Cherokee Nation

Request for Proposal


The Cherokee Nation is seeking bids from qualified professionals to provide state certified appraisals within the fourteen (14) counties of the Cherokee Nation as required by the Real Estate Services Division. The work includes all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, tools, quality control, administration, services, and supplies necessary to complete all phases of the project.

The Cherokee Nation Real Estate Services Division will coordinate the project. The timeframe for the project is October 01, 2011 to September 30, 2012; with the option to renew for two additional funding years based on satisfactory performance, funding availability, and mutual agreement.

The appraisals will be performed on IndividualRestrictedLand, IndividualTrustLand and FeeSimpleLands. The appraisal areas include very remote, rural locations.

The appraisals will be for the following areas: Residential, Business, Land, Agricultural,ROW/Condemnation and Hunting. The following is an estimate only for each type of appraisal.







These are estimates only; actual number of appraisals may be more or less than the number indicated. A Certified General Appraiser must complete the appraisals. Copies of certifications will be requested from successful party. Experience in working with OST (Office of Special Trustee) Review Appraiser or prepared appraisals for approval in the past is preferred as well as experience in doing the type of appraisals listed. Successful party must submit to a Federal background check. Successful party must complete appraisals within 7 to 14 days as specified by the Real Estate Services Department. Payment will not be made until the appraisal is approved by the Office of Appraisal Services aka Office of Special Trustee Appraiser.

All questions must be submitted in written format listing a fax number or e-mail address for responses. Please fax questions to (918) 458-7695 attention: Pam Jumper, or e-mail to o later than 5:00 p.m., September 06, 2011. Responses to all questions will be posted on the website no later than 5:00 p.m., September 08, 2011. Late submissions will not be addressed.

Bids are due Tuesday, September 13, 2011, by 5:00 p.m.

Each bid must be submitted on the form(s) provided.

A separate form has been provided for each type of appraisal. Interested parties are not limited on the number of bids or types of appraisals, but the appropriate form must be completed and submitted. Awards will be made per appraisal type; interested parties may receive multiple awards.

If forwarded by mail, the envelope containing the bid must be addressed as specified: Cherokee Nation Purchasing, Attn: Pam Jumper, Bid Enclosed: Appraisals, P.O. Box 948, Tahlequah, OK 74465. The bids may also be delivered to the Purchasing Department, Attn: Pam Jumper, 17665 S. Muskogee, Tahlequah OK74464. Bids may be also be e-mailed to or faxed to (918) 458-7695. Any bid received after the time stated above, September 13, 2011 by 5:00 p.m., will be returned unopened. Cherokee Nation reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any and all bids. Award of contract will be subject to availability of funds. Indian Preference will be given to Contractors certified as an Indian-owned firm by the Cherokee Nation Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO). Proof of certification must accompany all proposals. No bidder may withdraw their bid within 30 days after the bid opening date.

Subcontracts - The bidder is specifically advised any person, firm, or other party to whom it is proposed to award a subcontract under this contract must be acceptable to the owner.

Modification of Bid - Any bidder may modify his bid at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids, provided such communication is received in writing by the Owner prior to the closing time. The written communication should not reveal the bid price but should provide the addition or subtraction or other modification so the final prices or terms will not be known by the Owner until the sealed bid is opened.

Conditions of Work - Each bidder must inform themselves fully of the scope of work of this Request for Proposal. Failure to do so will not relieve a successful bidder of his obligation to carry out the provisions of this contract. Insofar as possible, the bidder, in performing work under this contract, will employ such methods or means as will not cause any interruption of or interference with the work of the Cherokee Nation.

Method/Preparation of Bid- Each bid must be submitted on the prescribed form(s). Each bid must be submitted to Purchasing by the stipulated date and time. Bids may be mailed, hand-delivered, e-mailed or faxed as stipulated.

Qualifications of Bidder - The Owner may make such investigations as he deems necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such bidder fails to satisfy the Owner such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will not be accepted. A Certified General Appraiser must complete the appraisals. Experience in working with OST (Office of Special Trustee) Review Appraiser or prepared appraisals for approval in the past is preferred as well as experience in doing the type of appraisals listed. Copy of General Appraiser certification will be requested from successful bidder. Successful party must submit to a Federal background check.

Interpretation of the Request for Proposal - Interpretation of the meaning of the Request for Proposal will be made in writing only. Requests for interpretation shall be in writing to Pam Jumperat fax number (918) 458-7695 or at e-mail address nd must be submitted by September 06, 2011 by 5:00 p.m. Any and all such interpretations and supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda to the specifications which, if issued, will be posted on the website under Procurements, or will be e-mailed or faxed upon request from interested parties. Failure of any bidder to receive any such addendum or interpretation shall not relieve such bidder from any obligation under their proposal as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become part of the contract documents.

