47 Pine Hill

Centreville, AL 35042

MINISTER: Leonard Chance

(205) 926-7706

(205) 717-1960


I want to open up the Scripture so that the food on the table will be a great benefit to you and that we can come before the Lord with Prayer, Praise, and great Glory. I am deeply in love with the Lord. I am greatly in love with the Father. I want His kisses. I want His love and I want Him to be pleased with my labor for the time I’m here to feed or to work for the Faith of our God and His Blessing.

SONG OF SOLOMON 1:2--Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.

I want you to fall in love with Him because of the kisses of His mouth. Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth. When you begin to fall in love with the Lord you want His kisses and you want His blessing. You want His lips to be in your behalf and to guide you. He will teach you His ways and help you to understand as we said about the secrets and the mysteries. If we let Him kiss us with the kisses of His mouth we will soon know that His love is better than wine. Praise the name of the Lord. Wine has sweetness about it and people love the wine of the Spirit and the Word.

I want His kisses and I want Him to love me. I want to love Him but I want to be loved by God. I want to work and worship and seek the Salvation of the Lord for His breath is upon His people. He had to breath upon the Apostles before they could go and receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. I know that He has to kiss us for He is in love with us. We are not just in love with Him alone but let Him kiss me with the kisses of His lips for His love is better than wine.

SONG OF SOLOMON 1:3--Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee.

Because of this sweet savor, praise the name of the Lord, His Praises, His Glory and His Honor is better than wine. It is a sweet Ointment! A good Ointment! To give Eternal Life, to bless you when you are wounded by the ignorance of somebody or your feelings are hurt. That good Ointment, when people turn to you and begin to help you understand and you begin to realize that the Devil will always have somebody that will let the air out of your tires or slow you down. When somebody gives you a good comforting word and builds you up so quick the next thing you know you forget about the abuse or the harsh words said. The joy of the Lord, that’s good Ointment.

His savory of His mouth is good Ointment. Just the name of the Lord Christ, just His name is an Ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee. Read that verse to you and see the blessing that is in it. Thy name is as Ointment poured forth, just the name of the Lord, just to call the Master’s name, just to be called The Church Of God Of Prophecy, it’s a good Ointment. No wonder the virgins love thee. The Saints of God will love the Lord just because of the name, Jesus Christ, the Head of The Church Of God. I like to say that often. I want people to know that the name of Jesus Christ, that He is the Head of The Church Of God Of Prophecy. That is His name.

That is the name of His Wife. That is the name of His People. That is the People He is coming back for. I want to be ready and I want you to be ready. I want you to understand the greatness of the depth of the Mysteries of God.

SONG OF SOLOMON 1:4--Draw me, we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee.

Draw me; you must be drawn to the Lord before you can come to Him. He has to draw you with that convicting finger, with the Great Spirit of Conviction that will put a Spirit inside of you that you will hunger and thirst after His Righteousness. Praise the name of the Lord. You can Shout the Victory, people! Praise God! When that convicting finger touched your heart and you confessed your wrongs and your sins and your evil ways and come down to the Altar of Prayer and let God save that Soul and put in you an everlasting Spirit of Love, for Truth, and Honor. It is an Honorable thing to serve the Lord and nothing to be a shamed of.

It is a Glorious thing to proclaim Salvation and the Joy of the Lord deep down inside of your Soul that you can stand in any crowd and proclaim the name of the Lord as a blessed Ointment of Truth. Therefore the virgins love the Lord. Praising God brings down Healing, defies evil spirits and cast out ignorance.

Praises, praises, praises, praise Him in the morning, praise Him at noontime, and praise Him in the midnight hour. Praise God! That’s what brought ole Daniel out of the lion’s den. That’s what kept him and it will keep you. Praising God for the Glory of the Lord is shown around about His people. Praise the name of the Lord.

Draw me, we will run after Thee: the King hath brought me into His chambers. He had brought me into The Church Of God Of Prophecy. The King has brought me into His chambers and we will be glad. When people loose their joy of being in the House of God they do not stay a member long. We will remember. Praise God. Draw me. I always want that drawing Spirit to keep me Humble, Meek, and Obedient so I can keep the kisses of His lips, that I can see His good Ointment and I can remember the name of my God and rejoice in the Blessings which that Name will render.

Praise the name of the Lord. The name of the Lord will render unto you Healings, Deliverance, Mercy, Understanding, Wisdom, Knowledge, Favor, and the list goes on and on because we remember. We are glad to know the Saviour. He is inside of us. We will be glad and rejoice in Thee. Don’t let that rejoicing Spirit leave your mouth, heart, and The Church Of God Of Prophecy. It is still a joy to be a member in the Body of Christ. Married to the Saviour and His Covenant, always steadfast in our thoughts, in our labor and in our love for Him. I want His kisses. I want to give Him kisses. I want to love Him. The more I know the more I love Him. The more I understand the more I appreciate Him. The more makes me know that God surely has smiled upon His people.

We will be glad and rejoice in Thee. Why? Because I could have been in another denomination or I could have never gone to Church at all. God loved me and brought me and chose me and gave me a service and a work to do and He has set us in His Glorious Crown of Glory. That is a lot to Shout about. That is a lot to be thankful for that we can be glad and rejoice in Him. Do the Upright; love thee. The Upright will love the Lord as long as they Walk Upright. He has brought me into His Chamber, let us walk Upright, searching our heart, mind, soul, and body.

