4 / A group of people who wanted to overthrow the czar’s government in Russia.
6 / Taking no side in a conflict.
8 / This country was absorbed into the Ottoman Empire and experienced a genocide of its cultural people.
11 / A policy of aggressive military preparedness.
14 / A policy of submarines attacking any ship.
15 / A situation in which no action can be taken to progress.
16 / A plan for world peace, proposed by Wilson in 1918.
22 / A policy of extending the power and dominion of a nation by direct territorial acquisition.
23 / Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire belonged to this side in the war.
24 / The economic system used by the Bolsheviks.
25 / A waterway, controlled by the Ottoman Empire, that connected the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea.
26 / A bond or connection between two things, such as countries.
27 / Great Britain, France, Russia, & the United States belonged to this side in the war..
28 / The leader of the Bolsheviks.
29 / The series of trenches dug by both sides in northern France.


1 / Deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.
2 / Compensation payable by a defeated country to another for loss suffered during war.
3 / The British passenger liner that was sunk by Germany, killing 128 Americans.
5 / Information designed to influence people’s opinions.
7 / A pandemic of this sickness resulted in the deaths of around 70 million people.
9 / A pledge by Germany to stop the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare in 1916.
10 / This was a German submarine.
12 / The document that ended the war.
13 / Self-proclaimed holy man and healer who advised Czarina Alexandra in Russia.
17 / A sense of pride and devotion to one’s nation.
18 / The area between enemy trenches, which could stretch miles and was often very dangerous.
19 / German diplomat, who asked Mexico to attack the United States if the United States and Germany went to war.
20 / The archduke that was assassinated in June 1914.
21 / Making a truce.