Political Affairs Internship Weekly Tracker
Please carefully read instructions below!
The Basics
- Follow the assignments on the Weekly Tracker.Cross out in red each assignment as you complete it.
- Don’t mark off an assignment if it’s not complete, turn in your weekly report as is.
- The Weekly Tracker is due by Friday at 5:00PM PST each week. Email it to the Political Affairs Desk at .
- Send questions to .
- If you ever run out of things to work on, visit the go-to assignments page or the Point Chart.
- You must clock in during your shifts and be reachable. Get login information from your manager and then you’ll be able to login in here.
- You’ll notice that some weeks have fewer assignments than others. Those weeks give you more freedom to select your own assignments and focus on areas where you haven’t met your objectives (fundraising, mobilizing, etc.).
- Be as detailed as you can in the Notes section after each weekly tracker tasks. Screenshots of everything are highly encouraged as well any pictures or footage you took of meetings, swarms, events, etc.
- Missed out on the orientation meeting? View this document please – if you have any questions please email your manager.Please email your manager confirming that you have missed the orientation as you will need to attend the next meeting.
Things to Know
- The weekly instructions below are “must-do’s” for each week.
- If you’re feeling ambitious, you are welcome to jump ahead in assignments after you complete the current week. This is an especially good idea if you have finals or other commitments that might create a long week.
- Cross out in red each assignment as you complete it.
My Borgen Project Schedule: (List the day and times you’ll be working and reachable)
DAY / Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / SaturdayTIME
Below you will find documentation that you must continue updating for me to observe your progress each week.
The spreadsheet in this link should be downloaded and constantly updated so I know where you are in the process of setting up Congressional Meetings. Please request access when clicking on the link above and save the spreadsheet on your desktop as you will update this on a weekly basis and turn it in with your tracker.
25-hours of your internship are allocated to work on your personal fundraising campaign. On days you are working on fundraising, list what you’ve accomplished.
Date / Hours / Work Completed8/15 / 1 / Made follow-up phone calls to 12 people I sent letters to. (Delete this Example)
*Networking is a great skill to learn! Read more on how to Network for the Cause here.
Date: / Event: / People you Met:1.
The Big Picture Chart
Below are the big picture items that you need to accomplish during your internship. There might be a couple that you struggle to complete for various reasons, but if you’re fully utilizing your time, the vast majority can be quickly accomplished. Print this page out, place it near your desk and put an “X” through each item as you accomplish it.
Minimum Impact:
Met with Representative / Met with Senator / Met with Senator /Taught 50 people to call congress
Gave 2 Presentations / Raised $500 / 2 Bird-Dogs / Mobilized 100+ people to email Congress
Attend 4 Networking Events / Talked to 3 classes about volunteer ops
The Next Level of Impact:
Mobilized 300 people to email Congress /One of your leader’s cosponsors a key bill / Raised $1,200 /
Generated news coverage for the cause
Week 1
- Go through the New HiresBoot Camp. Be sure to read and watch everything. Your manager will give you an informal, verbal quiz when you meet with them.
- Read an employer’s perspective on the importance of your internship and how it impacts your long-term career goals. What’s your takeaway?
- Read the “Political Affairs Internship Overview” document, found on the new hires page.
- Learnwhy calling Congress matters. Be sure to view the example of the actual call report that leaders receive. In the sample call report, how many people contacted the leader that week in support of the Millennium Project?
- Determine who your leaders are.Add your leaders’ phone numbers to your phone (both their district office and D.C. office). If you have connections to two or more regions (your parents live in LA, but you go to school in NY) then you are welcome and encouraged to focus your both advocacy on both places you have ties to.
- List the names and phone numbers of your Congressional leaders below.
- Sen.
- Sen.
- Rep.
- Create a profile of your leaders. Know what they’re cosponsoring and what makes them tick. Every week you will research your leaders and add info to your profiles of them.TIP:Keep this saved on your desktop! You should be constantly working on this.
- Sign up for your leaders e-newsletters (both campaign and Congressional Office).
- Be familiar with this great way to turn your online shopping into funding for the cause on Amazon. Share the link!
- Follow leaders on their social media accounts (list your leaders Twitter and Facebook page below. Social media has become a big part of influencing leaders and you will need both Twitter and Facebook accounts to complete several assignments.
- Start practicing your elevator pitch and have it ready! I will be going over this with you in our first follow up meeting in Week 2.
- Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Let’s start your fundraising off early!Create an onlinefundraising campaign.
This week remember to email your manager the following:
- Weekly Tracker
- Congressional Meetings spreadsheet update
- Profiles of leaders
- Link to your online fundraising campaign.
NOTES: (keep notes updated to ensure an accurate evaluation of your whole performance)
Week 2
- Schedule a meeting with Congressional leaders. Send the meeting requests to the district offices.
