The Charlie Bayne Travel Trust

This trust has been set up in the memory of Charlie Bayne (1965-1990) who spent four years as an undergraduate at Trinity College, Cambridge in 1985-89. Paralysed from the shoulders downwards, he was looked after during that time by a series of volunteer carers.

Charlie was an enthusiastic traveller. During his time at Cambridge he made many journeys both within the British Isles - to the north of Scotland and the west of Ireland - and further a-field, reaching as far as Warsaw, St. Petersburg and the southern United States. His carers or other friends went with him. Charlie gained great satisfaction and a sense of freedom from these travels, which enriched his mind.

Charlie died in July 1990. The Travel Trust has been created, from money he himself earned, to help other disabled students at Cambridge enjoy the same sort of experiences as he did.

The fund has also benefited from donations given by family and friends in memory of Dominique Oliver (1978 - 1999), who herself was a recipient of a travel grant from the Trust in 1997 which she used to fund a trip to Italy.

Terms of the Award

  1. The Trust shall offer travel grants to undergraduate and postgraduate students with a disability in Cambridge, at the University or Anglia Ruskin University. The Trust is intended to assist students who face extra costs in travelling as a result of their disability. The Trustees have discretion on the number and size of the awards. Grants will normally be up to £500 per person, and will be awarded according to the merit and cost-effectiveness of the applications (rather than their size). The Trustees may award grants for smaller amounts than are sought by the applicants.
  2. Disabled students who are wheelchair users should be the principal beneficiaries; but the fund is open to all students with physical disabilities including those with sensory impairments.
  3. The grants shall be used to finance travel, educational in the broadest sense, in the United Kingdom or abroad. Travel in support of voluntary charitable activity or to enhance international understanding is also eligible. Grants are not intended to finance travel between Cambridge and the student’s or carer's home, unless the Trustees are satisfied that such travel contributes to the wider purposes of the Trust.
  4. Grants may be made towards the travel costs of accompanying carers; and in allocating grants the Trustees will recognise that the need for a carer adds to the cost of the disabled student’s travel.
  5. Grants may be used to cover both direct travel expenses (e.g. transport, accommodation and insurance) and indirect costs (e.g. purchases of equipment, clothing, books).

A student or carer may benefit from a travel grant more than once. Undergraduates are eligible to apply for the travel grant in the summer immediately after graduation.

Notes for Applicants

  1. The Trust shall offer travel grants to undergraduate and postgraduate students with a disability in Cambridge, at the University or Anglia Ruskin University. The Trust is intended to assist students who face extra costs in travelling as a result of their disability. The Trustees have discretion on the number and size of the awards. Grants will normally be up to £500 per person, and will be awarded according to the merit and cost-effectiveness of the applications (rather than their size). The Trustees may award grants for smaller amounts than are sought by the applicants.
  2. Disabled students who are wheelchair users should be the principal beneficiaries; but the fund is open to all students with physical disabilities including those with sensory impairments.
  3. The grants shall be used to finance travel, educational in the broadest sense, in the United Kingdom or abroad. Travel in support of voluntary charitable activity or to enhance international understanding is also eligible. Grants are not intended to finance travel between Cambridge and the student’s or carer's home, unless the Trustees are satisfied that such travel contributes to the wider purposes of the Trust.
  4. Grants may be made towards the travel costs of accompanying carers; and in allocating grants the Trustees will recognise that the need for a carer adds to the cost of the disabled student’s travel.
  5. Grants may be used to cover both direct travel expenses (e.g. transport, accommodation and insurance) and indirect costs (e.g. purchases of equipment, clothing, books).
  6. A student or carer may benefit from a travel grant more than once. Undergraduates are eligible to apply for the travel grant in the summer immediately after graduation.
  7. Please return your completed application form to Manager, Disability Resource Centre, Keynes House, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1QA by the deadline stated on the DRC website (usually the end of May each year).
  8. A student or carer may benefit from a travel grant more than once. Undergraduates are eligible to apply for the travel grant in the summer immediately after graduation.
  9. Applications should be made on the special form, but you are welcome to add any further details in a covering letter.On the form, please give as much details about your plans, costings and other funding applications as you can, even if some is still provisional.
  10. The Trustees may wish to interview applicants (and their carers if appropriate) in Cambridge before making the awards.
  11. Grants will be paid in advance of your intended travel. If for some reason you have to make major changes to your travel plans, or have to cancel between receiving the award and the intended departure date, you must notify the Trustees as they reserve the right to recall all or part of the grant if they are satisfied that it is no longer needed.
  12. As a condition of the award, you must supply the Trustees with a written report of the travels financed with the help of the grant. Reports should be illustrated if possible with photographs, and should be submitted by 31st October. The report should be sent to Manager, Disability Resource Centre, Keynes House, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1QA or emailed to .

The Charlie Bayne Travel TrustApplication Form

Before filling in the form, applicants are encouraged to read and familiarise themselves with the accompanying terms of the Trust (see above)

Name (Capitals, Please):



Cambridge address (if other than College):

Telephone number:

E:mail address:

Name and Address of Tutor/ Director of Studies etc.

(to whom the Trustees may refer):

Any special financial circumstances to be noted

(e.g. whether your course is self-funded):

Nature of your physical disability and how it affects your travel plans:

(Indicate extra costs that may be incurred because of the nature of your disability)

Purpose of travel:

Proposed itinerary:

Mode of travel and type of accommodation planned:

Members of the party travelling, including any accompanying carers:

Cost of travel to you:

(Please be as specific as you can at this stage)

Amount of grant sought from this trust and for what purpose

(Please be as detailed as possible):

Other sources of funding applied for and for how much

(e.g. College Travel Grants, DES Vacation Travel Grant):

Please use the following space to explain at greater length anything which you would like the Trustees particularly to know: for instance, more about your reasons for the planned travel, about its financial aspects, or about any special requirements occasioned by your disability.

To promote the Charlie Bayne Travel Trust, your report (or a part of it) may be used in publicising the Charlie Bayne Travel Trust. Please tick one of the following boxes:

a) / I give permission for the University of Cambridge to use excerpts from my report, which may include my name and any photos submitted, for promotion of the Charlie Bayne Travel Trust.
b) / I give permission for the University of Cambridge to use excerpts of my report, but not my name or identifying photographs, as I prefer to remain anonymous.
c) / I DO NOT give permission to the University of Cambridge to use my name or my report in publicising the Charlie Bayne Travel Trust.

I have read, understood and agreed to the above terms and conditions:


PRINT NAME:……………………………………….


Charlie Bayne Travel Trust – Application Form & Terms & Conditions – April11