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Minutes of Council Meeting held on April 8, 2008
The City Council met on the above date in City Hall at 7:00 p.m.
The following were present:
Mayor:Gene Bruns
Councilmen:Jim Martino
Delores Curry
David Silvers
Lisa Ronning
Chris Hertling
Amy Rutledge
Bill Biggerstaff
Bettie L. Miller
Also Present:Pamela Windsor, City Administrator
Glenn Ladd, Police Chief
David Williams, Fire Chief
Pat Hawver, Public Works Director (absent)
Bear Kistler, Superintendent of Field Operations
Greg Hansen, Community Center Director
Paul Rader, Communications Utility Director
J.W. Brewer, City Collector
Ronald Ball, Treasurer
Thomas Barzee, Legal Counsel
Marsha Wilson, City Clerk
Guests:Vera Beamer
Danny Shipp
Liz Ryan
Sharon Silvers
Wanda Ebert
Jerry Lechtenberg
Rita Lechtenberg
Jonathan Polak
Mayor Bruns called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.The meeting opened with those present repeating in unison The Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
C. Miller moved the minutes of the Special Council Meeting of March 18, 2008, the Special Council Meeting of March 20, 2008, and the Regular Council Meeting of March 25, 2008 be approved, seconded by C. Ronning. The roll was called and the vote was as follows: C. Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. / Opening and Approval of Minutes
The following consent agenda was presented:
Consideration of retirement of Robert Meneses, Jr., effective April 25,
Consideration of resignation of Kimber Dowdy from the North Kansas
City Planning Commission, effective April 1, 2008.
Consideration of travel request from Thomas E. Barzee, Jr.,
Administration, to attend the “2008 Brownfields Conference”, Detroit,
MI, May 4 - 6, 2008, at an estimated cost of $688.40, with expenses
Consideration of travel request from Chris Cooper, Public Works, to
attend “PSMJ’s Public Works Project Management”, Minneapolis, MN,
May 7 - 9, 2008, at an estimated cost of $1,842.00, with expenses
Consideration of travel request from Amy Rutledge, Council, to attend the
“MML Elected Officials Training Conference”, Jefferson City, MO, June
12 - 13, 2008, at an estimated cost of $395.71, with expenses allowed.
Consideration of Short Term Conditional Use Permit from First Baptist
Consideration of Report of Violation of Municipal Court Ordinances from
Municipal Court for the month of March, 2008.
Consideration of Resolution No. 08-015, authorizing the Police
Department to participate in Highway Safety Enforcement Grant. / Retirement Robert Meneses-Street
Resignation Kimber Dowdy
Travel – Admin.
Travel – Public Works
Travel – Council
Cond. Use Permit – FirstBaptistChurch
Municipal Court Violations
Resolution 08-015
Highway Safety Grant
End of consent agenda.
Mayor Bruns stated Kimber Dowdy was resigning from the Planning Commission because of a job change requiring her to move to Texas.
C. Miller stated Mr. Meneses, who is retiring from the Street Department after 31 years, has been an outstanding employee and will be missed.
C. Biggerstaff stated years ago Mr. Meneses did some interpreting for the Police Department and was always ready to help. / Resignation
Kimber Dowdy
C. Miller moved that the consent agenda be approved,seconded by C.Biggerstaff. The roll was called and the vote was as follows: C. Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. / Consent Agenda Approved
Bill No. 6512 was presented declaring certain property as surplus property and authorizing the transfer of said surplus property to the City of Richmond, Missouri for municipal use. C. Miller moved that Bill No. 6512 be placed on its first reading, seconded by C. Biggerstaff. The roll was called and the vote as follows: C Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. Bill No. 6512 was read. C. Miller moved that Bill No. 6512 be placed on its second and final reading and passed as Ordinance No. 8311, seconded by C. Martino. The roll was called and the vote was as follows: C. Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. Bill No 6512 was read. Thereupon Mayor Bruns declared the motion carried and the Bill duly passed. Said Bill was then numbered 8311, was signed and approved by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk and approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney and City Counselor. / Surplus Property to Richmond, MO
Bill No. 6513 was presented approving the re-plat of Two-Ten Center, a subdivision of land in the City of North Kansas City, Missouri. C. Miller moved that Bill No. 6513 be placed on its first reading, seconded by C. Ronning. The roll was called and the vote as follows: C Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. Bill No. 6513 was read. C. Miller moved that Bill No. 6513 be placed on its second and final reading and passed as Ordinance No. 8312, seconded by C. Ronning. The roll was called and the vote was as follows: C. Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. Bill No 6513 was read. Thereupon Mayor Bruns declared the motion carried and the Bill duly passed. Said Bill was then numbered 8312, was signed and approved by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk and approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney and City Counselor. / Two-Ten Center
Bill No. 6514 was presented assigning contract by and between the City of North Kansas City, Missouri and World Wide Packets, Inc. to Ciena Communications, Inc. C. Miller moved that Bill No. 6514 be placed on its first reading, seconded by C. Biggerstaff. The roll was called and the vote as follows: C. Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. Bill No. 6514 was read. C. Millermoved that Bill No. 6514 be placed on its second and final reading and passed as Ordinance No. 8313 seconded by C. Ronning. The roll was called and the vote was as follows: C. Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. Bill No. 6514 was read. Thereupon Mayor Bruns declared the motion carried and the Bill duly passed. Said Bill was then numbered 8313, was signed and approved by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk and approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney and City Counselor. / Contract Assignment – World Wide Packet to Ciena