- Send handwritten letters to your 3 Congressional Leaders. Attach copy of the letter when you turn in your weekly tracker.
- Read fundraisingideas.
- Next week you’ll begin your personal fundraising campaign. Review the organizations financials and familiarize yourself with the donor FAQ’s so that you can effectively answer questions from potential donors. You have 25 hours of your internship earmarked to focus on fundraising $500 or more. Those hours and the fundraising minimum should be completed by week 8 of your internship.
- Schedule a time to have a follow up meeting with your Manager:
You will be discussing:
Fundraising and general internship questions
Be sure to have your “Elevator Pitch” ready as I will be asking you about that and how you present The Borgen Project to friends and family.
- Mobilize5people in your state to email leaders is support of the International Affairs Budget.Be sure to have them email via the form on ourwebsite. List their names so the team lead can confirm with the advocacy program.
1. / 2.
3. / 4.
- Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Tweet out to your leaders in support of one of these issues.
Fundraising Strategy
During weeks 3 and 4 of your tracker, you will be sending out fundraising letters to friends and family, and also creating an online fundraising campaign. Your online fundraising campaign, along with your friends and family letters are requirements that will help you reach the $500 minimum, but you’ll need to implement more strategies to ensure the goal is reached. Come up with your own fundraising ideas or try oneof these, and list your fundraising strategies below.
Strategy / Goal / Amount raisedOnline fundraising campaign / $
Friends and family letters / $
List more ideas below. To reach $500 you’ll want to utilize other strategies as well
This week remember to email your manager the following:
- Weekly Tracker
- Congressional Meetings spreadsheet update
- Copy of handwritten letter to congress (photo or scan).
- Screenshot your Tweets
- Were you able to schedule a follow up meeting with your manager? Please state ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. If ‘No’ please provide details in the Notes section below.
NOTES:(keep notes updated to ensure an accurate evaluation of your whole performance)
Week 3
Email the Foreign Policy LA’s (Legislative Assistant) of your leaders.
List the name and email address of your three members of Congress.
- Sen.
- Sen.
- Rep.
Complete fundraisingletters. A minimum of 15 is required, but you’ll want to send at least 30 if you hope to raise $500 off of the letters. Anticipate 1 in 8 might actually donate. Those who raise the most from letters, typically send over 40.
Provide tracking code here: ______
Emailed spreadsheet of your potential donors to and copy yourmanager.
Email 5 or more professors about discussing volunteer and intern ops with their classes.How many professors did you contact:
Email theWhite House.
Call the White House.
Tweet to media.
- Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
This week remember to email your manager the following:
- Weekly Tracker
- Congressional Meetings spreadsheet update
- Don’t forget to include your tracking code above!
- Forward the emails that you sent the Foreign Policy LA’s.
- List of professors you contacted.
- Fundraising letters.
- Screenshot of Tweets
NOTES:(keep notes updated to ensure an accurate evaluation of your whole performance)
Week 4
- Post/Tweet out one of your favorite articles from the BorgenMagazine.
- Write a letter to the editor.
- Complete the Week 4 Boot Camp
- Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
This week remember to email your manager the following:
- Weekly Tracker
- Congressional Meetings spreadsheet update
- Week 4 Boot Camp document.
- Copy of your letter to the editor. Also send a link to your manager if it gets published. We love reading these!
- Screenshot of your Tweet and Facebook Post.
NOTES:(keep notes updated to ensure an accurate evaluation of your whole performance)
Week 5
- Create a swarm.If possible, provide photos of swarm and or video footage. If emailed, please provide list of those contacted below:
- Read/Watch the fundraising follow-up page.
- Email 5 Rotary and community groups about presenting to them.List groups below:
- Tweet your favorite celeb, athlete or public figure asking them to get involved with The Borgen Project.
- Write a letter to the White House.
- Revisit why calling Congress matters and look at the sample call log.
- Read about the Political Process.
- Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
This week remember to email your manager the following:
- Weekly Tracker
- Congressional Meetings spreadsheet update
- List of groups you contacted about presenting to.
- If available, photos of your swarm.
- Screenshot of your Tweet
- Send copy of White House Letter to your Manager
NOTES:(keep notes updated to ensure an accurate evaluation of your whole performance)
Week 6
- Email 10 or more grade school/high-schoolteachers about speaking to their class.
- Create a YouTube video of 4 or more people asking one of your Congressional leaders to support a bill.
- Handwrite letters to your three members of Congress.
- Call into C-SPAN or a talk radio. This will take persistence and lots of waiting on hold. We recommend starting this assignment early.If you are having trouble getting into CSPAN, you can refer to our Point Chart to complete at minimum 20 pts instead.
- Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Post/Tweet to your leaders. Mention a bill that you’d like them to support.
