The Childside Philosophy
Childside is a regular education multiage Grade 1 and 2 program in the Putnam Valley Elementary School.The Childside philosophy is that children are partners in their own education. Childside is a two-year curriculum cycle that incorporates both the New York State guidelines and the Putnam Valley curriculum for Grades 1 and 2. Children, therefore, remain in Childside for two years.
The whole reason for the learning process is the child. Children can be responsible for their own learning. Children can make choices about themselves and their learning. Children are naturally curious and each child has his/her own individual strengths and as such every child can learn. Child-centered learning is a function of each child’s conscious participation in the learning process. Children learn best when they take ownership of learning.
Self-esteem is central to child’s ability to learn and to grow emotionally. Children need to have a positive and healthy self-image, nurtured through acceptance, honest praise and encouragement. Each child is special and deserves to be valued and respected as such. In a structured environment, where children feel loved, supported and totally accepted, they learn self-regulation.
A child is not limited by chronological age or grade level. By breaking these boundaries and having a multiage program, grouping can be more flexible to meet the needs of each student. Each child is able to make social and emotional connections to their lives at their own level of development.
The learning environment must be a safe place for the child. Safety means freedom in which each child is valued, cared for and free to express himself/herself with confidence. The teacher is the professional who creates the environment, keeps the parents informed, and provides the support structure necessary to maintain it.
The four Childside teachers are: Mrs. Burruano (red), Mrs. DiBattista (blue), Mrs. Hernandez (purple) and Miss Malone (green). Each HomeBase class is composed of first and second graders. The classes are designated by color, which is where children are for attendance, ordering lunch, attending specials together and participating in the Science and Social Studies learning.
Every day your child will have a grade specific Language Arts (Lessons) and Math teacher. For example, all first graders will have Lessons with either Mrs. Burruano or Mrs. Hernandez and Math with either Miss Malone or Mrs. DiBattista. During their Lessons and Math periods your child will be in an average class size setting.
Finally, we believe in this approach as educators: “There is but one commandment: Thou must be on the child’s side.”
Family Participation
We recognize Childside as a community where partnership is paramount. All parents are considered “class parents” in the spirit of “it takes a whole village to raise a child.” We welcome everyone to be involved in anyway that they wish and are able. We know that many parents are working parents and wish to contribute in a different way from being in the classroom on a weekly basis. We can’t emphasize enough, that you are always welcome, and your thoughts, ideas and contributions in any way are always appreciated. We all benefit from this partnership. So many things happen, that could not be made possible, without you.
(We ask for volunteers to help with photos throughout the year. Parent support is needed to help display the photos and make albums.)
Tree Trunk (Coordinators/Class parents) – meet with teachers; have contact lists of volunteers and organize volunteers as needed.
Childside Chimes is a monthly newsletter to inform parents of upcoming events. Birthday celebrations, potluck lunches, special events, Science/Social Studies themes and an “ask about” section are included in the newsletter.
Classroom and clerical assistance – weekly volunteers help with: filing, photocopying, class projects such as science projects and holiday projects. In addition, there are jobs which can be done at home.
Monthly birthdays – Childside celebrates all birthdays for the month on one day in that month. (Summer birthdays are incorporated into other months). A parent coordinator organizes the snacks for the families whose children are celebrating that month. You will get a letter from our Parent Birthday Coordinator asking you to bring a specific treat to share on the day of our celebration.
Pot Luck Luncheons – bring a dish to share. “Pot Luck” lunches are held in Childside several times a year; an ideal opportunity for parents and teachers to meet and talk.