The CATZ Beautiful 12Warmup
The CATZ Beautiful 12 Warm-up was developed by CATZ specifically for town-level teams.The 12 minute routine combines a dynamic warm-up, flexibility training, targeted strengthening, and core development. It is designed to address:
- Soccer Play with movement skills that translate to enhanced soccer performance.
- ACL Injuries by encouraging kinesthetic awareness and proper technique for accelerating, decelerating, and jumping at an early age as well as increasing upper body, lower body, and core strength.
- Concussions by increasing spatial awareness to help players avoid collisions and core, neck, and back strengthening to minimize the whiplash effect from collisions or falls.
PART 1 – Dynamic Warmup – 4 minutes
Setup: Cones or field lines 20 to 25 yards apart depending on age group
Physiological Benefit: Activates key muscle groups. Improves range of motion.
Soccer Benefit: Specifically prepares muscles used in soccer practice and game play.
Forward Motion – all with a jog return
- Jog
- Skip
- Skip with Twist
- Forward Shuffles
Lateral Motion – same exercise back and forth
- Side Shuffles
- Side Hops
- Carioca
Backward Motion – all with a jog return
- Backward Shuffle with right turn to Forward Run
- Backward Shuffle with left turn to Forward Run
Forward Acceleration – all with a jog return
- Acceleration Run with 360 Right Turn
- Acceleration Run with 360 Left Turn
PART 1 – Dynamic Flexibility – 3 minutes
Set up: None
Physiological Benefit: Prepares muscles for activity.
Soccer Benefit: Improves body control, balance, and stability, incorporates movement
1. Squat and Goalie Punch Across (x 6 each side)
Weight should be on heels during squat. Punch across body alternating right and left side.
2. Retro Lunge (x 6 each leg)
Keep back straight and head up. Weight on back foot while reaching forward to front toes.
3. Quad Stretch (x 2 each leg)
Grab foot with same side hand. Opposite arm reaches forward.
Pick Up and Reach (x 6 each leg)
Split position. Reach forward past knee and back above shoulder.
PART 3 – ACL Prep – Star Drill for Agility and Coordination – 3 mins
Set up: 5 cones are set up in a 5-pointed star shape for drill leader.
Physiological Benefit: Strengthens muscles to help prevent ACL injuries.
Soccer Benefit: Prevents injuries and improves balance, stability, and strength.
Order: Forward, Right, Left, Right Back, Left Back – 5 times around.
- Squat with Upper Body Reach - Always return to starting position.
- Jumps (2X)Keep hips and shoulders facing forward, feet straight
- Squat and Upper Body Reach – single leg Focus on balance and exploration.
PART 4 – Core Development/Concussion Prep Bridge Series – 2 mins
Set up: None
Physiological Benefit: Strengthens core, upper back, and neck to reduce the whiplash effect. Soccer Benefit: Prevents injuries and improves core stability and strength.
- Plank on forearms (30 sec. hold) Core tight. Back straight. Keep head and neck in line.
- Side Plank on forearms (30 sec. hold each side) Keep legs and hips straight. Do not let hips sag.
- Hand Plank (30 sec. hold) Core tight. Back straight. Keep head and neck in line.
TOTAL – 12 minutes
Optional exercises for ACL Prep/Agility & Coordination will be available on the NGS website along with a training video showing proper techniques.