- Follow-up with 10 or more people who you sent fundraising letters to. List who you followed-up with and notes on how it went.
Example: Jon Bravo: I called him and he donated online while we were on the phone.
This week remember to email your manager the following:
- Weekly Tracker
- Congressional Meetings spreadsheet update
- Link to the YouTube video you created.
- List of schools you contacted.
- The recording of you calling into C-SPAN or talk program. These are often available online or by contacting the station. If you opted to do the minimum 20 points on the Point Chart, please specify in the Notes section below what was completed.
- Scan and send a copy of handwritten letters to your Manager
- Screenshot of your Tweet
NOTES:(keep notes updated to ensure an accurate evaluation of your whole performance)
Week 7
- Schedule a time to have a 2nd follow up meeting with your Manager:
- Tweet to your favorite media page.
- Mobilize 5 people in your state to email leaders is support of Food Aid Reform.Provide a list of Names:
- Do 20 ormore points. What did you do for points?
- Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
This week remember to email your manager the following:
- Weekly Tracker.
- Congressional Meetings spreadsheet
- Screenshot of your Tweet
- Were you able to schedule a follow up meeting with your manager? Please state ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. If ‘No’ please provide details in the Notes section below.
NOTES:(keep notes updated to ensure an accurate evaluation of your whole performance)
Week 8
- Create a swarm of 7 or more people. List who you mobilized below:
1. / 2.
3. / 4.
5. / 6.
- Pitch a story to media. List who below who you pitched stories to:
- Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
- You are half way through your internship!List how much you’ve raised so far. Check in with if you’re not sure. Amount raised to date:$______
- Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Post/Tweet to your leaders. Mention a bill that you’d like them to support.
- Below is an outline of the expectations of your internships. How many have you completed? ___
- Revisit the big picture items below that you need to accomplish during your internship. There might be a couple that you struggle to complete for various reasons, but if you’re fully utilizing your time, the vast majority can be accomplished.
- Review your Impact and using the line provided, copy and place it on the boxes you completed.
Minimum Impact:
Met with Representative / Met with Senator / Met with Senator /Taught 50 people to call congress
Gave 2 Presentations /
Raised $500 / 2 Bird-Dogs / Mobilized 100+ people to email Congress
Attend 4 Networking Events / Talked to 3 classes about volunteer ops
The Next Level of Impact:
Mobilized 300 people to email Congress /One of your leader’s cosponsors a key bill /
Raised $1,200 /
Generated news coverage for the cause
- List the items from minimum impact above that you still need to complete:
- What’s your strategy for completing them?
- Are there any items you’re have trouble with and are concerned that you can’t complete?
This week remember to email your manager the following:
- Weekly Tracker
- Congressional Meetings spreadsheet update
- Screenshot of Tweet
NOTES:(keep notes updated to ensure an accurate evaluation of your whole performance)
Week 9
- FUNDRAISING CHECK POINT! At this point in your internship you should have utilized your 25 fundraising hours and raised $500 or more. Remember, over 25 hours of your internship is earmarked for fundraising. If this isn’t achieved yet, this would be a good time to rework your strategies and speak to your manager at or schedule a Skype meetingif you are concerned.
- Have you qualified for any of our key milestones?
- Write letters to your 3 members of Congress.
- Do 10 awareness points. List what you did:
1. / 2.
3. / 4.
5. / 6.
7. / 8.
9. / 10.
- Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Post/Tweet out one of your favorite articles from the Borgen Magazine.
- Write a letter to the editor.
This week remember to email your manager the following:
- Weekly Tracker
- Congressional Meetings spreadsheet update
- Screenshot of your Tweet/Post
NOTES:(keep notes updated to ensure an accurate evaluation of your whole performance)
Week 10
- Post/Tweet to leadersasking them to support a key bill.
- Do 10 or more fundraising points.
- Call into C-SPAN or a talk radio. This will take persistence and lots of waiting on hold. We recommend starting this assignment early. If you are having trouble getting into CSPAN, you can refer to our Point Chart to complete at minimum 20 pts instead.
- Mobilize 5 people in your state to email leaders is support of Food Aid Reform. Provide a list of Names:
1. / 2.
3. / 4.
- Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
This week remember to email your manager the following:
- Weekly Tracker
- Congressional Meetings spreadsheet update
- Screenshot of your Tweets
NOTES: (keep notes updated to ensure an accurate evaluation of your whole performance)
Week 11
- Tweet to media.
- Tweet your favorite celeb, athlete or public figure asking them to get involved with The Borgen Project.
- Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Do 10 or more awareness points.
- Have you set up presentations to classrooms yet? Yes ___ No ___Be sure to follow up with teachers or professors!
- Mobilize 5 people in your state to email leaders is support of Food Aid Reform. Provide a list of Names:
1. / 2.
3. / 4.
This week remember to email your manager the following: