The century – America’s Time Unpinned (1964-1970)

(Chapter 38)

After the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November of 1963, America stood on the brink of domestic crisis. We were entrenched in the quagmire of the Vietnam War. The years 1963 through 1968 still remain some of the most violent and destructive years of American history. This episode examines some of the major events of those turbulent years, including the murder of three civil rights workers in 1964, Freedom Summer, student protest and the Students for a Democratic Society, Lyndon Baines Johnson’s Great Society, the counterculture, the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, and the 1968 Democratic convention.

  1. What happened as LBJdelivered a speech at the 1964 World’s Fair? ______


  1. The 1964 World’s Fair provided a timely glimpse of the world’s ______and


  1. The NY Times described the World’s Fair as a “glittering mirror of our ______


  1. Why did many white students head to Mississippi in 1964?


3 students were ______in this attempt

  1. At UC- ______there were student protests & the students actually took

control of a building. This was an example of a______.

  1. In Vietnam:

The North supported by ______(the “Bad Guys”).

The South supported by ______(the “Good Guys”).

We had the “John Wayne mentality” which was ______

November 1965 American soldiers were ______(the distress call

“______”) and B 52’s come to the rescue

  1. President Johnson’s war on poverty was called the ______.
  1. In Selma, Alabama ______% of blacks could not or would not vote.

Explain this (2 reasons)?______


In 1965, 600 people march to Montgomery; the reaction of the state police?


LBJ says “We shall ______”.

Why is this such a big deal? ______

  1. What did the Voting Rights Act of 1964 set out to do? ______


  1. There was a split in the Civil Rights movement. The philosophies?

Malcolm X: ______

Black Panthers: ______

Riots break out in ______

  1. Rock and Roll becomes a symbol of non-conformity:

The anthem of non-conformity by the Rolling Stones is:


The epicenter of hippie culture was in ______at ______


  1. Women now had more control of their lives because of ______

However, stewardesses (being PC - female flight attendants) were still fired at age ______!

  1. In 1966, General Westmoreland says we will win the war through ______in Vietnam.

North Vietnamese success comes from fighting ______

By 1967, there are ______Americans in Vietnam.

  1. After the Battle of Kay San, there is public outcry to stop the war. This war was totally different than

any other because ______and ______.

  1. Since college kids were exempt from the draft or (or refused to fight), it was left to ______


  1. In 1968 the ______is attacked in Saigon, capital of South Vietnam.
  1. April 4, 1968 ______was killed in Memphis.

2 months later ______is shot and killed while running for president.

  1. The people hoped that ______, elected in 1968, would heal the wounds of the country.