Minutes –Unconfirmed
The Central Locality Forum
30th July 2015, 10am
The Business Centre, Brunswick Street, Stockton-on-Tees
Members: Suzanne Fletcher (Chair, Fairtrade Partnership), Pam Birtle (Love Stockton), Cllr M Clark (SBC), Verna Pickering (Roseworth Residents), Steve Brock (Stockton Town Pastors), Jacky Duncan (KHNE), Marilyn Surtees, Cllr R Proud (SBC)*Members are representing their nominating body.
Advisors: Sarah Robinson (SBC), Laurayne Featherstone (SBC), Kate Fulton (SBC)
Observers: Cllr N Wilburn (SBC), Cllr D Wilburn (SBC)
Apologies: Cllr S Nelson (SBC), Gareth Rees (Thorpe Thewles Residents), Josie Bailes (Over 50’s Assembly), Claire Naylor (Job Centre Plus), James Hadman (Catalyst), Paul Thomas (Tilery Residents Association), Anne Howard (Vice Chair, Newtown Residents Association), Tina Williams (Community Partnership), Roy Parker
- Welcome and Apologies
All present provided information on what they had been up to recently as organisations/groups across the community.
2. Declarations of Interest
DOI procedure was noted. / Noted
3. Minutes of the Meeting held on 28th May 2015
The minutes were agreed. / Agreed
4. Measuring Impact – Kate Fulton, Stockton Borough Council
Following the changes from April 2014 and the adoption of the new Locality Forums and the new ways of working for the Locality Forums through the task and finish style of working, it is important that we can evidence the difference they have made and the impact that this work is having on our community. To enable the Locality Forums to do this various toolkits were looked at and one has been identified for use by all four of the Locality Forums. This evidence work will then be able to be showcased at the Annual Business Meeting of the Stockton Strategic Partnership which is taking place February 2016. It was discussed that understanding/monitoring impact is important as it provides clarity/focus on what the Forum is doing, it is clear to others how they might fit in with priorities, helps plan activity, provides an evidence base, clear to stakeholders what value they may add, supports bids and credibility. It will also help the Locality Forums to see the unforeseen benefits which would otherwise not be captured.
It is important when refreshing the action plan that priorities are set based on need and what is happening on the ground. Need to be realistic about numbers and have an idea about where it is you want to go. An understanding of measuring the impact will enable a greater focussed approach for task and finish groups as it is all about making a difference. It will also help with the planning of the task and finish groups as from the start there will be discussions on evaluation tools and build a picture of what, how, who and when and will look at what difference do we want to make and how will we know.
For monitoring and evaluation need to establish initially what needs to be measured as impact can be measured on a number of levels. Need to be clear up front how, when and by whom impact will be measured. It was discussed that there are various tools for monitoring/evaluation which include: case studies, interviews, focus groups, surveys, increase in participation, numbers and longer term goal/target. There are different ways of reporting outcomes such as visual, graphic, video recording and thank you letters.
Review is important and this can be through regular updates and monitoring through task and finish meetings to help build a story. Progress and monitoring of priorities a standing agenda item for the Annual Business Meeting of the Stockton Strategic Partnership and review enables a better understanding and ready made storyboard for the annual meeting. Review also gives you the chance to look at what worked well and what went not so well which will help inform future planning.
It was discussed that it is important to have buy in from the Locality Forum Chairs to ensure effective planning and regular monitoring. Support will be provided to the Locality Forums on this through the Community Engagement Team and there will be support to the forums from the Business Support and Improvement Team over the next 12 months in the initial project planning stage to embed the culture leading up to the February 2016 annual meeting. Further training for the task and finish groups can be provided if required. / Noted
5. Priorities for the coming year (Central Locality Forum Action Plan)
There was a discussion on the current action plan and how it was initially developed. Reflecting over the last year and the number of priorities which have been looked at to date, it was agreed for the need to be realistic with the number of priorities that we have on the action plan for 2015/16. Any of the priorities that are removed for the current action plan will not be forgotten but will be ‘parked’ with the opportunity to look at them when refreshing the action plan again.
It was requested that Liz Rooney be contacted to see if the work that she was doing on promoting apprenticeships took place, although it was noted that she has moved from the UK.
Opportunities for 18-24 year olds on work experience schemes was discussed along with the experience from Elm Tree Community Centre on the good experience that they have had with their two placements. It was suggested that Elm Tree compile some information which can be shared with other community organisations on the experience that they have had and how volunteer expenses can be picked up. This could be something that Catalyst could share with the wider VCSE sector.
Information to be sought on the Know Your Money initiative and circulated to the Forum.
It was agreed that the following priorities currently on the action plan remain:
- Tees Credit Union as work is still ongoing on this priority
- Breastfeeding as work is still ongoing on this priority
- Fuel poverty on the action plan as work is still ongoing in terms of mapping how many people are on pre-paid meters.
- Fairer Start to also remain on the action plan as the Forum will continue to receive updates and be involved in the programme.
- Job Clubs to remain on the action plan. Discussed that a mapping exercise needs to be undertaken to see what is out there and what is taking place across the community. Task and finish group to be set up to look at this and extend the invite to SBC regeneration team and Job Centre Plus.
Marilyn Surtees to compile some information on her experience of this
SR to circulate.
Central Locality Forum Action Plan to be updated to reflect these changes.
6. Feedback from Task and Finish Groups
Tees Credit Union – Forum Wide
A task and finish group meeting was held on the 18th June 2015 and the feedback from this meeting was circulated. Tracey Rix-Mason is the new Chief Officer for Tees Credit Union and they have now rebranded themselves as ‘Your Community Bank’. The Simply, Spend and Save scheme has been launched, the Credit Union is now a quarterly item on the Housing and Neighbourhood Partnership and an e bulletin is being developed to be sent regularly. Following the task and finish group, discussions have been had with Martin Landers, Roseworth Big Local about setting up a pilot project with Rosebrook Primary School to encourage children and their families to open and save with a Tees Credit Union account. As an incentive for the children, will offer to sign them up and put £3 into their account. Tees Credit Union also have a financial education officer who will work with the school as part of the proposed project.
Breastfeeding – Forum Wide
A ‘train the trainers’ session took place on the 14th July 2015. The session was well attended including forum reps, reps from the wider VCSE, local ward councillors, A Fairer Start reps and children’s centres. Elm Tree Community Centre have signed up to the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme and if appropriate, centre staff will provide a case study from someone breastfeeding in the centre. SR to get in touch with Jacky Duncan re signing Newtown Community Resource Centre up to the scheme and packs to be provided to Pam Birtle for Love Stockton venues.
The work that the Forum is doing on breastfeeding also links into the Fairer Start programme and representatives from Fairer Start were present at the training session.
Forum members to get in touch if they would like to receive the breastfeeding training as it was train the trainers session, those in attendance will be able to provide the training to them. / Noted
SR to contact
Forum members to get in touch if they would like the training.
7. Items for Information
- Following the Central Locality Forum task and finish group on FASD, Maria has won a Catalyst Achievement Award, FASD is on the scrutiny programme and public health have mainstreamed Maria’s training on FASD. / Noted.
8. Date and Time of Next Meeting
Thursday 24h September 2015, 10am, Yarm Road Methodist Church. / Noted