Complete success cannot be realized without the input of others not associated with the emergency services and local government officials.

This committee meets every 3rd Thursday of every month at 7PM at the TownshipBuilding.


to change your smoke alarm batteries when we turned the clocks back?

If not, now is the time to do it with the holidays quickly approaching! Besides, you can pick them up while buying batteries for the toys that Santa leaves for you with ‘Batteries not included’.



…Pennsylvania is the first state to list their web-site on a license plate?

…the first baseball stadium was built in Pittsburgh in 1909?

…Hershey, PA is considered the Chocolate Capital of the US?

…the first automobile service station opened in Pittsburgh in 1913?

…in 1946, Philadelphia became home to the first computer?

…Bob Hoffman of York, PA is known as the ‘Father of Weightlifting;. Mr. Hoffman started York Barbell Corp. in 1932 and preached the gospel of physical fitness throughout his life as a US Olympic Coach, businessman, and philanthropist.

…the first daily newspaper was published in Philadelphia on September 21, 1784?

…Philadelphia had the first Zoological garden in July 1874?

…Drake Well Museum in Titusville, PA is on the site where Edwin L. Drake drilled the world’s first oil well in 1859 and launched the modern petroleum industry?

…in Hazleton, there is a law, on the books, that prohibits a person from sipping a carbonated drink while lecturing students in a school auditorium?

…in Philadelphia, 1775, Johann Behrent built the first piano in America calling it ‘Piano Forte’?

…Philadelphia is the site of the first presidential mansion?

…the RockvilleBridge in Harrisburg is the longest stone arch bridge in the world?

Make sure you check out the next issue for more PA facts!

*Attention Members of the Community*

Do you have a ‘history lesson’ or story about CliffordTownship that you would like share with the community? If so, we would love to hear & print your story. Do you know of an upcoming event that would be of interest to the community? Contact Jay Lynch at 282-4544.

History of The Clifford Township Volunteer Fire Company

Taken from research done by Clinton Wells.

During 1945 & 1946, L.J. Wells, a resident of Dundaff and A.O. Finn, as resident of Clifford recommended forming a fire company. A fire at Albert Machell’s house in the fall of 1946 was the spark that united the community.

December 20, 1946, about eighty residents of CliffordTownship met at the Clifford Methodist Church Hall to discuss the formation of a fire company. During this meeting, A.O. Finn was appointed Chairman; William Strom was appointed as Vice Chairman; Wallace LaCoe was named Secretary; and Victor Snyder was named as Treasurer. It was also at this meeting they decided on a name: Clifford Township Volunteer Fire Company and the annual dues would be $2.00 per member.

It wasn’t until January 2, 1947 when the Fire Company was officially organized. The coverage area was divided into five districts from which a member was elected as director to represent that district. The five members named were:

Harry LamoreauxDundaff

Glenn WellsElkdale

L.M. AbbottWelsh Hill

Leon BallRoyal

Frank HasbrouckClifford

Any member that joined before February 6, 1947 would be known as the Charter Members and those joining after would be voted upon. Members of the By-Law's committee: W.J. LaCoe, Newton Burdick, and Kirk Buckland.

February 6, 1947 marked the day that the first Fire Chief of Clifford was elected - Harry Horton. Harold Bennett was named Foreman.

The By-Law's were read & adopted on February 26, 1947 and also a Committee of Finance was appointed: Al Fitzgerald, F.N. Hasbrouck, Victor Snyder, Newton Burdick, and W.J. LaCoe. It was also decided at this meeting to purchase a Ward LaFrance Fire Truck for $10,500. Charters for the Fire Company and Relief Association were paid for at this meeting - $10 each.

To be continued….

Just a Reminder…

There is no age limit to become a member of the Clifford Township Volunteer Fire Company, but you must be at least 18 years old to become an Active Member.

The Fire Company meets the 1st Thursday of every month at 8 PM at the Fire Hall.

Holiday Safety

Did you know that each year fires occurring during the holiday season injure 2,000 individuals and cause over $500 million in damage. By following some precautionary tips, you can greatly reduce your chances of becoming a holiday fire casualty.

Make fire safety a part of your holiday preparations.

Don’t use combustible decorations.

Never put lit candles in decorations, displays, or trees.

Use only “UL” approved lights & electrical decorations.

Don’t place your Christmas tree near a radiator, fireplace, or other source of heat.

Turn off tree lights when you leave home or go to bed.

Check your smoke detectors & fire extinguishers.

Never burn gift-wrappings in a fireplace; they can produce toxic fumes.

Check your Christmas tree for freshness by looking at the needles & the trunk.

Check the tree’s container every day & add water if necessary.

Don’t connect more than three sets of lights to an extension cord.

Make sure the tree is fastened securely in its holder or stand so it will not tip over easily.

Have fun at holiday gatherings but don’t drink & drive – have a designated driver.

Remember to buckle your seat belt & use all child safety restraints.

Be aware while shopping - stay in well-lit areas & keep an eye on your children.

Keep holiday plants away from pets & children

Never allow children to play with plastic bags or bubble wrap.

Make your baby sitter part of your safety team – explain your safety rules & what to do in case of an emergency.

CliffordTownship Supervisors News

The Supervisors have announced that they received a grant in the amount of $24,500 for road repair to Jane Lane.

The new CliffordTownship truck has been delivered and is in service for the approaching winter season. There will now be 2 trucks in operation in CliffordTownship.

