1. What country is located east of Libya?
  2. What country is in the far northwest corner of Africa?
  3. What desert country is the largest on the Arabian Peninsula?
  4. What country is located between Algeria and Libya?
  5. What large country is located south of the Caspian Sea and Turkmenistan?
  6. What country borders Iran’s eastern side?
  7. What country has borders with the Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq?
  8. What country borders Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and Jordan to its south?
  9. What country has Egypt as its western border?
  10. What small country is a peninsula into the Persian Gulf just north of the UAE?
  11. What country is south of Iraq on the Persian Gulf?
  12. What two countries form the southern border of the Arabian Peninsula?
  13. What country is between Israel and Saudi Arabia?
  14. What country forms much of the northern border of Saudi Arabia?
  15. What country is located at the southern end of the Persian Gulf and borders Oman and Saudi Arabia?
  16. What small country forms the northern border of Israel?
  17. What large North African country has Morocco to its west?
  18. What peninsula lies between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf?
  19. What countries in the region are landlocked?
  20. What mountain range borders the Black Sea?
  21. What mountain range borders the Caspian Sea?
  22. What is the area called located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?
  23. What mountain range is located in Afghanistan?
  24. What mountain range is located east of Mesopotamia in Iran?
  25. Which mountain range is located in northeastern Iran?
  26. What body of water separates Israel and Jordan?
  27. What countries make up the Arabian Peninsula?
  28. What country in the region is located on two continents?
  29. What plateau is located between the Pontic and Taurus Mountains?
  30. What are the three narrow connected bodies of water that separate Europe from Asia?
  31. What two rivers find their origins in Turkey and flow to the Persian Gulf?
  32. What famous pass is located in Afghanistan?
  33. If you were traveling from Kuwait City to Baghdad, what river would you follow?
  34. What bodies of water separate the Arabian Peninsula and Iran?
  35. What body of water separates the Sinai Peninsula from the Arabian Peninsula?
  36. What island countries are located in this region?
  37. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers flow through what countries?
  38. What mountains run parallel to the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts from northern Tunisia to the Atlantic Ocean?
  39. What vast desert acts as a natural barrier between North Africa and the rest of the African continent?
  40. What body of water flows through Egypt and into the Mediterranean Sea creating an oasis in the desert?
  41. Desert in southern Saudi Arabia that is mostly uninhabited and whose name means “Empty Quarter.”
  42. What is the name of the strait that separates Morocco and the Iberian Peninsula?
  43. What man-made feature connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea?
  44. What peninsula connects Africa and Southwest Asia?
  45. What “choke point” separates Iran and Oman to connect the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Sea?

Answer Key:

  1. Egypt45. Strait of Hormuz”
  2. Morocco
  3. Saudi Arabia
  4. Tunisia
  5. Iran
  6. Afghanistan
  7. Syria
  8. Israel
  9. Libya
  10. Qatar
  11. Kuwait
  12. Yemen, Oman
  13. Jordan
  14. Iraq
  15. UAE
  16. Lebanon
  17. Algeria
  18. Arabian Peninsula
  19. Afghanistan, Jordan
  20. Pontic Mts.
  21. Elburz Mts
  22. Mesopotamia
  23. Hindu Kush
  24. Zagros Mts
  25. Kopet Dag
  26. Jordan River OR Dead Sea
  27. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Yemen, Oman
  28. Turkey
  29. Anatolian Plateau
  30. Bosporus Sea, Sea of Marmara, Strait of Dardanelles
  31. Tigris and Euphrates
  32. Khyber Pass
  33. Tigris River
  34. Persian Gulf and Oman
  35. Gulf of Aqaba
  36. Cyprus and Bahrain
  37. Turkey, Syria and Iraq
  38. Atlas Mts
  39. Sahara Desert
  40. Nile River
  41. Rubal Khali
  42. Strait of Gibraltar
  43. Suez Canal
  44. Sinai Peninsula