Initiation Resource List
There are a wide variety of resources for initiation ministers available. The following is a short guide to help you identify resources if you are new to this ministry, want to enhance and deepen your ministry, or are beginning a new dimension of the ministry.
This list is not exhaustive. All the materials listed here are available through the Library at the Catholic Pastoral Centre.[1]
This resource list is meant to be organic. We will update and change it as necessary. The Office of Liturgy is interested to hear which resources are helpful to you and if there are others that you would recommend.
Oakham, Ronald O.Carm. Mystagogy (NAF webinar)
Steffens, Donna SC. Discernment (NAF webinar)
Ritual Texts and Church Documents
Dei Verbum. Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation. 1965. Available online.
The Catechetical Documents: A Parish Resource.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Available online.
General Directory for Catechesis. Available online. It explains how the catechumenate is the basis of all catechesis.
The Liturgy Documents: A Parish Resource
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. As all our ritual books, this one formally gives the theology of the rite. All initiation ministers should make themselves intimately familiar with this book.
Verbum Domini. On the Life and Mission of the Church. 2010. Available online.
Initiation Ministries and Liturgical Catechesis
All our parishes are different and the needs of the people approaching us for initiation also change. The following selections are meant to be resources, suggestions, and models that you are encouraged to consult in planning for your specific situation. The Diocese of Calgary advocates lectionary-based catechesis above all but you are welcome to consult with doctrinal resources for further information.
Bergant Dianne. Preaching the New Lectionary. A, B, C.
Birmingham, Mary. Word and Worship Workbook for Year A, B, C. This resource is for the seasoned catechist who wants more scholarly background. The resource provides a model for catechists to use in preparing the sessions but the volume of material may be overwhelming for the beginning catechist.
Celebrating the Lectionary. A Roman Catholic Lectionary-Based Program for Parishes and Schools.
Collegeville Bible Commentary.
Dunning, James B. Echoing God’s Word: Formation for Catechists and Homilists in a Catechumenal Church.
Foundations in Faith. This series of manuals and handbooks offer a complete package for your parish’s initiation process. The series includes:
· Director’s Guide
· Pre-catechumenate manual
· Catechist’s Manual for the Catechumenate for years ABC
· Participant Book for years ABC
· Resource book on Purification and Enlightenment for years ABC
· Resource book on Mystagogia for years ABC
· Handbooks for Sponsors, Catechumens, Neophytes, Inquirers, and on Prayer
· Celebrating the Rites
Joncas, Michael. Preaching the Rites of Christian Initiation.
Lewinski, Ron. Guide for Sponsors.
Morris, Thomas H. Walking Together in Faith: A Workbook for Sponsors of Christian Initiation.
The New Jerome Bible Commentary.
On the Journey Series for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. This resource is not lectionary-based but may be of interest for reference concerning various doctrinal topics.
Pilch, John C. The Cultural World of Jesus. Cycle A, B, C
Pilch, John C. The Cultural Dictionary of the Bible.
Pilch, John C. The Cultural World of the Apostles. Cycle A, B, C
Pilch, John C. The Cultural World of the Prophets. Cycle A, B, C
Ralph, Margaret Nutting. Breaking Open the Lectionary: Lectionary Readings in Their Biblical Context for RCIA, Faith Sharing Groups, and Lectors. A, B, C
Reid, Barbara. Parables for Preachers. A, B, C
Shea, John. Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers. A, B, C, and Feasts, Funerals, Weddings
Wilde, James A., editor. A Catechumenate Needs Everybody: Study Guides for Parish Ministers.
The Rites and History of the Catechumenate
Ferrone, Rita. On the Rite of Election.
Madigan, Shawn. Liturgical Spirituality and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Mitchell, Nathan D. Eucharist as a Sacrament of Initiation.
Morris, Thomas H. The RCIA: Transforming the Church.
Tufano, Victoria M., editor. Celebrating the Rites of Adult Initiation.
Turner, Paul. The Hallelujah Highway: A History of the Catechumenate. This resource explores the catechumenal process as reported by some famous Christian writers and important documents from the history of the Church. It is a very accessible, attractive, and interesting resource.
Yarnold, Edward. The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation: The Origins of the RCIA.
Vincie, Catherine. The Role of the Assembly in Christian Initiation.
Baptized Christians
Oakham, Ron. One at the Table: The Reception of Baptized Christians.
Turner, Paul. When Other Christians Become Catholic.
Discernment and Conversion
Duggan, Robert, editor. Conversion and the Catechumenate.
Steffen, Donna. Discerning Disciples: Listening for God’s Voice in Christian Initiation.
Witherup, Ronald. Conversion in the New Testament.
Initiation With Children and Youth
Brown, Kathy and Sokol, Frank C. editors. Issues in the Christian Initiation of Children: Catechesis and Liturgy.
Burns, Rita Senseman. A Child’s Journey: The Christian Initiation of Children.
Coffey, Kathy. Children and Christian Initiation. Parent and Sponsor Guide. Accompanying this resource is a Journal for Youth and a Journal for Children, both by the same author.
De Villers, Sylvia. Lectionary-Based Catechetics for Children: A Catechist’s Guide.
Duggan, Robert D., and Maureen A Kelly. The Christian Initiation of Children: Hope for the Future.
Hakowski, Maryann. Sharing the Sunday Scriptures With Youth.
Tufanu, Victoria M. ed. Readings in the Christian Initiation of Children.
Online Resources
For website with links built in
· Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei verbum)
o Overview and analysis: catholic-resources.org/ChurchDocs/DeiVerbum.htm
o A “Scripture from Scratch” insert intitled “Very Revealing: The Constitution on Divine Revelation” by Bill Huebsch americancatholic.org/Newsletters/SFS/an0405.asp
· textweek.com
· slu.edu/liturgy
· mtsms.edu
· americamagazine.org
· faithfirst.com
· rcl-benzinger.com (Apprentices in Faith)
· liturgyhelp.com (subscription service)
· teamrcia.net
Office of Liturgy | Roman Catholic Bishop of Diocese of Calgary
120 17th Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta T2S 2T2 | Phone: (403) 218-5524/5511 | Fax: (403) 264-0526
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[1] Consider looking for the item through the library catalogue to make sure it has not been checked out before you arrive. It is often helpful to confirm that the library will be open when you plan to come. If you decide to order resources for yourself but have difficulty, contact the Office of Liturgy for assistance.