Debarment, Suspension, Proposed Debarment, and Other Responsibility Matters - The bidder certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that the bidder, the firm, or any of its principals are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for the award of contracts by any Federal agency or Indian tribe. The bidder will also certify they have not, within a three-year period preceding this Request for Proposal, been convicted of or had a civil judgement rendered against them for: commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, Local or Tribal) contract or subcontract; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes relating to the submission of offers; or commissions of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsifications or destruction of records, making false statements, and are not presently indicted for, or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity with, commission of any of the offenses enumerated in this provision. The bidder certifies they have not, within a three-year period preceding this Request for Proposal, had one or more contracts terminated for default by a Federal, State, Local or Tribal agency.

The bidder shall provide immediate written notice to the Cherokee Nation if, at any time prior to contract award, the bidder learns its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances.

This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when making award. If it is later determined the bidder knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in additional to other remedies available to the Cherokee Nation; the Cherokee Nation may terminate the contract resulting from this Request for Proposal for default.

Confidentiality - It is understood any information submitted to the bidder by the Cherokee Nation in respect to this Request for Proposal embodies certain proprietary information and is loaned to the bidder on a confidential basis. Any information acquired at the Cherokee Nation or otherwise relating to processes belonging to the Cherokee Nation incorporated into this project shall be kept confidential. The bidder agrees not to use in any unauthorized manner or communicate to others any such confidential items without the prior written consent of the Cherokee Nation and will undertake such measures as are necessary to require its employees and all approved subcontractors to maintain complete confidentiality.

Method of Award - Lowest Bid That Contains Most Reasonable Offer From Qualified Bidder In Accordance with Cherokee Nation Acquisition Management Policy and Procedures. After consideration of price and other factors, the contract will be rewarded to the bidder whose proposal is determined to be most responsive, reasonable and in the best interest of Cherokee Nationto accept. Cherokee Nation reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any and all bids. Award of contract will be subject to availability of funds. Indian Preference will be given to Contractors certified as an Indian-owned firm by the Cherokee Nation Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO). Proof of certification must accompany all proposals. To receive Indian Preference, certified company must control and perform at least 51% of the work in order to receive the Indian preference points.

Insurance Requirements - Before performing contractual services on the behalf of or for the Cherokee Nation, compliance with the following insurance requirements must be verified. Provide an original Certificate of insurance naming the Cherokee Nation as a certificate holder.

The certificate should contain the following information:

1)Type of insurance

2)Policy number

3)Effective date

4)Expiration date

5)Limits of Liability (this amount is usually stated in thousands)

6)Ten-day cancellation clause

** Required Coverage:

1) Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability:

Limits of Liability:

Bodily Injury by Accident: $500,000 each accident

Bodily Injury by Disease: $500,000 policy limit

Bodily Injury by Disease: $500,000 each employee

Oklahoma Statute requires Worker's Compensation coverage for anyone with one (1) or more employees.

2)General Liability:


Comprehensive (including products/completed operations)

Limits of Liability:

Bodily Injury and Property Damage Combined: $1,000,000

(each occurrence)

3)Automobile Coverage:

Vehicles Covered:

All Autos

Hired Autos

Non-owned Autos

Limits of Liability:

Bodily Injury and Property Damage Combined: $300,000

NOTE: The Contractor shall either:(1) require each of his subcontractors to procure and to maintain during the life of his subcontract, Subcontractor's Public Liability and Property Damage or the type and in the same amounts as specified above, or (2) insure the activities of this subcontractors in his own policy.

Cherokee Nation

Mandatory Bid Response Sheet – Business Lease Appraisals

SCOPE OF WORK: To provide state certified appraisals within the fourteen (14) counties of the Cherokee Nation as required by the Real Estate Services Division. The work includes all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, tools, quality control, administration, services, and supplies necessary to complete all phases of the project.

The Cherokee Nation Real Estate Services Division will coordinate the project. The timeframe for the project is October 01, 2011 to September 30, 2012; with the option to renew for two additional funding years based on satisfactory performance, funding availability, and mutual agreement. The appraisals will be performed on IndividualRestrictedLand, IndividualTrustLand and FeeSimpleLands, and must be completed by a Certified General Appraiser. The appraisal areas include very remote, rural locations.


Response Sheet – Business Lease Appraisals
Description Appraisal Cost

Appraisal Cost ______


(Appraisal Cost x estimated 10 appraisals)

Timeline for each appraisal to be completed: ______

(Please state in calendar days)

Previous Experience with OST: ______Yes ______No

(Please check appropriate area)

Previous Experience with this type of appraisal: _____ Yes _____ No

(Please check appropriate area)

Authorized Signature: ______

Company Name:______

Phone Number:______Date: ______

TERO Certified: Yes _____ No ______(If yes, copy of certification must be attached).

Work to be subcontracted to another company: ______Yes _____ No

If yes, percentage of work to be completed by subcontactor: ______

Name of subcontractor: ______

Cherokee Nation

Mandatory Bid Response Sheet – ResidentialAppraisals

SCOPE OF WORK: To provide state certified appraisals within the fourteen (14) counties of the Cherokee Nation as required by the Real Estate Services Division. The work includes all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, tools, quality control, administration, services, and supplies necessary to complete all phases of the project.