The 2003 CliffordTownship budget has been decided and is posted in the MunicipalBuilding.

Paul Fortuner is available the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 6:00PM - 7:30PM at the MunicipalBuilding for Building Permits.

The CliffordTownship Supervisors meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM at the TownshipBuilding.

Clifford Township Volunteer Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary

Shortly after the formation of the Clifford Township Volunteer Fire Company, the ladies of our community formed the Ladies Auxiliary to support the Fire Company both financially and socially.

The Ladies also financially support our volunteer ambulance, starting with the purchase of the original ambulance. Throughout the years, the Ladies have given the Fire Company half of the funds needed for the purchase of a new ambulance and in the early 1990’s, the Ladies began to pay for the entire loan for the ambulance. In 1996, when the Fire Company’s Ambulance Squad wanted to update the ambulance, the Ladies committed to totally funding the project. The Ladies also pay for all repairs, replacement of supplies, cell phone bills, and any equipment needed for the Fire Company to meet the State Mandate requirements for certification.

The volunteers who man our ambulance strive to provide the best quality emergency care for CliffordTownship and when the volunteers asked for new equipment, the Ladies responded. The Ladies purchased the ‘Jaws of Life’ for the volunteers, the first set in Susquehanna County; they purchased air bags that are strong enough to lift a tractor trailer, but are used to safely extricate victims; and they also bought the adult and pediatric MAST trousers that are used to treat shock victims. Clifford Township Volunteer Ambulance was also one of the first volunteer ambulances to have an automatic defibrillator thanks to the Ladies.

In the planning stages of the new Fire Hall, the Ladies once again responded to the Fire Company’s request for financial support. The Ladies committed to giving the Fire Company approximately 30% of the cost of the new building. The Ladies contribute money to the Christmas Care Fund, a fund set up by the Fire Company to donate to the needy and fire victims in our community during the Christmas Season.

How are the Ladies Auxiliary able to support the Fire Company and Ambulance? Through the profits made at the annual Clifford Township Volunteer Fireman’s Picnic from the sales of the Pie and Cake, Candy Apple, French Fry, Cotton Candy, and the Quilt Raffle stands.

In addition to financial support, the Ladies sponsor a Canteen, which provides hot drinks and refreshments at fire scenes when our men are at a fire for an extended period of time. This is accomplished with the help of local businesses who supply the needed food products for this project. We have also assisted the American Red Cross at Blood Drives held in CliffordTownship. If you look, you can see our members assisting the Fire Company in many of their stands at the picnic or many of their other fundraisers.

We must not forget the men and women who respond to emergency situations. It is with the cooperation of both organizations that these Volunteer Groups are able to provide the best emergency care available to all residents and visitors of our community.

The Ladies Auxiliary meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every month beginning at 7:30 PM at the Fire Hall. They encourage members of the community to join the organization.

Official Wastewater Facilities Plan

Act 537

Under the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Code, Title 25, Environmental Protection, each Borough Council and every Board of Supervisors of all Townships in the Commonwealth must update their Official Wastewater Facilities Plan, called Act 537.

This is a very detailed Environmental study conducted in the township. Thirty-three percent (33%) of all property sewer/drain fields and sand mounds must be checked for correct and up to date functional behavior. It is the only way to keep our drinking water (wells) used in our community safe and clear of any pollution.

This study costs money and it is mandatory by the D.E.P Code of our Commonwealth. If the engineering firm hired to perform this study does everything right, 50% of the cost will be repaid by the D.E.P. back to the Township or Borough, if they first file all necessary forms.

This update ever ten (10) years does not mean that it will be mandatory for the Township or Borough to build their own Wastewater Facility. It is a check for every citizen to know for sure that the well water on his/her property is safe and healthy for consumption.

Many times in a Township of Borough, D.E.P. will recommend that the failing on lot facilities be repaired to today’s standards and the next ten years precede without any changes. If there is water contamination in many wells or if too many of the onsite facilities fail, the D.E.P. will recommend that the municipality either hooks onto an existing Sewer Facility in a neighboring Township or Borough, or if there is no such facility near by or the facility does not have the capacity needed, the D.E.P. will recommend that a Sewer Facility be built at a site in said Borough or Township.

So, every ten (10) years, you will hear your supervisors discuss hiring a planning firm to up-date CliffordTownship’s Act 537.

Mark your calendar:


6thCliffordVillage Christmas

8thChristmas Care Breakfast at the Fire Hall

15thClifford Fire Company Children’s Christmas



CliffordVillage Christmas

Enjoy the beauty of all the sparkling holiday trees

along Main Street, Clifford, PA

and plan to be on hand Friday, December 6, 2002

for the Main Tree Lighting at 7PM

(located in front of Clifford Supply)

Then stay and help us welcome SANTA and enjoy all the Festivities

planned for the evening including:

♫ Door Prizes ♫ Raffle ♫ Give A-Ways ♫

♫ Hot Chocolate ♫ Coffee ♫

♫ Hot Dogs ♫ Cookies ♫ Caroling ♫

♫ Photos with SANTA ♫

Funded by: Local Merchants,

CliffordTownship Supervisors, &

CliffordTownship Emergency Services Committee

For further information please contact:

Kim Bostjancic: 570-222-4261

Chris Marcho: 570-222-5808

Happy Holidays


Happy New Year

CliffordTownship Emergency Services Committee

PO Box 339

Clifford, PA18413