Annual Parish meeting 2006


Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 25 May 2006 in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.


Cllr Spiers, Chairing

Members of the Parish Council, Cllr Bell, Cllr Bennell, Cllr Backholler, Cllr Harris, Cllr O’Hara, Cllr Steeley,

9 Members of the public

Mr. G Tooke, Clerk to the Parish Council

The Chairman of the Parish Council welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Agenda was agreed by the meeting.

1.Apologies for absence

Mrs Kenning, Cllr Loudon, Cllr Marsh and Cllr Trigger sent their apologies

2.Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 12 May 2005.

Copies of the minutes were available to all those present. It was unanimously agreed that the minutes be accepted as correct.

3.Matters arising from the minutes


4.Presentation by Police

The Chairman introduced PC Jamie Russell, Community Beat Officer for Ryton and Stretton on Dunsmore (No 1617).

The PC requested questions from the floor. The questions were on the following topics:

QWhat can be done about the excessive traffic speed in the Village?

APC Russell agreed that speeding is a problem not only in the Village but also in the Oxford Road. He hoped that a greater visible police presence was part of the overall answer.

QWhat can be done about anti social behaviour in the village and at Ryton House?

APC Russell agreed that there is a problem with behaviour, particularly on the Recreation Ground and with alcohol. When he saw problems he was acting on them and had confiscated alcohol. It was noted that Ryton House is also a planning problem.

QThere have been a number of PCs in Ryton, all have moved on, why, and are you here for the long term?

APC Russell confirmed his commitment to the Village. The days of the 20 year bobby are gone, movement is in the nature of modern policing.

QWill there be any benefit to Ryton on Dunsmore from the police force amalgamation?

AIt should mean more community officers for the Village.

QWhat is the policy on the convictions for class A drugs?

APC Russell said this is a matter for the CPS.

QWhere had PC Russell been before his assignment to Ryton on Dunsmore?

APC Russell said he had been part of a reactive shift in Rugby.

5.New Burial Ground

Cllr Bennell explained the shortage of spaces in the Church Yard and that if nothing were done then the residents would have to go to Rugby for burial. She explained the history of the search, that the land next to the Church had been found to be environmentally unsuitable and that the allotments had no proper access. This left the land behind Leamington Road and Mann’s Close which can be accessed via the footpath (R153a) or possibly along the track at the back. RBC planners had no objection although there may be a legal issue to overcome regarding the definition and covenant for recreational use.

Resolution, proposed Cllr Spiers, seconded Cllr Bennell

There should be a burial ground in the Village.

For 14 against 1 abstention 0 the resolution was carried.

Resolution, proposed Mrs Backholler seconded Mrs McCann

The Parish Council shall issue a questionnaire to the Village on the need for a burial ground and its location.

For 14 against 1 abstention 0 the resolution was carried.

6.New Pavilion

The Chairmen presented the plans for the meeting to see and explained that the windows, walls and roof needed more detailed drawings. During questions and answers, the Chairman further explained that it would be used for sports use with changing rooms, kitchen and serving areas and a further room and a viewing balcony upstairs, it will also contain an equipment store. It will not be a sports hall for games e.g. 5-a-side. There should be room for the provision of a small gym. It will be managed alongside the Village Hall and the two should not compete but compliment each other. Currently the Parish Council has to spend money maintaining the aging existing Pavilion. The expected cost will be between £¼m and £½m made up of Sec 106 money and grants

Resolution, proposed Cllr Spiers, seconded Cllr O’Hara

The Village wish the Parish Council to replace the existing Pavilion with a building fit for purpose.

For 15 Against 1 Abstentions 0, the resolution was carried.

7.Report from the Chairman, Cllr Spiers

The Chairman gave his report and it is attached to these minutes.

8.Report of the County Councillor, Cllr Timms

Cllr Timms has enjoyed her first year as County Councillor and working with Ryton on Dunsmore Parish Council. There have been many issues, but the main ones deal with traffic speed, antisocial behaviour and traveller sites. On policing the new neighbourhood policy should see more police stay on the beat. She expressed concerns over the merger with respect to extractions. Cllr Timms said that Ryton Pools was a terrific success and spoke of the link they are trying to forge with the community. There have been many issues on speeding and traffic, Ryton should now be getting a footpath on the Leamington Road to the Connexion. On the closure of the Ryton Plant, WCC are keen to involve the local community on its future use. During questions Cllr Timms agreed to look at getting a crash barrier on the A45, Coventry bound, outside the houses before the Peugeot site.

9.Report of the Borough Councillor, Cllr Backholler

Cllr Backholler said that he had helped people with their problems during the year. He informed the meeting of a new RBC hotline on noise, the pollution control team can now be contacted on 01788 533859. RBC is also encouraging us to recycle more by entering participating house for a daily draw for 2 Royal Show tickets.

10.Reports from other Village Organisations

The Village Hall had completed its installation of the Disabled and parents changing toilet and ramp.
The Chairman gave a vote of thanks to all the volunteers of the many organisations on behalf of the Village.


No correspondence has been received.

10.Questions from the Public

QWhat can be done about the shortage of bungalows in the Village, will a Survey help?

ACllr Timms said that a Parish Plan that identified the need would have to be taken into account by the planners in RBC. Others expressed scepticism that such a plan would benefit the Village, as it could be a developers’ charter.

QWhen will the Village Webb Site be updated?

AThe Chairman said it would be done

QWhat can be done to move the School Bus Stop?

AThe Chairman replied that there is no obvious place it can be moved that will not upset other residents.

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.50pm.

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