The Lord is looking for a Glorious Church. He is not coming until He finds it’s ready to be found. Why cannot the Rapture happen today? Because the Church has not yet reached its Glorious State.

EPHESIANS 5:25-26 --Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of by the word.

Even as Christ loved the Church, and gave Himself for It. You might think I sound funny, but I am glad there was an old Rugged Cross one day on top of Golgotha hill. So glad that the Saviour loved The Church Of God Of Prophecy and that He gave Himself for it. He purposely gave Himself for the Church of the Living God that He might have a Glorious Church and a Holy people that would love Him through thick and thin.

You marry a woman and you bring her home and say, honey, this is where we’re going to live. You want her to be happy there and you want to be happy with her. You want a happy marriage, so does the Lord. He wants a Glorious Church! He wants a Holy People! He wants a people, praise God, that will stay in love with Him and not out running around all over the place and trying to build up somebody else’s work when we have our own Work to build up and serve the Lord.

Remember that His name is an Ointment poured forth and the Virgins will love Him, they will come. Even as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it that He, not you, that He will Sanctify it and Cleanse it in the Washing of the Water by the Word that He might present it to Himself a Glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be Holy and without blemish.

Christ is about to Wash out a lot of filth out of Zion. Just a few months ahead of you, you will see how He will purge The Church Of God Of Prophecy and wash out the filth. People that will not be a Glorious people, people that have not kissed His lips, people that have not Worshipped and Honor Him from the heart. He will wash out the filth of the Daughters of Jerusalem and The Church Of God Of Prophecy. There is a Must that we must Walk Holy before God.

Sanctify The Church Of God Of Prophecy. It has to be a Holy people, a Glorious Church. Not having anything in it that will be a wrinkle or a blemish or a spot, that’s somebody else’s doctrine. There are problems and wrinkles that have to be ironed out. We have to make sure we have an ear to hear and a heart to understand and we got a Spiritual eye that we can put eye salve on, don’t backslide on that! Put on eye salve that thy mayeth see. There are secrets yet to come to be revealed and many mysteries. What are secrets? Things that are kept, not yet understood, not yet been told.

PSALMS 101:1--I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O Lord, will I sing.

I want you to understand, there are so many things here that must be understood for the progress of your eternal Salvation. Do you realize that if you miss Heaven you will not miss Hell! If you miss Heaven you will not miss Hell! I will sing, not just hymn songs but also sing Praises and Magnify God. Talking of Him continually. I will sing unto thee, O Lord, of thy Mercy. Talk about His Mercy; sings His Mercy, sing His Judgment. You won’t find that in the songbook but you will find it coming up out of your inner being and your mouth talking continually of the greatness of God in me and how He brought me into The Church Of God Of Prophecy. We will run after Him. He has brought us into His Chamber.

His name is an Ointment poured forth. Whatever I want to be I want to stay Upright. I want to stay a Virgin, Holy, until the King of Glory come. I have no time for other people and their teachings or their ways but to come to God in prayer and in honesty and in all things. I will sing unto thee, O Lord, will I sing of Thy Mercy and Thy Judgment! Put judgment back in your Heart, Mouth, and Mind. Judge the Scriptures Righteously. Judge yourselves accordingly. O Lord, I will sing mercy, mercy, that’s how you got under Conviction! That’s how God washed away your sins! That’s how God put you in the Body of Christ! Mercy!

PSALM 101:2--I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I walk within my house with a perfect heart.

I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. That’s what The Church Of God Of Prophecy must come to before there’s going to be a Meeting in the air. The Church Of God Of Prophecy as a whole has to come to the fulfillment of its time and day.

We must live Holy, without sin, blame or blemish. Praising God forever that we are a Special and a Chosen Nation! A Nation built up by the right hand of the King of Glory and coming in Power and Glory to receive you! I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. I will walk in my house, not only in the Church House but also in my house. I want to be perfect here and I want to be perfect there. Wherever I am and whatever I’m doing I want it to be right before God.

PSALM 101:3--I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes. I want to walk Holy in the House of God! I want to live Holy and I want to be Holy! You wonder sometime how can people live every kind of doggish life and call themselves Christians. I will set no wicked thing before my eyes. I will, I will, there is a lot of I will’s in this Salvation. There are a lot of things I need to change so that my eye will, will be His will. I hate the work of them that turn aside. You can look around and see them, today. Not only do they set things before their eyes but also I hate the work of them that turn aside. It shall not cleave unto me. I’m not following those people. “It shall not cleave unto me,” that is what ole David said. I hate the work of them. I see it going on in the House of God and I hate their work.

PSALM 101:4--A froward heart shall depart from me: I will not know a wicked person.

A froward heart is a heart, is a mouth that has no care regardless how they use it. They have no care what they say, how they say it or why they’re saying it. That’s what a froward mouth is. I don’t want to hear the mouth of a wicked person. Not only a man in sin but a man who claims Salvation that does not have the Fear of God! I don’t want a froward mouth or a froward ear.