Name: ______


Bruno’s Letter

At the end of chapter eight, Bruno sits down and writes a letter to his Grandmother. The narrator says:

…That day he sat down with a pen and paper and told her how unhappy he was there and how much he wished he was back home in Berlin. He told her about the house and the garden and the bench with the plaque on it and the tall fence and the wooden telegraph poles and the barbed wire bales and the hard ground beyond them and the huts and the small buildings and the smoke stacks and the soldiers, but mostly he told her about the people living there and their striped pajamas and cloth caps, and then he told her how much he missed her and he signed off his letter ‘your loving grandson, Bruno’.

Your job is to write the letter that Bruno wrote to his grandmother during World War II. Consider how Bruno interprets the various situations, conversations and incidents at Out-With. Describe and refer to three specific things (people, things he’s seen, things he doesn’t understand…) that you feel have made the biggest impact on Bruno. Use sensory details (such as the sights, sounds, smells) that might be associated with his new home


  • Begin your letter with: Dear Grandmother,
  • And finish with: Your loving grandson, Bruno
  • Your letter should be ¾ of a page, typed and double spaced.

Marking Scheme


-Chooses three specific incidents from the book that influenced Bruno /3

-Uses sensory details to add interest to the letter/9

(sights, sounds, smell, taste, feel)


-Is written from Bruno’s point-of-view and voice /3

  • (Sounds like a 9-year-old boy)

-Spelling and grammar

  • Focus on: Capitalization, end punctuation/5

BONUS MARK: Looks like a real letter (Consider font, condition of paper, envelope, postage, pictures, doodles, or anything else Bruno may want to include)

Due Date: ______

Brainstorming Chart

Plan out the content of your letter before you begin writing. Point form notes are fine. Consider Bruno’s perspective on life at Out-With.

Introduction: (saying hello to his Grandmother, talking about the trip there, and/or talking about how much he misses Berlin)
First thing / Description
(Sight, sounds, smell, touch, taste)
Second thing / Description
(Sight, sounds, smell, touch, taste)
Third thing / Description
(Sight, sounds, smell, touch, taste)
Conclusion: (how Bruno finishes his letter to his Grandmother)