The Cherokee Nation Real Estate Services Division will coordinate the project. The timeframe for the project is October 01, 2011 to September 30, 2012; with the option to renew for two additional funding years based on satisfactory performance, funding availability, and mutual agreement. The appraisals will be performed on IndividualRestrictedLand, IndividualTrustLand and FeeSimpleLands, and must be completed by a Certified General Appraiser. The appraisal areas include very remote, rural locations.


Response Sheet – ResidentialAppraisals
Description Appraisal Cost

Appraisal Cost ______


(Appraisal Cost x estimated 20 appraisals)

Timeline for each appraisal to be completed: ______

(Please state in calendar days)

Previous Experience with OST: ______Yes ______No

(Please check appropriate area)

Previous Experience with this type of appraisal: _____ Yes _____ No

(Please check appropriate area)

Authorized Signature: ______

Company Name:______

Phone Number:______Date: ______

TERO Certified: Yes _____ No ______(If yes, copy of certification must be attached).

Work to be subcontracted to another company: ______Yes _____ No

If yes, percentage of work to be completed by subcontactor: ______

Name of subcontractor: ______

Cherokee Nation

Mandatory Bid Response Sheet – Land Appraisals

SCOPE OF WORK: To provide state certified appraisals within the fourteen (14) counties of the Cherokee Nation as required by the Real Estate Services Division. The work includes all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, tools, quality control, administration, services, and supplies necessary to complete all phases of the project.

The Cherokee Nation Real Estate Services Division will coordinate the project. The timeframe for the project is October 01, 2011 to September 30, 2012; with the option to renew for two additional funding years based on satisfactory performance, funding availability, and mutual agreement. The appraisals will be performed on IndividualRestrictedLand, IndividualTrustLand and FeeSimpleLands, and must be completed by a Certified General Appraiser. The appraisal areas include very remote, rural locations.


Response Sheet – Land Appraisals
Description Appraisal Cost

Appraisal Cost ______


(Appraisal Cost x estimated 10 appraisals)

Timeline for each appraisal to be completed: ______

(Please state in calendar days)

Previous Experience with OST: ______Yes ______No

(Please check appropriate area)

Previous Experience with this type of appraisal: _____ Yes _____ No

(Please check appropriate area)

Authorized Signature: ______

Company Name:______

Phone Number:______Date: ______

TERO Certified: Yes _____ No ______(If yes, copy of certification must be attached).

Work to be subcontracted to another company: ______Yes _____ No

If yes, percentage of work to be completed by subcontactor: ______

Name of subcontractor: ______

Cherokee Nation

Mandatory Bid Response Sheet – Agricultural Appraisals

SCOPE OF WORK: To provide state certified appraisals within the fourteen (14) counties of the Cherokee Nation as required by the Real Estate Services Division. The work includes all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, tools, quality control, administration, services, and supplies necessary to complete all phases of the project.

The Cherokee Nation Real Estate Services Division will coordinate the project. The timeframe for the project is October 01, 2011 to September 30, 2012; with the option to renew for two additional funding years based on satisfactory performance, funding availability, and mutual agreement. The appraisals will be performed on IndividualRestrictedLand, IndividualTrustLand and FeeSimpleLands, and must be completed by a Certified General Appraiser. The appraisal areas include very remote, rural locations.


Response Sheet – Agricultural Appraisals
Description Appraisal Cost

Appraisal Cost ______


(Appraisal Cost x estimated 20 appraisals)

Timeline for each appraisal to be completed: ______

(Please state in calendar days)

Previous Experience with OST: ______Yes ______No

(Please check appropriate area)

Previous Experience with this type of appraisal: _____ Yes _____ No

(Please check appropriate area)

Authorized Signature: ______

Company Name:______

Phone Number:______Date: ______

TERO Certified: Yes _____ No ______(If yes, copy of certification must be attached).

Work to be subcontracted to another company: ______Yes _____ No

If yes, percentage of work to be completed by subcontactor: ______

Name of subcontractor: ______

Cherokee Nation

Mandatory Bid Response Sheet – ROW/Condemnation Appraisals

SCOPE OF WORK: To provide state certified appraisals within the fourteen (14) counties of the Cherokee Nation as required by the Real Estate Services Division. The work includes all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, tools, quality control, administration, services, and supplies necessary to complete all phases of the project.

The Cherokee Nation Real Estate Services Division will coordinate the project. The timeframe for the project is October 01, 2011 to September 30, 2012; with the option to renew for two additional funding years based on satisfactory performance, funding availability, and mutual agreement.The appraisals will be performed on IndividualRestrictedLand, IndividualTrustLand and FeeSimpleLands, and must be completed by a Certified General Appraiser. The appraisal areas include very remote, rural locations.


Response Sheet – ROW/Condemnation Appraisals
Description Appraisal Cost

Appraisal Cost ______


(Appraisal Cost x estimated 10 appraisals)

Timeline for each appraisal to be completed: ______

(Please state in calendar days)

Previous Experience with OST: ______Yes ______No

(Please check appropriate area)