Regular Meeting

August 10, 2009

The budget hearing was held at 7:00PM.

Brad Gilmore, President, called the regular meeting to order at 7:35PM, August 10,

2009. [Call to Order]

Miriam Scholz, Galen Weiland, Brad Gilmore, Scott Twombly, Bill Hargis, Rod Carwell,Rex

Bollinger, Superintendent, Chris Lackey, HSPrincipal, Kristi Elli,E/MS Principaland Janelle

Wohletz, Clerk. [Members Present]

Doug Johnson was absent.[Members Absent]

Donna Parish, Ramona Gilfillan, Donita Johnson were visitors.[Visitors]

Bill Hargis moved to approve the consent amended agenda with the following 5J:AI.

Student Assurance, 5K:AI Athletic Trainer Contract, 5L:AI Greenbush Programs and

5M:AI Spanish Textbooks, the minutes of July 13th regular meeting and July 28th special meeting,

and the bills as presented.Rod Carwell seconded. Motion carried. (6-0) [Approve Consent

Agenda, Minutes &


There were no Patron or Teacher Representative; Rod Carwell gave the DCEC report,Rex Bollinger,

Primary Principal, Kristi Ellis, E/MS Principal and Chris Lackey, HS Principal gave their reports,

and Rex Bollinger gave the Superintendent’s Report. [Communications]

Galen Weiland moved to approve the 2009-10 General Fund Budget of $4,176,724(20 mills)

with a LOB of $820,000 (11.997 mills). Bill Hargisseconded. Motion carried. (6-0) [2007-08 Budget


At 8:35PM, Rod Carwell moved to go into executive session to discuss personnel

matters of non-elected personnel in order to protect the privacy interests of the

individual(s) to be discussed and that we return to the open meeting at 8:45PM.

Galen Weiland seconded. Motion carried. (6-0)[Executive Session]

Chris Lackey, Kristi Ellis and Rex Bollinger wereasked to stay.

The regular session resumed at 9:45PM.

At 8:45PM, Rod Carwell moved to go into executive session to discuss personnel

matters of non-elected personnel in order to protect the privacy interests of the

individual(s) to be discussed and that we return to the open meeting at 9:03PM.

Galen Weiland seconded. Motion carried. (6-0)[Executive Session]

Chris Lackey, Kristi Ellis and Rex Bollinger were asked to stay.

The regular session resumed at 9:03PM.

Rod Carwell moved to accept the resignation from Linda Maris and to offer contracts to Curtis

Stroud asK-8 Music Teacher, Judy Allen as High School Concession Stand Sponsor, Kristin

Demel as freshmanVB Coach. Scott Twombly seconded.Motion carried. (6-0) [Contracts]

The recommended updated policies from KASB will be reviewed by the policy committee and bring

the recommendations back to the board at the next meeting. [KASB Policies]

The board reviewed the pandemic flu plan and the policy committee and the nurse will get together

to bring a recommendation back to the board for approval. [Pandemic Flu Plan]

Rod Carwell moved to approve the health insurance quote from Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Miriam

Scholz seconded. Motion carried. (6-0) [Health Insurance]

Scott Twombly moved to the ACH authorized signers (direct deposits): Jan Wohletz, Joann Karn

and Rex Bollinger, Authority to invest and cash in funds in certificate of deposit on USD 111 monies:

Joann Karn and Rex Bollinger, and authorization of check signers for USD 111: Jan Wohletz, Joann

Karn,Rex Bollinger, Doug Johnson and Brad Gilmore for district account, Rex Bollinger and Jan

Wohletz for the DWPS account,Dixie Collins and Kristi Ellis for the DWE/MS account and Ginger

Scott and Chris Lackey for theDWHS account. Bill Hargis seconded. Motion carried. (6-0) [Authorize ACH and

Check signers]

Bill Hargis moved to approve the manual dishwasher bid in the amount of $11,385.00 for the high

school. Rod Carwell seconded. Motion carried. (6-0) [DWHS


Scott Twombly moved to approve 5 college credits hours for Cyndi Geisen. Miriam Scholz seconded.

Motion carried. (6-0) [College Credits]

Scott Twombly moved to approve the student accident assurance for 2009-2010 school year in the

amount of $6198.00 with the Jim Lock Agency. Rod Carwell seconded. Motion carried. (6-0) [Student Assurance]

Bill Hargis moved to approve the Athletic Trainer Contract as recommended by the Superintendent

with the Midwest Sports Medicine/Cotton O’Neil Clinic out of Topeka. Scott Twombly seconded.

Motion carried. (6-0) [Athletic Trainer


Scott Twombly moved to approve the programs from Greenbush Tech/Media Center $2403.00,

School Improvement $2714.00 and IDL Network $11,000.00 as recommended from Mr. Bollinger.

Rod Carwell seconded. Motion carried. (6-0) [Greenbush


Rod Carwell moved to buy Spanish textbooks not to exceed $4500.00. Scott Twombly seconded.

Motion carried. (6-0) [Spanish Textbooks]

Bill Hargis moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:50PM. Scott Twombly seconded. Motion carried.

(6-0) [Adjournment]


President 8-10-2009 Clerk 8-10-2009