Here is some suggested text for emailing the VC about USS pensions. It's best if you can express your own views in your own words, but you might like to adapt some of the points below.

Please Cc – we are already receiving many copies of extremely pertinent and forceful comments sent to the VC!

USS pensions

Dear Professor Langlands,

I am extremely concerned about the effect of the proposed changes to the USS scheme on my future pension. I understand that the changes will mean substantial cuts to my future pension, and as a consequence I'm worried about how I will manage when I am old.

I know that the VCs at several other major universities have expressed significant concerns about the proposed 'reforms' to the USS pension scheme - notably Glasgow,Oxford and Warwick. I would like to invite you to do the same. I note in particular Glasgow's preference for retaining a 'defined benefit' contribution and a willingness to increase employers' contributions, and I would hope that you would express similar sentiments on behalf of Leeds in both respects. I also note Glasgow's statement that it believes its interests are aligned with those of UCU and I would hope that you would agree that all parties should work together constructively to find a solution.

I have noticed that jobs advertised on already beginning to emphasise the attractiveness of the TPS pension scheme where it is in place, as it is a comparatively attractive defined benefit scheme. I am very concerned about the future of the USS pension scheme, the transference of risk onto staff, and the impact the truly detrimental proposed changes to USS will have not only on my future, but also in the form of further obliterating any notion of higher education as a sector in which it might be secure or attractive to work. This will undoubtedly affect us at Leeds if it is seen as aUK university without an adequate pension scheme.

So, in summary, I am asking you, as the leader of our university, to:

1.On behalf of the University of Leeds, publicly and formally press UUK to produce evidence of the modelling they have provided with their USS proposals;

2.Explainyour understanding of how my retirement income will be affected under the UUK proposals, and how it will compare to those in post-92 universities;

3.Express publiclyyour concern over the UUK proposals and support the comments of the VCs of Warwick, Glasgow and Oxford;

4.On behalf of University of Leeds, request that the UUK USS negotiators return to meaningful negotiations with UCU.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,
