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SECRC/AT UW / 2003-04-07 / en / - / 1 (11)
ABB Gate Model
Gate Assessment Description and Checklist
Technology Development 1.2
Intended Use of these Checklists
Gate 0, Start Project
Gate 1, Start Planning
Gate 2, Start Execution
Gate 3, Confirm Execution
Gate 4, Start Introduction
Gate 5, Release
Gate 6, Close Project
Gate 7, Retrospective Investigation of Project
The ABB Gate Model requires projects to be assessed before each gate in order to prepare the gate decisions.
This document includes the Gate Assessment Checklists that identify items of critical importance for making the gate decisions.
The checklists are intended to provide the Gate Assessor with information on what is typically required to pass Gates. In addition, they guide Project Managers in the use of the Gate Model by identifying issues that are typically addressed before passing each Gate.
The Gate Assessor has the responsibility to report on project status relative to the Gate Assessment Checklists and to make a recommendation as to the project’s readiness to pass a gate.
All ABB Gate Model roles are described in reference [2].
The contents of these checklists should be addressed when conducting assessments, but every organization or project using the Gate Model can tailor them to fit specific needs.
Intended Use of these Checklists
The checklists in this document contain issues of critical importance for making the gate decisions. The checklists should not be used as a quality assurance tool to check on the existence of particular documents. Instead, they should serve as inspiration for the assessor when conducting the assessment and as help for the project manager when planning the project and preparing for the gate. At each gate the assessor should not only check that the information is available, but also evaluate if the information is realistic and reasonable and if the project has the potential that justifies further investment.
The purpose of the assessment is to help the Gate Owner to evaluate the two basic issues:
- Does the project have a potential to deliver a product/solution/technology that justifies continued investment?
- Is the project ready to pass this gate?
[0]9AAD104000ABB Gate Model for Product and Technology
Development 1.2
[1]9AAD104101Gate Assessment Description and Checklist, Product Development 1.2
[2]9AAD104130ABB Gate Model for Product and Technology
Development - Role Descriptions
Gate 0, Start Project
GoalTo evaluate an identified opportunity and to start the project.
When should G0 take place?
When the time is right based on output from product and technology planning.
Business / Market and Competition / What benefit will the intended project results deliver to the receiver(s) and to potential external customers?
What does the target market for the intended project results look like?
Is an overview of development costs and business impact for ABB available?
Can the investment be justified?
Is an overview of the market requirements available?
Is an overview of the competitive situation available?
What is the competitive advantage for ABB with the intended project results?
What is the intended business model?
Intellectual Properties / Is an overview of relevant Intellectual Properties available?
Receiver(s) / Who are the potential receiver(s) for the project results and are they committed?
Strategic Plans / Do the intended project results fit into the strategic plans and product portfolios of the potential receiver(s)?
Technology / Technical Concept / What is the main objective and key message of the project from a technical perspective?
What is new in terms of technology?
What alternatives for a technical solution are available?
Are the proposed project results based on available platforms?
Is an overview of the technical requirements available?
Strategic Plans / Are the proposed project results in line with relevant strategic technology plans?
Make or Buy? / Should the technology be developed internally or should acquisition be considered?
Project / Organization / Are resources required for establishing plans identified and committed?
Is a proposal for a project organization available?
Is an overview of the competencies necessary for execution of the project available?
Cost and Duration / What are the estimated costs and duration for the entire project?
What are the estimated costs and duration until G2?
Risk / Risk / Has an initial set of risks been identified (Business, Technology, Project Management)?
Gate 1, Start Planning
GoalTo obtain agreement on project scope and confirm feasibility.
When should G1 take place?
When the scope and requirements are stable enough to make planning feasible.
Business / Market and Competition / What benefit will the intended project results deliver to the receiver(s) and to potential external customers?
Is the knowledge about the targeted market sufficient?
Is an initial business case in place?
Can the investment be justified?
Has the analysis of the competitive situation been updated?
Intellectual Properties / Has the Search on Existing Patents been updated?
Has a first Patent Strategy been defined (including analysis of competitor’s patents versus the proposed technical solution and definition of areas to protect, with possible key specific patents to file).
Technology / Technical Concept / Is an evaluation of the alternatives for a technical solution available?
Make or Buy? / Is the make or buy decision still valid?
Sustainability / Are the relevant sustainability aspects and requirements identified?
Have relevant legal considerations relative to the proposed technology been analyzed?
Project / Organization / Are resources required for execution of the project identified?
Is the project organization in place?
Are the competencies necessary for execution of the project available?
Is an overview of missing competencies available?
Scope and Project Plans / Is the scope clear enough to allow planning?
