In Science models are used to make complex ideas easier to understand. To demonstrate your knowledge of plant and animal cells you are to construct a model that adheres to the following guidelines. Students will be working in groups of two.

1. Choose to make a plant or animal cell.

2. Project must be 3D.

3. The cell must include the following structures:

Plant Cell: cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, vacuole, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum (rough and smooth), ribosomes, golgi complex, mitochondria

Animal Cell: cell membrane, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, nucleus, lysosome, vacuole, endoplasmic reticulum (rough and smooth), ribosomes, golgi complex, mitochondria

4. The choice of medium is open. Students have made play doh or clay models, edible models, styrofoam models, fabric models, or 3D paper. You should keep in mind that a cell is three dimensional, and the model must reflect that concept.

5. The cell must be identified as plant or animal. Each organelle must be fully labeled with name and function or numbered and identified using a key containing full name and function. Grading rubric is attached.

6. Use your imaginations and have fun! I am available for any questions.

7. Projects will be hung from the ceiling for the rest of the year.

Time line for the Incredible Cell Project

October 27Talk to Parents

Look online for ideas

Decide what to make (plant or animal cell)

Decide what supplies are needed

Decide when you will get supplies

October 31Make labels (or key) for model (use rubric to make sure you remember all of the necessary organelles for your cell)

Purchase supplies

Begin to make model if not edible

Plan when you will make the edible model

October 31 –Nov. 2 Make or finish making model

November 3Cells are due

Name ______Date ______Period _____

Grading Rubric for the Incredible Cell - Project

Animal CellPlant Cell

Cell Membrane 4 points / Cell Wall 4 points
Nucleus 4 / Cell Membrane 4
Cytoplasm 4 / Nucleus 4
Endoplasmic reticulum 4 / Cytoplasm 4
Golgi Complex 4 / Endoplasmic reticulum 4
Ribosomes 4 / Golgi Complex 4
Mitochondria 4 / Ribosomes 4
Vacuole 4 / Mitochondria 4
Lysosomes 4 / Chloroplasts 4
Cytoskeleton 4 / Vacuole 4

TOTAL (for organelles)40 points ______

Name is on the project 5 points ______

Cell title identifies plant or animal cell10 points ______

Model is a 3-dimensional representation of a cell15 points ______

(Including organelles)

Organelles are correctly labeled with name and function20 points ______

Model is neatly constructed10 points ______

**Rubric must be handed in with the project!!

TOTAL (100 possible)______