Broadways Terminales – page 68 - Worksheet on ‘Tired of dreaming’
The journalist’s first name : ______his SURNAME: ______
Title or headline : ______
Type of document : ______
Source : ______
Date (in full): ______
An alternative title : ______
The main character – Complete when possible or circle the right answers
gender : ______
stage-name : ______
real name : ______
nationality : ______
age today : ______
marital status : ______
occupation : a reporter / a singer / a poet / a politician / an activist / a nurse / a doctor / a movie actor
his ‘mission’ : ______
Find out the following information - Quote the text and indicate line numbers.
the country Bono is concerned about : ______
a world-famous Irish band : ______
another Irish singer : ______
a popular charity event : ______
the issue Bob Geldof wanted to address : ______
the place where Bono had a revelation : ______
the aim of Jubilee 2000 : ______
an alternative name for this movement : ______
the acronym DATA stands for : ______
3 things Bono asks for : ______
3 things he proposes in exchange: ______
2 advantages Bono has over other people:
Bono doesn’t use emotional arguments, he uses pragmatic arguments; he presents Africa as a potential ______for America.
According to him, what is more effective than singing in stadiums, is ______.
The poet who wrote ‘Poetry makes nothing happen’ is called ______.
Instead of dreaming Bono wants to ______.
The British band called ‘The Clash’ made him discover ______.
One defect in Bono’s character; he pretends he is ______.
Match adjectives and nouns from paragraph 1
1. big
2. dedicated
3. financial
4. health
5. large
6. most powerful
7. political
8. secular
9. shrewd
10. world-wide
a. advocate
b. advocate
c. advocate
d. crisis
e. crisis
f. people
g. rock star
h. rock star
i. saint
j. symbol
1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5. _____
6. _____7. _____8. _____9. _____10. _____
Vocabulary from the text – Do these translations make sense ? - Cross out the wrong meaning
l. 4molding himself = se transformer en
l. 4shrewd = habile, astucieux,
l. 5 dedicated = indifférent
l. 6 secular = étranger à la religion
l. 8activism = militantisme
l. 8 a pol = un politique
l. 11put it on the agenda = mettre à l’ordre du jour
l. 13involvement = implication
l. 13in celebrity-dilettante fashion = de manière sérieuse
l. 16famine relief = aide humanitaire contre la famine
l. 19an orphanage = un orphelin
l. 19mist would be lifting = la brume se levait
l.23 it remained = cela l’a remanié
l. 24the aim = le but
l. 24wealthy nations = les nations pauvres
l. 25to erase the debt = supprimer la dette
l. 27a high-profile spokesman = un porte parole prestigieux
l. 28he founded = il a trouvé
l. 28to launch = lancer
l. 29lowered trade embargoes = augmenter les embargos
l. 30accountability = comptabilité
l. 30AIDS = HIV
l. 32 debt relief = l’annulation de la dette
l. 34taken on the job = s’est pris au jeu
l. 34to avoid = avouer
l. 35he refrains from = il chante son refrain sur
l. 36an issue = une issue
l. 36we argue = nous argumentons
l. 37preachy = sermonneur
l. 37crass terms = en termes crus
l. 39to prevent the fires = prévenir les pompiers
l. 40to put them out = les mettre dehors
l. 41he has given up = il a abandonné
l. 42back rooms = les coulisses
l. 43sold out stadiums = des stades déserts
l. 44wistfully = avec regret
l. 45I’m tired of dreaming = J’en ai marre de rêver
l. 45I’m into ___ = je suis branché ___
l. 46goals = buts
l. 50music sways people = la musique influence les gens
l. 51that is no longer enough = c’est déjà trop
l. 51selfish = égoïste
l. 55I hold too dear = cela m’est très cher