Bill No. 6515 was presented authorizing payment for certain accounts due and payable by the City through April 3, 2008. C. Miller moved that Bill No. 6515 be placed on its first reading, seconded by C. Biggerstaff. The roll was called and the vote as follows: C. Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. Bill No. 6515 was read. C. Miller moved that Bill No. 6515 be placed on its second and final reading and passed as Ordinance No. 8314 seconded by C. Ronning. The roll was called and the vote was as follows: C. Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. Bill No 6515 was read. Thereupon Mayor Bruns declared the motion carried and the Bill duly passed. Said Bill was then numbered 8314, was signed and approved by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk and endorsed by the City Treasurer that sufficient funds were on hand to meet the obligations. / Accounts Payable
Bill No. 6516 was presented adopting and approving a real estate contract between the City of North Kansas City, Missouri and Marjorie L. France for the City’s purchase of certain real property located generally at 200 East 13th Avenue in North Kansas City, Missouri. C. Miller moved that Bill No. 6516 be placed on its first reading, seconded by C. Biggerstaff. The roll was called and the vote as follows: C. Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. Bill No. 6516 was read. C. Miller moved that Bill No. 6516 be placed on its second and final reading and passed as Ordinance No. 8315, seconded by C. Ronning. The roll was called and the vote was as follows: C. Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. Bill No. 6516 was read. Thereupon Mayor Bruns declared the motion carried and the Bill duly passed. Said Bill was then numbered 8315, was signed and approved by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk and approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney and City Counselor. / Real Estate Contract – Marjorie L. France
200 E. 13th Avenue
Bear Kistler reported the new water line in back of the Two-Ten Center is estimated to cost $80,000-$85,000. Mr. Kistler stated there is money available in the infrastructure budget for this project and would like to proceed now before parking lots, curbs, etc. go in.
Pam Windsor stated this money was identified in the budget for a back-wash pump that we will not be doing at this time so it would not require a budget amendment as no additional funds will be required. Ms. Windsor stated she would, however, like to include this on the consent agenda in two weeks for Council approval.
Council consensus was to move forward with installation of new water line behind Two-Ten Center project and include approval of budget money transfer on the next consent agenda.
Mike Smith reminded Council of the second Light Rail meeting being held on Thursday, April 17, 2008, 6:30 p.m., at the Community Center. The discussion will be about alignment choices.
C. Ronning stated she had attended lunch yesterday with the Students in Government group at Fire Station No. 1 and that the Fire Station renovation was wonderful.
C. Biggerstaff stated he will be on vacation through Thursday, April 22, 2008.
C. Miller asked what the large hole was at the Community Center. Greg Hansen stated it will be the City’s first native flower garden.
C. Curry thanked Chief Ladd and his staff for seeking out grant money. C. Curry asked when the grant will be approved.
Chief Ladd stated the grant was basically approved now. We are just waiting for the paperwork to go through.
C. Silvers stated he was impressed with his tour of the Fire Station during Students In Government Day lunch.
Mayor Bruns stated the orange lighting of the City Hall and Police Building is for MoDOT’s Operation Orange.
Ms. Windsor stated Operation Orange was to honor workers in work areas and remind people to slow down in those areas.
Mayor Bruns stated the building looks good and suggested it might be a cheaper option for lighting at Christmas time. Last year when an estimate was obtained for stringing Christmas lights on the building the bids were very high. The Mayor asked Council to think about it.
Tom Barzee stated the election results were coming in and with 100% of votes in for Ward 4 the results were Biggerstaff, 89, Shipp 16. Ward 4 was the only contested race. / Water Line
Consideration of request by Mayor Bruns to recess into an emergency executive session on a personnel matter pursuant to Missouri State Statute § 610.021 (3) was presented. C. Miller moved the executive session be approved, seconded by C. Hertling. The roll was called and the vote was as follows: C. Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. Mayor Bruns recessed into the executive session at 7:22 p.m.
Mayor Bruns reconvened the meeting at 8:01 p.m. / Executive Session
C. Martino moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by C. Ronning. The roll was called and the vote as follows: C. Ronning, yes – C. Hertling, yes – C. Rutledge, yes – C. Biggerstaff, yes – C. Miller, yes – C. Martino, yes – C. Curry, yes – C. Silvers, yes. The motion carried. / Meeting Adjourned
The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
Council Adjourned,
Approved this 22ndday of April 2008.
Motion made by Councilmember
Seconded by Councilmember______
The votes:
C. Martino____
C. Curry____
C. Silvers____
C. Ronning____
C. Hertling____
C. Rutledge____
C. Biggerstaff ____
C. Miller____