The Cardio-Vascular System

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The Cardio-vascular system


The cardio-vascular system is made up of What are the functions of the Cardiovascular System?

·  ______*______

·  ______*______

·  ______*______

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Cardio-vascular fitness is



To do this you need a strong heart and healthy blood vessels (veins and arteries)

to supply the muscles with plenty of oxygen via the blood

A healthy heart can pump more blood per beat than a less healthy one.

What is the effect of regular exercise on resting heart rate?




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Temperature regulation:

Lumen: the internal diameter of blood vessels







A healthy, active lifestyle and your Cardiovascular System

Blood Vessels

Arteries / Veins / Capillaries

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Important Definitions:

Heart Rate (HR)


Where can we take our pulse from? Label the points on the runner.....

Stroke Volume (SV)


Cardiac Output (Q)


Calculation for Cardiac Output


Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)


Calculation for MHR:______

Recovery Rate______

Blood Pressure______

Systolic blood pressure

Diastolic blood pressure______

Annotate the diagram to

explain the double circulatory system

Shade the diagram red to show oxygenated blood and blue to

show deoxygenated blood

Describe and explain the immediate effects of exercise on the circulatory system...

}  Heart rate ______


}  Stroke Volume______


}  Cardiac Output______


}  Blood pressure______


}  Blood composition (Oxygen, Lactic acid, carbon dioxide, glycogen,Adrenaline)

what changes will there be to the make up of the blood travelling to the working muscles?




what changes will there be to the makeup of the blood returning from the working muscles?




A healthy, active lifestyle and your Cardiovascular System


Red Blood Cells / White Blood Cells / Platelets / Plasma

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A healthy, active lifestyle and your Cardiovascular System

Blood Pressure

What is Blood Pressure? Reducing Blood pressure

Effects of Lifestyle on blood pressure?

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Effects of Exercise on your Cardiovascular System

Immediate Effects

The working muscles produce carbon dioxide and demand more oxygen. As a result...

·  Heart rate......


·  Stroke Volume......


·  Cardiac output......


·  Adrenaline is released......


·  Vascular shunt......


·  Blood pressure......


·  Temperature increases resulting in

sweating and Vasodilation.


Long Term Effects

The body adapts (becomes more efficient) as a result of regular exercise. As a result, in the cardio-vascular system sees...

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A healthy, active lifestyle and your Cardiovascular System

The Importance of Diet

What to avoid What to prioritise





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A healthy, active lifestyle and your Cardiovascular System

How can your lifestyle effect your Cardio-Vascular System?

Good Cholesterol/Bad Cholesterol – what does it all mean?

High Density Lipoprotein - HDL

Low Density Lipoprotein - LDL