Skaven Regiments of Renown

The Cauldron of a 1000 Poxes Rare Choice 200 pts.

The Cauldron of a 1000 Poxes is the corroded vile container that holds a portion of each disease that Clan Pestilence has developed. This fuming broth of contagions is one of Clan Pestilence’s most worshiped possessions besides the Liber Bubonicus. The cauldron is attended by a singleplaguepriestwhose sole purpose is to guard and stir the vile pestilence that lies within. The current attended is PlaguePriest Pusclaw. When the cauldrongoes into battle Pusclaw and the Cauldron of a 1000 Poxes are born aloft, in a great war litter, carried by feverishplague monks and are accompanied by swarms of plague rats.

Unit Size Pusclaw and the Cauldron of a 1000 Poxes ride a war litter and count as a single model and are accompanied by a unit of plague monks with all options available to that unit, paid for separately.


M5 WS5 BS3 S4 T5 W2 I5 A3 LD6

Equipment Bubonic Scepter

Special Rules Scurry Away, Strength in Numbers, Frenzy,

Level 2 wizard who knows thePestilenceBreath spell. He also adds dice as normal to casting and dispel pool.

Bubonic Scepter is the rod used to stir the Cauldron of a 1000 Poxes

It is a two handed weapon that adds d3 attacks with no armor save to Pusclaw.

The Cauldron of a 1000 Poxes

M5 WS4 BS0 S4 T0 W0 I5 A4 LD0

Special rules born litter, frenzy, lingering plague

Lingering plague,the Cauldron of a 1000 Poxes contains plague bound spell and adds + 2 to the first after affect roll and +1 to the second and nothing following;if miscast is rolled treat as innateability.

Blessed by the Horned Rat magic resistance 2 and a 5 + ward save.

If you include the Cauldron of a 1000 Poxes in your army you may also include a single plague rat swarm.

Plague rats 2 to 10 bases Counts as a troop choice

M6 WS3 BS0 S2 T3 W5 I4 A5 LD 10

Special rules unbreakable small poison

Nightlord Deathleaper and his disciples Rare Choice 350 Pts.

In times of great threat Clan Eshin will send out triads of their elite assassins to dispose of an enemy leader or cause havoc behind the lines. If the situation or target is deemed threating enough a nigh lord might be assigned to carry out the missions or lead a triad. Nightlord Deathleaper is a sensei to many Clan Eshin assassins and he trains small groups in the arts of stealth and death. When one of these missions is deemed necessary Nightlord Deathleaper will volunteer to carry out the mission with his students in tow. He considers the triad missions a way to weed out his weaker students, so only the best will survive to learn his skills.

Deathleaper’s Triadconsists of Deathleaper and two Skaven assassins and is deployed as a single skirmishing unit.

Death Leaper

M6 WS7 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I10 A5 LD 8

Equipment: Tail weapon, Smoke Bombs, 2 Weeping Blades and throwing stars

Special rules:poisoned attacks, always strikes first, dodge 3+, scouts, skirmish, sneaky infiltrators, scurry away

Sensei his two students may use Deathleaper's leadership

Verminous valor, Deathleaper may send 1 of his students to fight a duel instead of himself. Why be killed if one of his pupils can he can always teach more.


M6 WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W2 A3 LD7

Equipment: tail weapon, two hand weapons, throwing stars, smoke bombs

Special rules: Scurry Away, Sneaky Infiltrators, Always Strike First, Dodge 4+, Poisoned attacks, Scouts, Skirmish

Nightclaw and his Black Skaven Clawpack Troop ChoiceNightclaw and Nine Black Skaven cost 100 pts. you can add more for 8 points a model

When Clan Eshin has need for a divisionary attack and often a suicide mission as well, the twelve Nightlords will go to one of their thrall clans and promise to train their most promising pack leaders in the Eshin ways. For the most part this is a subtle lie to find an expendable leaders and groups to make the attack. It is almost never herd of for one of these groups or leaders to survive the mission and receive the promised training. Nightclaw and his pack of black skaven are the exception. Nightclaw and his pack come from the Eshin thrall clan, of Clan Kreepus.

When it was deemed that a full frontal assault on the dwarf stronghold of Barak Cingar would not work the Nightlords thought it seemed fit that a diversionary assault would work. As the dwarf defenders would be too busy dealing with those attackers instead of the main assault. Nightclaw and his pack as well as 10 other claw packs from other thrall clans were chosen to take part in a rear attack on the dwarf stronghold two hours before the main attack. When the main attack began the Skaven had no resistance from the dwarf stronghold and when they breached the walls and entered they found all the dwarfs dead as well as the leaders of the other claw packs. The only Clawleader to remain was Nightclaw as well as a few night runners from all the claw packs. Since then Clan Eshin has sent Nightclaw and his black skaven on numeroussuicide missions in hopes he won’t return, but to their astonishment and disappointment they do.

Unit size 10-30 black skavenincluding Nightclaw

Night Claw is an assassin adept

M5 WS5 BS4 S 4 T4 W2 I6 A2 LD6

Equipment: two hand weapons, poison, throwing stars, tail weapon

Special rules: dodge 4+,Verminous valor, scurry away, scout, skirmish

Black Skaven

M5 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I5 A1 LD5

Equipment: two hand weapons, throwing weapons, slings

Special rules: Scout, Skirmish, scurry away, dodge 6+

Warlock Engineer Seekrit Rare Choice 250 pts.

Seekrit claims to be the creator of Boneripper and the first Engineer to create the Clan Skryre rat ogre. In truth he stole the plans for the first Boneripper model and there have been other warlock engineers who have created more successful versions of the Clan Skryre Rat Ogre. But no other warlock engineer has created the Skryre rat ogre on the mass scale that Seekrit has. Seekrit's models have a tendency to fail with distasteriousconsequences but Seekrit somehow seems to survive to build again. Currently Seekrit has three working models that he is testing on the field. Ripper is his longest lasting; hence forth his most successful model; While Burner and Shooter are still being tinkered with.

Unit Size Seekrit and his three Skryre Rat Ogres

Warlock Engineer Seekrit

M5 WS3 (4) BS3 S3 T3 W2 A1 (2) LD 5

Equipment Warlock-Augmented Shock Prod, Warp Energy Condenser

Special Rules Level 1 wizard knows the warp lighting spell

Warlock-Augmented Shock Prod Allows Seekrit to fight through a rank of rat ogresadds +1 Attack and +1 Strength No armor saves

Lucky Seekrit has a 4+ ward save

Verminous valor Scurry away

Treat as a pack master for his three Skryre rat ogres

If Seekrit is killed then the unit is considered destroyed or if Seekrit flees the unit become motionless cannot attack or moves and all attacks against the rat ogres hit automatically.

Ripper Is Seekrit's longest lasting which also makes it Seekrit's most successful model

MD6+2 WS4 BS1 S5 T5 W3 I1 AD6+1 Ld10

Equipment Ripper is armed with a man flayer it gives Ripper D6 attack each turn if a 1 is rolled then consult the doom flayer misfire table and he cannot attack that turn.


MD6+2 WS3 BS1 S5 T5 W3 I4 A3 LD10

Burner is armed with a miniature version of a warpfire thrower that Seekrit invented. To fire the warpfire thrower place the flame template so that the small end touches Burner any model under the template is hit. Then roll a d6 for strength on a roll of a 1 Burner dose not fire and a mishap has happened consult the warpfire thrower misfire table.


M D6+2WS3 BS2 S5 T5 W3 A3 LD10

Shooter is armed with a rattling gun treat and follows the same rules as a rattling gun and has warpstoneoptics that give him a better BS included in profile.

Movement Seekrit’s rat ogres move at a rate of d6+2 inches roll once for the unit on a roll of a 1 the unite dose not move because something has gone wrong consult chart below. It is possible for the rat ogres to outpace Seekrit if that happens move the rat ogresnormally and they can act normally but they cannot move again until Seekrit catches up.

Movement Mishap Table

D6 roll 1 kaboom on of the rat ogres has suffered a warp engine melt down choose a rat ogre in the unit and any model within d6 inches of that rat ogresuffers a strength 5 hit. The rat ogre is destroyed.

D6 roll 2-3 Kreek thud something has gone wrong with one of the rat ogresengineering the unit can’t move until Seekrit fixes the problem. Roll a d6 on a 4 + the unit may move add +1 to the dice for each turn after Next turn would be a 3+ on a d6 and so on. May defend if attacked

4-5 Spheuu Hiss a miner malfunction causes the unit to halt they may not move this turn but will defend if attacked. May move normally next turn.

D6 roll of a 6 Zoom Zoom A power flux has occurred roll 2 d6 for movement the rat ogres move that far as Seekrit jumps on to ripper clinging by his claws and goes for a ride. The unit moves that far and counts as charging if they hit an enemy unit.

The Albino Guard of the Skrawtail’sClaw Pack Special Choice Skrawtail and 10 Albino Guard including Standardand Musician 175 Points you may add more albino guard for the cost of 10 points per model.

Sometimes the lords of decay find it necessarythat detachments of Albino Guard be loaned to a warlord or greyseer to help fulfill the council’s wishes. When this is deemed they only send the most expendable claw pack leaving the more elite ones back in Skavenblight. Skrawtail’s Claw pack is currently the newest claw pack to be created and therefore get the so called honor of fulfilling the will of the Lords of Decay.

Skrawtail’s Albino guard consist of 10 to 30 members including Skrawtail standard and musician.


M5 WS5 (6) BS4 S4 T4 I6 A3 (4) LD8

Skrawtail is armed with Heavy Armor warplock pistol, tail weapon and Warlock-Augmented Halberd hand weapon andshield.

Special Rules

Scurry Away,Strength in Numbers,Verminous Valor, Stubborn

Albino Guard

M5 WS4 (5) BS3 T3 W1 A1 (2) LD5

Equipment Heavy Armor, Shield, Warlock-Augmented Halberds, hand weapon and the Banner of thirteen.

Special rules Scurry away Strength in numbers, stubborn

Banner of 13 adds +3 to combat resolution

The Death Vermin of Clan Rictus Special Choice 10 Death Vermin including Skrieek Standard and Musician Cost 175 points you can add more death vermin for the cost of 10 points per model

The Death Vermin are renown to being the most lethal killers in the entire under empire. Throughout the under empire they are known as the Black Death. They are often sold to other warlords for a considerable price in hopes that the Death Vermin will not return. Their Current Claw Leader is Skrieek killfang the thirteenth of Cripple Peak, as he announces himself to other warlords he is fighting for.

Unit Size 10+ including SkrieekStandard and Musician

Skrieek Killfang

M5 WS 5 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I6 A3 LD6

Skrieek Killfang is armed with his trusty rat hound Snapper Tail weapon Halberd Heavy Armor and shield

Special rules

Scurry Away, Verminous Valor, Frenzy Strength in Numbers

Snapper has the same rules as a normal rathound with S4 WS4

Death Vermin

M5 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 A1 LD5

Equipment Heavy armor, Shields, halberds, hand weapons, tail weapons

Specialrules Scurry away, Strength in Numbers, Frenzy

Warlock Engineer Rata Sucia and his rat bombs Troop Choice (Dirty Rat in Spanish)

Warlock Engineer Rata is not very successful engineer but that does not stop him from working on his master creation the rat bomb. On the other hand the Estalian engineer is one of the richer warlock engineers because he charges 10 warpstone tokens for each rat he sells and five for each slave. Essentially the rat bombs are a pack of giant rats with a fuse and warpstone explosives connected to them. Most of the time these packs accomplish little but it has not stop Rata from trying and improving his creations. His mad desires have cost Ratas many giant rats as well as slaves and as angered many warlords whom have bought his “fail proof rats bombs”. But each time Rata is never to be found when things go wrong.

Warlock Engineer Rata, like he is going to show up for such a dangerous suicidal task or have to deal with a really PO ed warlord, who paid for his rat bombs,that is why he has slaves.

Ratas’ Slaves 1 to 10 Slaves Each slave cost 5 points per model

M5 WS2 BS 2 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD2

Equipment Shield spear and Ratas’ Bombs

SPECIAL RULES Scurry away Strength in Numbers, expendable Running with the pack mixed unit

Rat Bomb 5 Rat Bombs to every Ratas’ Slave Each Rat Bomb cost five points per model

M6 WS3 BS1 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD3

Equipment teeth and claws Ratas’ Bombs

Special Rules Scurry Away Mixed Unit Rat Pack Waves of Rats Expendable

One slave may be upgraded to a crafted paw leader for + 5 Points

M5 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 A2 LD5

Equipment spear shield Ratas’ Bomb and Ratas’ cap gives LD of 5

Ratas’ Bomb is a warpstone fuse and explosive that is placed in a slave or giant rats body when the rat or slave is killed any model with in d3 inches of the carrier takes a S4 hit -1 armor save warp stone weapon.