Are the receiver(s) actively involved in establishing plans?
Requirements / Are the project requirements stable enough to form a basis for project planning?
Dependencies / Are relevant dependencies between the project and other projects identified?
Cost and Duration / Have the estimated costs and duration of the entire project been updated?
Have the estimated costs and duration until G2 been updated?
Risk / Risk / Has the risk list been updated?
Are strategies for dealing with key risks available?
Have risks been analyzed and are initial risk mitigation plans available?
Gate 2, Start Execution
GoalTo obtain agreement on project plans and on the feasibility of implementing the requirements using the selected technical solution.
When should G2 take place?
When the requirements are stable and baselined, and the project has been planned.
Business / Market and Competition / Are metrics for benefit delivery defined and confirmed with the receiver(s)s?
Is the target market confirmed with the receiver(s)?
Is a detailed business case in place and is it confirmed with the receiver(s)?
Can the investment be justified?
Is the Market Requirement Specification confirmed with the receiver(s) and potential customers?
Has the analysis of the competitive situation been updated?
Is the business model confirmed with the receiver(s)?
Intellectual Properties / Has the Search on Existing Patents been updated?
Has the Patent Strategy been updated? (Including analysis of competitor’s patents versus the proposed technical solution and definition of areas to protect, with possible key specific patents to file.)
Have Patent Applications (First Filings) been filed?
Receiver(s) / Has an explicit decision been made by the receiver(s) to take over project results?
Are plans in place and confirmed with the receiver(s) for the transfer of project results?
Strategic Plans / Is the fit of project results into the strategic plans and product portfolio of the receiver(s) confirmed?
Technology / Technical Concept / Is the technical objective of the project confirmed with the receiver(s)?
Is the choice of a technical solution confirmed with the receiver(s)?
Is the proposed technical concept based on thorough knowledge and experience?
Are issues regarding common look and feel of ABB products addressed?
Has the change impact of the proposed project results been identified and evaluated?
Is relevant backwards compatibility addressed?
Strategic Plans / Has the fit of the proposed project results into relevant strategic technology plans been confirmed by the receiver(s)?
Make or Buy? / Is the make or buy decision confirmed with the receiver(s)?
Sustainability / Are plans to address relevant sustainability aspects and requirements available?
Are plans to address relevant legal considerations available?
Do the proposed project results conform to relevant internal and external standards and regulations?
Development Model / Has an appropriate development model been chosen for application in the project?
Project / Organization / Is a resource plan for the project available and confirmed?
Are resources required for execution of the project committed?
Is the project organization confirmed?
Are the competencies necessary for execution of the project available in the project organization?
Scope and Project Plans / Are detailed plans for execution of all relevant project activities available and have they been confirmed within the project organization and with the receiver(s)?
Are means for monitoring and control of project progress established?
Is it realistic to execute the project according to the plans?
Are the deliverables confirmed with the receiver(s)?
Requirements / Are all relevant items in the Market Requirements Specification addressed in the Project Requirements Specification?
Is the Project Requirements Specification confirmed with the receiver(s)?
Is the Project Requirements Specification ready for Change Management?
Dependencies / Are plans on how to handle relevant dependencies between the project and other projects available?
Cost and Duration / Have the estimated costs and duration of the entire project been updated?
Verification and Validation / Are plans for verification (e.g. release testing) and validation (e.g. piloting) available?
Risk / Risk / Has the risk list been updated?
Are strategies for dealing with key risks confirmed with receiver(s)?
Are mitigation plans available for all relevant risks?
Are initial contingency plans available for all relevant risks?
Gate 3, Confirm Execution
GoalTo obtain agreement on the design and to confirm project goals and plans.
When should G3 take place?
When all critical design decisions have been made (architecture, interfaces, prototypes, etc.).
Business / Market and Competition / Is the business case still valid?
Are there any significant changes to the Market Requirements Specification?
Intellectual Properties / Has the search on existing patents been updated?
Has the Patent Strategy been updated with proposals of new patents covering the implementation details?
Have Patent Applications (First Filings) been filed?
Have Secrecy Agreements been signed with relevant business partners and potential external customers?
Technology / Technical Concept / Are all critical design and implementation decisions made and confirmed with the receiver(s)?
Can the technical objective of the project be achieved with the chosen technical solution?
Sustainability / Are plans to address relevant sustainability aspects and requirements executed?
Are plans to address relevant legal considerations executed?
Project / Organization / Has the resource plan been updated?
Are the resources required for execution of the project still committed?
Are the competencies necessary for execution of the project still available in the project organization?
