Mid Winter Weekend Ski Trip Permission Form

I/we give permission for ______(the “student”) to participate in the overnight ski trip to Smuggler’s Notch Ski Resort over the mid winter weekend from January 31st through the February 4th, 2013. (Collectively, the “Trip”)

I/we understand that all forms of skiing, snowboarding and alpine activities, including the use of lifts, are hazardous. Falls and injuries are a common occurrence. Participants on the trip agree to ski or ride only within the participant’s own level and ability.

I/we understand and hereby acknowledge that I/we assume all risks incurred by the student’s participation in the trip.

I/we hereby waive and release all claims against Trinity-Pawling School and its trustees, officers, agents, and/or employees, for any injury, loss, damage, accident, delay or expense resulting from the student’s participation in the trip.

I/we also release Trinity-Pawling School and its agents and employees and agree to indemnify them, with regard to any financial obligations or liabilities that the student may personally incur or any damage or injury to the person or property of others that he may cause, while participating in the trip.

I/we hereby grant Trinity-Pawling School and its agents and employees full authority to take whatever actions they may consider to be warranted under the circumstances regarding the student’s health and safety, and I/we fully release them from any liability for such decisions or actions as may be taken in connection therewith. I/we authorize Trinity-Pawling School and its agents, at their discretion, to place the student, at my/our own expense, and without my further consent, in a hospital for medical service and treatment, or, if no hospital is readily available, to place him in the hands of a local medical doctor for treatment.

I/we understand that all Trinity-Pawling School Rules, as outlined in the Student Handbook, are in effect on the trip. I/we understand that any violation of school rules will result in disciplinary action upon return to school and/or may result in the student being sent home immediately at my/our expense.

Parent/Guardian Signature :______Date______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date______

Telephone numbers:Evenings:______


Emergency Contact ______

Please Print Name

Phone Number:______

Smuggler’s Notch Long Weekend Ski Trip

Trinity-Pawling is offering a ski/snow board trip to Smuggler’s Notch Ski Resort over the mid winter long weekend. On this trip, the boys will leave campus at 1pm on Feb 2nd, spend the long weekend at the Smuggler’s Notch Ski Resort, and return to campus by dinner on Feb 6th. The fee of $595 is for lift tickets, coach bus transportation, condominium accommodations, dinner and breakfast each day, use of the village facilities at Smuggler’s notch including their pool, skating facilities and snow tubing area. The cost of rental equipment, lessons and lunch each day are not included. Participants on this trip will have to bring additional money for food, snacks and other miscellaneous expenses. These prices are calculated based on the group rates and may vary based on the number of boys who actually sign up. This trip can be cancelled if enough boys do not participate.

Full payment and permission forms must be received by December 12th. Payment is nonrefundable,unless the trip is cancelled due to lack of participation. Make checks payable to the Trinity-Pawling School.

Please include a check for the total amount you calculate below. Please fill out the registration information below along with the attached permission form, and fax it to the School no later than December 13. If you prefer to mail the forms, please send it to; Adam Dinsmore, Trinity-Pawling School, 700 Route 22, Pawling, NY 12564.

If you have questions, please contact Mr. Dinsmore at .

Adam Dinsmore


Registration Information

Check the appropriate boxes and fill in the totals

Participant’s Name: ______Grade: ______

 Smuggler’s Notch, Mid Winter Weekend Ski Trip:$600

 Rental Equipment for four days:$65

Total: ______


 Check made payable to Trinity-Pawling School with “Sunday Ski Trips” in memo line is enclosed.


Authorized Signature Date