The Church of the Holy Nativity
Who and what is it?
The Church of the Holy Nativity is a Roman Catholic Church Under the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.
What is the Personal Ordinariate? The Personal Ordinariate is an
Canonical structure within the Roman Catholic Church enabling former Anglicans to maintain some degree of corporate identity and patrimony (heredity & tradition).
Pope Benedict XVI through the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith erected this as a PERSONAL diocese of the Holy Father with himself as its Ordinary and now Pope Francis I have that honor.
The Church of Holy Nativity has as its head in the United States Bishop - The Most Rev. Steven J. Lopes. The Ordinariate is like a diocese but in this case a diocese over the entire US and Canada, modeled after the Roman Catholic Military Ordinariate of USA.
The Personal Ordinariate is not an Anglican Use parish or Pastoral Provision parish. Pope John Paul II granted these in June 1980, which permitted the ordination as Roman Catholic priests of married former clergy of the Anglican and Episcopal Churches. These parishes may in time be folded into the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.
Are the Priests of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter Latin Priests as well? YES! The Priests of the Ordinariate are members of the Latin Rite but who wish to maintain some features of their own tradition and patrimony. The Ordinariate priests are dual certified in both the Latin Rite Mass and the Ordinariate Mass. The Latin Church includes among its liturgical rites the widespread Roman Rite, Byzantine Rite, the Ambrosia Rite of Milan, the Mozarabic Rite, the Maronite Rite, and specific uses of religious orders just to name a few.
This event has made history for the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglicans who wish to come back to the Mother Church. We thank Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and now Pope Francis I for having the foresight and wisdom to help bring this to a reality
If you have any questions about Holy Nativity as a Roman Catholic Church please ask Father Lowell the pastor of Holy Nativity.
The Catholic Church of the Holy Nativity
1414 North Easy Street + Payson, Arizona 85541
The Most Rev. Steven J. Lopes – Bishop
The Rev. Fr. Lowell E. Andrews – Pastor
Sunday Mass 10:00 a.m.
Weekday - Wednesdays Mass & Holy Unction 10:00 a.m.
First Wednesday of the month
Benediction & Chaplet of Divine Mercy 5:30 p.m.
The Church of the Holy Nativity
Under the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter
Mother’s Day 2017
Mass Intentioins for all Mothers
Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 14, 2017
+ Fifth Sunday of Easter 2017 +
Rev.Fr. Lowell E. Andrews, Celebrant
Opening Hymn # 425
Collect for Purity
Summary of the Law
Kyrie eleison
Gloria in Excelsis
Collect of the Day
First Reading –Acts 6: 1-7
Psalm 33: 2-5. 18-19
"Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you."
Second Reading – 1 Peter 2: 4-9
"Alleluia, alleluia"
I am the way, the truth and the life, says the Lord; no one comes to the Father, except through me.
"Alleluia, alleluia"
Holy Gospel – John 14: 1-12
Homily - Fr. Lowell+
The Nicene Creed
Intercession (Form III)
Penitential Rite
The Comfortable Words
Offering (collection taken at this time) Hymn # 481
Preparation of the Altar
Prayer over the Offerings
Eucharistic Prayer - (Roman Canon Rite)
Sursum Corda & the Sanctus
Prayer of Consecration
The Lord’s Prayer
The Peace
Breaking of the Bread
The Agnus Dei
The Prayer of Humble Access
The Administration of the Sacrament+ Hys: 482, 483
(Communion is taken by intinction, (placed on your tongue) if you wish not to receive the wine, the blood of Christ place you finger over your lips when the Priest comes to you and he will give you the host, body of Christ only.)
The Prayer of Thanksgiving
Concluding Rite
Closing Hymn # 418
+Bold type said together. +
Mother’s Day Mass intentions for all our mothers living or pasted in their glory.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers who are with us today. Thank you for choosing the vocation you did and for the dedication and love you freely gave in following the vocation. Thank you for those women who were not mothers to their own children, but the children who they had great influence and guidance.
The VirginMary, Mother of all mothers and her gift to all of us as the best example of a mother.
A little history that you may not know about her.
Nothing of Mary’s early life is recorcded in
Scripture. Details about her family background and upbringing are filled in by later traditions and legends. One tradition, which dates back to the second century A.D., Identifies Mary as the daughter of a devout Jewish couple named Joachim and Anna.This couple had long been childless, but after fervent prayer and promise to devote any child to the Temple, they were blessed by God with an infant girl whom they named Mary. Mary stayed with her parents until she was three, at which time she was taken to Jerusalem to live with a sorority of Temple virgins until she was twelve. She was then given to the care of Joseph, a building contractor and widower who had fathered several children by a previous marriage. She was a wife, mother, and Disciple. One of great example to us all.
(Protoevangelim of James 2-9 ) Take from the Catholic Bible Dictionary – Scott Hahn.
Please keep your offering up to date, God thanks you and we thank you for your generosity.