Scope and Project Plans / Is the project progressing according to plans in terms of schedule, costs and deliverables?
Have the project plans been updated?
Requirements / Are there any significant changes to the Project Requirements Specification?
Verification and Validation / Are plans for verification executed?
Risk / Risk / Has the risk list been updated?
Are strategies for dealing with different risk areas confirmed?
Are mitigation plans for all relevant risks executed?
Are contingency plans available for all relevant risks?
Gate 4, Start Introduction
GoalTo obtain agreement on readiness for validation and confirm project goals and plans.
When should G4 take place?
When the project results have been successfully verified and are stable enough for validation.
Business / Market and Competition / Are the project results competitive in the targeted market?
Is the business case still valid?
Are there any significant changes to the Market Requirements Specification?
Intellectual Properties / Are relevant Intellectual Properties secured?
Have Secrecy Agreements been signed with receiver(s) and potential external customers?
Receiver(s) / Are activities for the transfer of project results executed according to plans?
Will the receiver(s) be ready to take over the project results by G5?
Technology / Strategic Plans / Does the product still fit in the strategic technology plan?
Project / Organization / Has the resource plan been updated?
Are the resources required for execution of the project still committed?
Are the resources for piloting committed?
Are the competencies necessary for execution of the project still available in the project organization?
Scope and Project Plans / Is the project progressing according to plans in terms of schedule, costs and deliverables?
Requirements / Are there any significant changes to the Project Requirements Specification?
Have all relevant items in the Project Requirements Specification been verified?
Verification and Validation / Have project results been verified successfully?
Are the project results stable enough for validation?
Are the receiver(s) or potential external customers prepared for validation?
Risk / Risk / Has the risk list been updated?
Are strategies for dealing with different risk areas confirmed?
Are mitigation plans for all relevant risks executed?
Are relevant contingency plans executed?
Gate 5, Release
GoalTo obtain agreement on readiness to release project results to the receiver(s).
When should G5 take place?
When project results have been successfully validated and all preparations for release have been made.
Business / Market and Competition / Will project results deliver value as expected?
Is the business case still valid?
Have all relevant items in the Market Requirements Specification been Verified and Validated?
Has the analysis of the competitive situation been updated?
Intellectual Properties / Has ownership of relevant Intellectual Properties been transferred to the receiver(s)?
Have decisions regarding ownership of relevant Intellectual Properties been made?
Receiver(s) / Are the Receiver(s) ready to take over the project results?
Strategic Plans / Do the project results still fit into the strategic plans and product portfolio of the receiver(s)?
Technology / Technical Concept / Has the technical objectives of the project been achieved?
Strategic Plans / Do the project results still fit into the strategic technology plans of the receiver(s)?
Sustainability / Are relevant sustainability aspects and requirements resolved?
Are there opportunities for ABB related to relevant sustainability aspects and requirements?
Are all relevant legal considerations resolved?
Project / Requirements / Have all relevant items in the Project Requirements Specification been verified and validated?
Transfer / Are project results ready for transfer to the receiver(s)?
Is there a procedure for feedback and problem reporting in place?
Verification and Validation / Have findings from the verification and validation been resolved?
Risk / Risk / Has the risk list been updated?
Are strategies for dealing with different risk areas confirmed?
Are mitigation plans for all relevant risks executed?
Are relevant contingency plans executed?
Are remaining risks acceptable for the receiver(s)?
Gate 6, Close Project
GoalTo confirm that project results have been successfully transferred to the receiver(s) and to close the project.
When should G6 take place?
When project results have been transferred to the receiver.
Evaluation / Project Results / Have the project results been successfully transferred to the receiver(s)?
Has the project organization been dissolved?
Business Impact / Are procedures in place to allow follow-up of impact from project results?
Experience Collection / Who will be responsible for G7 and when will it be conducted?
Have experiences from the project been collected for future use?
What opportunities for new technology development have been identified?
What opportunities for process improvements have been identified?
Gate 7, Retrospective Investigation of Project
GoalTo evaluate the project and the project results.
When should G7 take place?
When the receiver has applied the project results.
Evaluation / Project Results / Have the project results been used in products that are currently on the market?
Do the project results contribute to ABB superiority?
Has it been possible to develop, manufacture, service and maintain a product based on the project results?
Is the quality of the technology as expected?
Business Impact / Are the product sales based on the project results as expected at G2 and G5?
Have the expectations regarding business impact for ABB been met?
Experience Collection / What opportunities for new technology development have been identified?
What opportunities for process improvements have been identified?
9AAD104106, Gate assessment description and checklists TD 1.2.docBlankett rev. 93-03-09 /
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