Choice Board: Review for Social Studies-Semester 1
Directions: By Thursday, you must complete at least 4 of the squares on the Choice Board. When you complete the square, “X” the square out and attach the completed assignment to this handout.
Each completed assignment is worth 25 points (totaling 100 points); this is a Project grade.
Using the map located in your textbook on page A15, locate the latitude and longitude of Paris, Madrid, St. Petersburg, London and Stockholm. / Create a postcard for one of the physical features of Australia. This must include a picture and a message to a friend. / Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Australia’s government with the U.S. government.. /
Give a 2 minute talk
to the class about
the relationship between GDP and literacy rate.
Pretend you are a soldier in WWI. Write a letter to a family a member describing your experience. Use at least 5 adjectives and underline all adjectives. / Write a song or a rap about the three different religions in Europe. / Create a newspaper article about the fall of the Berlin Wall. Include the 5 W’s. / Interview someone in the class about Environmental issues in Europe (Acid Rain, Air pollution, Chernobyl). Include the question and response.
Create ten questions about WWII, Russian Revolution, the Holocaust and the Cold War. All questions must begin with “Why?” or “How?” / Read a current events article on the internet
about the European Union.
Share and report article with the class. / Write a 3 paragraph biography about Adolf Hitler. / Pretend you are the President and you have decided to make more of an investment in human capital. Write a 5 paragraph essay about the benefits of investing in human capital.