The CATZ Beautiful 12Warmup

The CATZ Beautiful 12 Warm-up was developed by CATZ specifically for town-level teams.The 12 minute routine combines a dynamic warm-up, flexibility training, targeted strengthening, and core development. It is designed to address:

  • Soccer Play with movement skills that translate to enhanced soccer performance.
  • ACL Injuries by encouraging kinesthetic awareness and proper technique for accelerating, decelerating, and jumping at an early age as well as increasing upper body, lower body, and core strength.
  • Concussions by increasing spatial awareness to help players avoid collisions and core, neck, and back strengthening to minimize the whiplash effect from collisions or falls.

PART 1 – Dynamic Warmup – 4 minutes

Setup: Cones or field lines 20 to 25 yards apart depending on age group

Physiological Benefit: Activates key muscle groups. Improves range of motion.

Soccer Benefit: Specifically prepares muscles used in soccer practice and game play.

Forward Motion – all with a jog return

  1. Jog
  2. Skip
  3. Skip with Twist
  4. Forward Shuffles

Lateral Motion – same exercise back and forth

  1. Side Shuffles
  2. Side Hops
  3. Carioca

Backward Motion – all with a jog return

  1. Backward Shuffle with right turn to Forward Run
  2. Backward Shuffle with left turn to Forward Run

Forward Acceleration – all with a jog return

  1. Acceleration Run with 360 Right Turn
  2. Acceleration Run with 360 Left Turn

PART 1 – Dynamic Flexibility – 3 minutes

Set up: None

Physiological Benefit: Prepares muscles for activity.

Soccer Benefit: Improves body control, balance, and stability, incorporates movement

1. Squat and Goalie Punch Across (x 6 each side)

Weight should be on heels during squat. Punch across body alternating right and left side.

2. Retro Lunge (x 6 each leg)

Keep back straight and head up. Weight on back foot while reaching forward to front toes.

3. Quad Stretch (x 2 each leg)

Grab foot with same side hand. Opposite arm reaches forward.

Pick Up and Reach (x 6 each leg)

Split position. Reach forward past knee and back above shoulder.

PART 3 – ACL Prep – Star Drill for Agility and Coordination – 3 mins

Set up: 5 cones are set up in a 5-pointed star shape for drill leader.

Physiological Benefit: Strengthens muscles to help prevent ACL injuries.

Soccer Benefit: Prevents injuries and improves balance, stability, and strength.

Order: Forward, Right, Left, Right Back, Left Back – 5 times around.

  1. Squat with Upper Body Reach - Always return to starting position.
  2. Jumps (2X)Keep hips and shoulders facing forward, feet straight
  3. Squat and Upper Body Reach – single leg Focus on balance and exploration.

PART 4 – Core Development/Concussion Prep Bridge Series – 2 mins

Set up: None

Physiological Benefit: Strengthens core, upper back, and neck to reduce the whiplash effect. Soccer Benefit: Prevents injuries and improves core stability and strength.

  1. Plank on forearms (30 sec. hold) Core tight. Back straight. Keep head and neck in line.
  2. Side Plank on forearms (30 sec. hold each side) Keep legs and hips straight. Do not let hips sag.
  3. Hand Plank (30 sec. hold) Core tight. Back straight. Keep head and neck in line.

TOTAL – 12 minutes

Optional exercises for ACL Prep/Agility & Coordination will be available on the NGS website along with a training video showing proper techniques.