Artist rendering of the new Museum

Artifacts & Archives: Using Primary Source Materials to Teach WWII

July 10-12; 9 am- 3 pm

The International Museum of WWII

8 Mercer Road, Natick, MA 01760

The International Museum of WWII displays over 7,500 authentic artifacts and documents from WWII, beginning with an original copy of the Versailles Treaty and ending with documents from the Nuremberg War Crimes trials. The collection covers all of the major combatant nations in WWII and contains artifacts from both the fighting fronts and home fronts.

This summer, July 10-12, the Museum will offer teachers enrolled in this 3-day workshop exclusive access to the collection and the opportunity to learn more about the War, effective techniques for incorporating primary sources in the middle and high school history classroom, and strategies for highlighting the relevance of this history to events in the news today.

Over three days, workshop participants will:

  • Have exclusive access to the collection and to additional items pulled from the Museum archives.
  • Expand their knowledge of WWII through presentations from Professor Cathal Nolan of Boston University and Professor Michael Geheran of West Point.
  • Learn about the 4 Question Method (4QM), a pedagogical system for constructing lesson and unit plans with clear purpose and focus.
  • Identify ways in which WWII is relevant today, particularly with respect to propaganda and so-called “fake news,” and to civic discourse and engagement.
  • Learn effective strategies for incorporating work with primary source material in the classroom/with students. What are the challenges and rewards?
  • Develop a stand-alone lesson plan to use in the classroom incorporating images from the Museum collection. The collection supports topics such as propaganda, technology and innovation, women and war, young people and war, minorities and war, leadership and war, Resistance, the rise of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, and many more.
  • Grad credit through EDCO and Worcester State available; 15 PDPs; $100 stipend.
  • Offered free of charge; limited to 20 teachers; open to EDCO and non-EDCO districts.

To register contact:

Dana MullaleyORSue Wilkins, Director of Education

EDCO CollaborativeThe International Museum of WWII

(508) 655-3701